Friday, March 6, 2015

Life at ONE…

  Oh Stop- you didn’t really think I would get used to this whole ONE thing did you!?!?

Life has literally sped up i feel like since our one year mark and my girl is ALL over the place these days!

Here is what life has looked like our first month with a one year old!1423770639517

After Lolas “real” birthday we went to her dreaded doctors appointment and this was by far the worst shots experience yet!

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The good news was my little shortie made it back on the charts this go round’! We are up to the 25th percentile in weight and staying steady at 50th percentile for height!

We LOVE seeing Doctor Morgan, he is simply one of the best and we just know it was fate that he was on call when our little girl was born! We were good until he left… then it was time for shots!1423772592919

Honest to God it was the worst ever, it gets worse every time and she makes me feel SO bad! This time we had to leave the room as soon as it was over, usually all i have to do is pick her up and she calms down… not this time! We bolted out the room naked and all to go find…. “ducks”! Every time she cries at home Alex and I show her the ducks out back and it instantly calms her down.…  So we scanned the windows into the parking lot… naked… looking for ducks!

It was terrible… eventually she calmed down enough for me to get the essentials on her and we hit the road!


The day after Lola’s Birthday we were so excited we had gotten to share a slumber party weekend with her cousins Julian and Avery! So the next morning we took Lola and Julian out on a brunch date before they headed home!


Lola is ALWAYS infatuated with other little kids.. especially, i have noticed, with little girls! This time was the first time someone was infatuated with her! Thank you Julian!!20150215_105955   Lola loves having her own “mat” now to eat big girl food!1424019358150 - Copy

Side note: Julian was SO excited about helping Uncle Alex make her own bracelet (like he had made for me) before she left! We decided on the way home from brunch that it should say “Julian and Lola CFF” which stands for “cousins and friends forever”!


Isn’t she the sweetest!  20150215_124612

Ok aren’t both of them the sweetest… 20150215_124631Lou loved making it for her and added a little something extra special on the inside!   20150215_124716

I guess we’re both lucky girls!  20150215_124735

Since our birthday party we are into Tea parties now!

20150215_130731Nothing like a drive through for tea from Gigi! 20150215_130734

We are still are having birthday flashbacks anytime someone brings out birthday related memorabilia! 

Ya can’t win em’ all! 20150215_130934

Thank goodness for a day off of relaxation (wishful thinking) and some (false alarm) good snow days to catch up on us after the girls big tea party!! 

20150217_094715I think we looked like this for 3 days…. literally. 20150218_08332820150216_133409

Yeah it was pretty bad….

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I love our lazy yet ever so exhausting days at home looking for ducks, chasing you around and waiting on daddy to come home!  

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20150217_1659311424211763187 - Copy 1424213477169 - Copy 1424217169724 - Copy  I think it’s fair to say since the girl has turned one… our house has turned into pure insanity about 99.9% of the time….

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    You still love baths- ok that’s an understatement- your SUCH a water baby! Your daddy still can’t believe how you just let me pour water over your head and you never even flench!

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… and to this day Daddy is the only one who can get you out your baths! He knows just how to hold you and is a professional towel wrapper these days!!


You are such the little GO girl lately! This was our first week moving you from two naps to one and it has been wonderful except ONE thing…. it’s still really hard to get you to hold off until that second nap- UNLESS we keep you REALLY busy!  1424556859319 - Copy

You have NEVER been one of those babies who just falls asleep somewhere- like EVER. Alex says “newsflash- she is your child” which i totally agree BUT I also wonder if it’s because for the most part we have always had you on a pretty good schedule/ mamas psycho….1424561660461 - Copy

So we are trying to keep you stimulated until about 12:30and then let you go down for one big nap instead of fighting two small naps!

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Shopping is naturally the best way to pass time- and no i am totally not taking advantage of this need to be out and about shopping ;) For the record i am selflessly entertaining my child:)20150222_16462620150222_164635

In all seriousness I did hit a major depression the other day when i realized that technically they sell 12 months size in the baby section AND in the toddler section of most stores….. Yeah I think we will stick to the baby section as long as possible- no toddlers here! #denial  20150222_175052(0) 20150222_175103 20150222_175109   Nope, don’t see any!20150222_175139 20150222_175145

  Food has been another “fun” adventure of turning one.. we aren’t interested unless it’s noodles, bread or cheese.1423873199512 - CopyThe funny hting is you now come running, literally, when I say, “Lola, you wana snack”? Usually you run to the pantry and push the door in- and then you remember you have to be in your chair!

So yes, we spend lots of time up here testing different things and then watch mommy face as we throw them all on the floor or “feed them to Milly”!

Here are some of my favorite videos of you and this whole food thing!

A mess I tell ya!

It was pretty frustrating in the beginning actually because she was doing so good eating everything and then all of a sudden nothing! I read it normal for them to have a decreased apetite at this stage So I keep telling myself, this is “just a phase”! Please, le it be a phase! 20150221_18501520150221_18495620150221_185017

Most fruits except apples and most vegetables except celery are a no go!

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So we have loaded you down with milk- your sippy pretty much stays full at all times and you usually always have something cheese related in your hand! 1424975754118 - Copy 1424975854309 - Copy 1424976080132 - Copy 1424978021430 - CopyLola’s not interested face… and yes one day i promise we will get her out of the bumbo!   1424626643421 - Copy

Lola now knows that the deli is who gives us the good stuff! More cheese please!

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Lola is getting so much better with songs and books now! She used to not give me a chance to start unless we were going to sleep because she was on the move to the next! She actually brought me a book the other day and sat in my lap for me to read it! She also loves singing the wheels on the bus- she loves the SHHH SHHH SHHH part!

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She also starting to like puzzles and learning where things go! She knows the animals on some of her puzzles too! Piggy and quack quack are some of her favorites!

In other big girl news we are now officially done with bottles! She was holding on to her night night bottle but i started to notice how slow she was going on them and leaving them almost full before bed so we started moving her dinner closer to bedtime and then now we just do books before bed!

For being my routine baby she sure does well with adjustments!


     In mommy and daddy news we have the good and we have the bad and we have the good side to the bad…

For me I have a little bit of both! The good would of course be these two!IMG_0687 - Copy

I put the girl to bed and had an impromtu date night out with these two lovely girls as they built more Bleu Blush Boutique inventory at the MART in Atlanta a few weeks ago and although i was sick and terribly hoarse it was just what i needed! 1422584405233

The next night they came to me before heading home so they could see Lola before she went to bed and as soon as Lola went down we made an emergency trip to Krispy Kreme!1422674205964 1422675398099

The good part to the bad is I finally saw a doctor about my hives that I have had since December every night and every morning! They were getting worse and after Lolas birthday weekend where they took over my face and left me looking like i just left the oral surgeon with a swollen face, eye and lip I had had enough!

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After speaking with the doctor he put together that it started the same weekend Lola weaned herself from nursing- how did i miss that!?! I guess that’s why he gets paid the big bucks! He was pretty sure the hives were hormone related and before getting my blood work back Alex found a blog that a million moms have written in on to discuss post partum hives! Apparently it’s not to talked about but can be quite common in pregnant and post partum women… After my blood work cam back it did prove to be my thyroid and all i could think is- I knew it! Lola and I were LITERALLY meant to be together! Why else would I start to break out in hives the same day we are no longer physically in tune with eachother!?!?!

I mean hello, that’s a duh right!?

The real good news is DADDY LOU got another new job! 20150302_180719

Again no clue what he is doing but we are super proud that his new title is as a senior level engineer which he has always looked up to! We also love that he is home before 5 everyday!

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Apparently in the summer the whole place closes at 4pm!!


So as you can imagine we are dying over spring and summer to just get here all ready! We have been teased by it a bit this week- more of that to come!