Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Owl-O-Ween and Milestones!

Last weekend Lola got SO spoiled by all the loving from Aunt Cara and Aunt JJ! I was naturally in heaven just being in their presence- the older I get the more I value these sweet, selfless friends! We all got together to celebrate Halloween a bit early and well, lets be honest… stare at Lola!


Babies love Aunt Cara (she’s the coolest!) and so do boys, yes boys! So as soon as “bozo the clown” gave her this fancy balloon she gave it to Lola and it made her day!20141026_161657

I remember in college as much as Ana and I loved it each other and  Ana and little Alex LOVED going to see Miss Cara! That goes for any other kids i ever baby sat, I would feel so guilty because i was “babysitting” and she would end up doing all the work because they just loved her! 20141026_161743

JJ is no different! Lola LOVES her and Alex and I couldn’t adore her and coco more as individuals or as a couple… they are such an item and we always say they are our “favorite couple”!20141026_183824 Corey is currently working out of town, down near Savannah and him and JJ hardly get to visit each other yet agreed to spend one of their only days together driving up to Kennesaw to spend the day with us!

By the way Happy TWO years to them!20141026_162826

We value time as much as anyone with this fast growing girl so it means the world to us when these girls take time out of their day to spend it with our girl! 20141026_162828  Lola had a blast at the balloon festival and with her first balloon, who knew it only gets more fun after the balloon pops….

lol YEAH RIGHT. 20141026_162918

I’ll take that, thank you!  20141026_162926 20141026_181143

Oh and you know we scoped out the food situation before going… we actually planned our lunch around what we planned to eat from the food trucks… sad.

14143611340951414361072578Family selfie!1414361332064

I promise I really did get rid of the balloon, only for the funnel cake lady to replace it with a wrapped Twizzler that Lola fell in love with because the wrapper had powdered sugar spilled on it!

Oops! Guess Lola had her first sweet tooth!20141026_182004 20141026_182246

  We walked around, ate TONS of good street food and just before leaving found the main event!

Oops… apparently we had been at only a portion of the event the whole time and had no clue! I guess it’s a give away we’re from a small town huh!20141026_183752On to the main event!   20141026_18374320141026_184520 20141026_184643 20141026_184728

My child, always barefoot. Bless it.141436070213820141026_182255

We had such a fun time it was so nice to finally have a first FULL weekend “Off!” no ti lots of me frames, no where to be and no schedules!

Later that weekend and through out the next week we spent lots of time together in our pajamas, crawling around the house and PULLING up for the first time on the ottoman! 1414415577293Oh yes, we are now the family without a coffee table… after Lola had a rough morning of hitting her head three times in about 5 minutes! 1414504246894Problem solved and onto the next…. she also started pulling up in her crib so we had to lower it! 20141026_111741Lou found her like this after her nap on Sunday!


I mean really, stop growing Lola! 20141025_164942


I will say I’m loving her personality more and more everyday! We love spending the evening out with her anywhere that keeps her busy little self entertained! 20141025_185156

She likes to be busy like her mama!20141025_185239

It sure makes for quite the entertainment at our dinner dates these  days! 20141025_185555 20141025_185604 20141025_185835 20141025_185910    Lola is loving finally being able to be outside now that the mosquitoes are gone!! 1414536587435

Lola also ate her first Puff this past weekend, banana flavored… she wasn’t too much of a fan and Alex and I were a nervous wreck!

1414619554083 She would only eat it if we put it in her mouth for her… explain that to me! Everything she picks up lately goes in her mouth but if it’s food we want her to eat she could care less!

Oh Lola, never a dull moment!

Even more so now that we got you a walker! It was the most “boyish” one in the store but she loves the “gear shift” that goes “vrooom”, you pull it over and over and after one day in it she’s actually walking all over the house!


You have certainly been into the milestones lately and mommy’s heart can barely take it! 1414618246772You sure are cute doing it all though- I think we all know what Alex and I will be doing this weekend…