Monday, October 13, 2014

Dear Lola,

Raising you has been the biggest eye opener ever. I can’t believe your 8 months old already and another month is on its way to us! Every night I put you to bed and think, this is how it happens, another day in the books and you will never be this young again...

Then the “enough's” start….. Did we do enough together? Did I spend enough time with you? Hold you enough? Kiss you enough? Sing to you enough? Let you play enough? Take your picture enough? Have I taken enough videos lately?

Life with you is kind of like living on vacation (a very tiring and busy vacation)… you take a million pictures and want to do it ALL! Every moment is filled with something to make sure you soak it all in and you never rest because you don’t want to miss a minute of the adventures waiting to happen (even when your  exhausted)!

So here is what our vacation has looked like with you turning 7 and 8 months old!20140910_164004

This is what you were up to at 7 months old!


What’s New:

- You love to play “shy” now… you do it with people you know and with strangers! When people greet you and you look them in the eye you get SO excited and giggle but then instantly look down or lean inward to me! It’s hilarious because everyone says “aww she’s so shy” when actually your the furthest thing from it!20140917_171924

- You sat up the day after you turned 6 months old!20140823_190545

You got your first tooth with the second one RIGHT behind it!


- You cried out of fear for the first time ever! Mommy and daddy were so excited because Milly went and brought us her babies to play while we were on the floor playing with you… so we got her excited and started saying “get the baby Mill, get the baby” referring to her stuffed animal when she growled at her baby you all of a sudden started to cry and look at us! It was the first time you ever cried from being scared! It was such a sweet moment for us because you wanted us to “fix” it and we got to!

- You love to say “Gee” and you even have us saying it too! It’s kind of become your nickname…

- You giggle out loud like crazy and love to “squeal in public”!

- The game peek a boo!

- Spitting your paci out, literally it goes flying out of your mouth!-

-You and daddy get SO wound up before bed time, he is in charge of “jammy duty” and it takes you two forever! It’s your favorite time to play with him!

20140904_193834 - You sit in a big girl sink now for baths!


- You rode in the top of the grocery cart and sat in a high chair for the first time…. I will never forget how EXCITED it made you to sit in the cart like a big girl!! You couldn’t quit kicking and squealing! 20140825_153448 20140825_153531- You finally started sleeping WITHOUT your swaddle… PRAISE THE LORD!


  -You have started grabbing my face and giving kisses!


You Love:

- Anything that’s not a toy, as much as i hate it, you love cell phones, keys and remotes!


  • Your sister Milly but really, she loves you even more!

20140826_185738- Facing outward when we hold you or with both hands in front of me when your on my hip! You hate being held inward!



- You still love bath time and going shopping with mommy!

- Going to the beach and (now) sitting in the water!


- Bananas, apples and prunes AND your sippy cup!



  Before we knew it you turned 8 months old and you were continuing to change, grow and meet new milestones, mommy can barely catch up!

This is what your up to now!


  Whats New:

- You wave bye bye now and hello when we walk into or out of a store and when Ms. Charisa leaves the house….


- You eat stage 2 foods that are mixed together now but your starting to hate veggies- we have to sneak them in with bananas!

- You recognize your name and Tucker and Millys name!

- Your doing the army crawl and balancing on your knees and elbows but not yet crawling…

20141007_095233 20141007_162146 - You try to scoot but usually end up going backwards and then you get frustrated!20141010_112246

-You finally started wearing shoes that your daddy picked out for you and to my surprise you LOVE them!


- You aren’t doing your “shy face” as often anymore these days

-You know all of the songs to your favorite shows, usually the Disney junior channel and you turn to see the tv when they come on, your favorite is Mickey Mouse Club House then you get the biggest smile on your face and start to dance!

- you went to your first two weddings in back to back weekends!

20140927_182147 20141004_165407

-Your so tiny you can still wear lots of your 3 month pants!

- You have started riding in the stroller like a big girl (without your carseat)!


You Love:

Phones, remotes and spatulas… still! 20140913_12034120140918_152941

- Making noises and hearing us echo them back to you!

- Being held as much as possible!

- Your door jumper in the kitchen!

- Mickey Mouse and hearing the hot dog song (still)!20140901_181832

- Peppa the Pig

-Getting your hair brushed, its pretty much the only thing that makes you sit still, you freeze and just love it! Alex and i watch this video pretty much EVERY night before we go to sleep!

-Dancing and singing with mommy

-Your lovies and paci to sleep with

- Being outside


- Being naked!
- Sleeping in the bed with us in the morning

There you have it Lola, 8 months thus far and there is no slowing down in sight!! It’s pretty safe to say your our pride and joy!

20140920_165908 We love you Lola and we are so excited about fall with you this year!! More of that to come!!

Happy 8 months baby girl!!
