Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lola turns ONE!!

What a big week we had with this birthday girl!

20150207_181013 20150207_181304 Daddy Lou and I had been planning, decorating and getting the house all ready for Lolas big tea party and the day before her birthday the showering of love began!!!20150207_165056

Aunt Diane send Lola our first (ever) edible arrangement that was so yummy! 1423352869888

… and Mom and dad sent the mama of the birthday girl flowers!! I call it “surviving the first year flowers”! 20150209_202907

The next morning we were so excited to wake Lola up! Lou brought her to bed with me and she snuggled me so sweetly! Then we kissed daddy good bye and headed downstairs for pancakes.. with candles in them of course!

DSC04741  Oh stop… you didn’t actually think i would go to work did you!?!DSC04748 DSC04749

Not a chance. DSC04755

Birthday morning are the best!  DSC04759

Leave it to our early bird Aunt Taytay to give us the first phone call… on skype- this is Lolas face when I say “Aunt Taytay is calling Lola”! DSC04761 DSC04762  She loves trying to give her a hug through the phone! DSC04770

You can imagine the multi tasking i was doing trying to capture this right!? It was so worth it…. I love their love!


Then it was party time!!!1423580636586

Gigi called and we sent her a million pictures of Lola in one of her many birthday present from Gigi! Her chair came just in time! 20150210_095653

Does it get any sweeter… 20150210_095731those eyes kill me. All my life UI have waited to look into those eyes and no here she sits in front of me every day! What ever did i do to get this life? 20150210_095732

My birthday girl!! 20150210_095743

Lola took a big long nap and then we headed out to daddy's work to visit his co-workers and have lunch!


The whole way there we jammed out to “My name is zoom and i live on the moon but i came down to earth just to sing you this tune- hey Lola, it’s your birthday…..” that Uncle bily and Aunt Angela sent us!! We love a tradition and thats the cd we all has with our own names as a kid!

See daddy itty bitty at the bottom in blue? I thought I would take a picture of his building since he is leaving at the end of the month- more on that to come (Yay for Daddy Lou yet again)! 1423591294270

Lola loved meeting everyone at daddy’s work and got to see the board that they all made bets of her actual due date on! She also met the winner of that bet! She showed off practiced her walking, flirted with the boys and let the girls hold her! '20150210_131732

Her favorite part by far was the view from daddy’s window!    1423592303218

We picked a yummy barbeque place just up the street from Lou’s work and Lola loved trying barbeque for the first time!

1423594052074Of course the noodles were still her favorite!   1423594154968

That and the people watching…. 1423594769720

We talked daddy into leaving work after lunch so we could go to the park and enjoy some of this cold sunshine but Lola and I still managed to get a head start in him to go shopping for a bit at Swoozies for some last minute items for Lolas party! 1423596755826

Told ya this was way better than work daddy! 1423605591924


I made sure to keep Lolas day VERY busy so the depression of having a one year old couldn’t sneak up on me and for the most part i did pretty good…. I have to admit though, it’s absolutely the craziest thing ever to say I have a one year old! Even looking at her tonight walking through the den I can’t believe she is ours…. she is still supposed to be a baby who does nothing but sleep and poop with the occasional gas smile!  Oh hum! 1423605746670

On birthdays; these two do slides!

20150210_165357  Our happy birthday girl!20150210_16562620150210_16564520150210_170547  Then we were off for a little more last minute shopping to get Lola the sweetest pea coat, pink tights for her one year old photo shoot tomorrow and her first birthday cookie!


Then we helped daddy at Rei pick out pants for the party… well I helped him… Lola was busy offering her time to sort and re-organize every granola bar in the store! 1423610066501

We literally just couldn’t get her to leave… she won’t make eye contact when she is sorting because she is so fixated on it and I never have the heart to pull her away.. I keep waiting for a “stopping point” but then she starts completely over… our little perfectionist!


  We finally got to give Lola her rocking horse we had ordered for her and she had no clue what to do with it! DSC04775

We were definitely more excited than her…shocker….. I guess we should have gone with granola bars and bins this year! DSC04780 DSC04792 DSC04801 DSC04802 Oh well! On to dinner, please don’t let our cookie disappoint!   DSC04806 DSC04808 DSC04809 DSC04811 It was a winner!! DSC04814 DSC04820

The next day we raced out to Rock Mart (also known to me as BF) for Lola’s One year old photo shoot! Our sweet nanny spent most of her day collecting props for the photo shoot throughout our house after I called her in SPAZ mode because i had just found out the props were not included in the shoot!

She was so sweet to get it all together and had Lola all ready and dressed for when Alex picked her up! I told him whatever you do make sure she gets a bib on her before getting in the car! 1423691928015

I met them with dinner, balloons and a “smash cake” for the photo shoot and we made the long drive with a cranky baby to get a photo shoot i had high hopes for!  1423691985009 1423692085018

We finally got there and Dez had it set up cute as could be… props and all! Apparently they weren’t the props i originally wanted but is this not adorable!?!?!

IMG_9736Unfortunately Lola refused to sit in the truck and when she saw the cake she screamed bloody murder! Literally. Oh yeah and did i mention when we got out the car one of the balloons flew away and I dropped the “smash” cake face down on the ground!

Oh yes… we were happy people. A photo shoot to remember!

The only way to get her to calm down was for me to hold her..  we eventually called it quits!  Too bad Lola was not having it- cross your fingers that at least something from that day turned out!  1423873199512 

The next day was just as eventful! We had Lola's one year appointment (since daddy said it’s against the rules to go to the doctor on your real birthday) and Gigi and Poppy were on their way!

20150213_192206   Waiting to see our favorite- Dr. Morgan!1423770639517  The easy parts over Lola (we’re back up to the charts now and in the 25%, Dr. Morgan believes this is Lolas normal- and she is 50% for height!) …. now the worst part, shots! 1423772948897

This was by FAR the worst shot experience we have had! Thankfully Lola is typically a trooper with shots but we literally had to walk out the room after her shots to go look for “ducks” (out the window- in the parking lot- that’s our thing to do at home that gets her to quit crying- too bad there were no ducks… ugh) 1423772592919

It was bad!

I got her home and Gigi and Poppy had just pulled up! Thankfully they cheered her right up! 20150213_193424

Later that night Mom and I got in the zone decorating for Lola’s party! I think we only slept about 3 hours Thursday and Friday night! 1423893554243

Can you tell we were getting delirious….

Friday we finalized all the banners (i think i made about 12!), finished shopping, made the party favors, did some baking, decorating and cooking and Aunt Taytay got here!


The next morning it was game ON! Your birthday party was finally here!! We were so excited to host our first Tea Party just for you and share you with all of our closest family and friends! More of that to come!


Love you sweet Lola, Tea Party blog to come!