Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Birthdays and Milkshake Chronicles!

So just as i started to post pictures of our first beach trip of the year I just realized that I never posted about a few VERY IMPORTANT birthdays!


Amara’s birthday was a few weeks ago at a cute Italian, Brick oven pizza restaurant in downtown Atlanta!

The best part was surprising her when we arrived with our cousin Sam from Indiana! Amara didn’t know Sam would be spending the night in Atlanta on there way down to Savannah to attend!!

20130322_211225 20130322_211250 20130322_211332 20130322_211423  I think Angel food cake is a popular cake all around this year!20130322_214813Lou was designated cake cutter..  only way to guarantee HIS piece would be the biggest right?

20130322_215104 20130322_221318

Note to Alex’s family… Lemon cello is not a shot!! It’s a sipping drink! I swear this crew I roll with is going to be the death of me!20130322_221446  An oral surgery, 3 throat ulcers and 20 milkshakes, smoothies and soups later I recovered literally JUST IN TIME for Rachel’s birthday!


Tucker and Milly are sooooo happy that I’m back to my LOUD “mommy talking” self for them and so is Lou!


This was my first REAL meal after 13 days!


Heaven! 20130408_200425

Hallelujah! I will DRINK to not having to JUST drink things anymore!

This year Rachel decided to have her birthday celebration tailgating at  our first Braves game of the year, could it be more perfect!?!?!?!


If you tail gate this early you have to have mimosas right!?! 20130407_113831

Birthday girl and her first game of the season!! 20130407_11383920130407_114214 20130407_120114  Note to self candles are impossible outside! So we sang extra hard instead!20130407_125308

Love these ladies!20130407_132327 20130407_132421(0) 20130407_132438 20130407_144017

I really need to Photoshop Rachel into this picture!!! she had already gone to her seat… who does that!?!?20130407_14410520130407_145124 20130407_151732

We had amazing seats!! 20130407_151738 20130407_153058 20130407_153115

These two could not be more perfect for each other! 20130407_162242

Ok maybe I meant these two!?!?!


Due to “traffic" we have now decided it only makes sense to tailgate before, during (that’s just a given) and after the game!20130407_171552 20130407_171631

Lou the ladies man! 20130407_171655what a way to start the first Braves game of the season! I can’t wait to have many more game days ahead with all of us together!Hope you had an amazing day Pooks, Happy, Happy Birthday Rachel!

Be back soon with another “first” of the year…. Hilton Head Beach trip!!