Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Birthday’s Done Right With the Best of Friends!

I was probably the happiest girl in the world about a week before my birthday in anticipation of my FAVORITE two girlies coming to visit me for my birthday this year!!

Once I got confirmation they were in route I just could not help myself but to start texting them pictures of all the goodies they would soon be indulging in!!C360_2012-11-30-18-43-57DSC08359

Renee’s favorite above : oatmeal, chocolate chip, peanut butter, walnut an Reeses pieces!

Stephanie and I’s favorite below!


They arrived and I could not be happier!!  DSC08364 DSC08365 I remember just before going to bed telling Alex how happy i was they were here to visit! It reminded me how in the presence of good company anything is a party!  DSC08370

Like I said, with good friends everything is a reason for a “party” so the next morning Renee an I popped up and ran down to the kitchen to whip up fried eggs, scrambled eggs, bacon, cinnamon rolls and Pina coladas!

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We fed our men and then we were off to spend  some money!! C360_2012-12-01-12-28-59 C360_2012-12-01-16-53-49

We did some damage and then met the boys  to watch enough of the Georgia vs. Alabama game to do some more damage in that area…. C360_2012-12-01-17-22-07C360_2012-12-01-17-12-23 C360_2012-12-01-17-13-01That night we must have each changed outfits a dozen times (nothing out of the ordinary there)  and by the time we got dressed and arrived to Red Sky we were only about 45 minutes late! Typical…DSC08391

We were so late and literally running to the car, I think these two were the only pre-out pictures we took! 

DSC08393Birthday celebration time!!

I figured it was no big deal and that we would have plenty of pics from the night as I through my camera in my clutch….. only to take it out in the car to find…. It’s dead!IMG_20121201_204104

Go figure! So the remainder of the night was thankfully captured with Alex and Stephanie phones! IMG_20121201_204153 IMG_20121201_204335

Red Sky!

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Bless that birthday cake, Lou tried to make the night so special (and did) by carrying around that birthday cake… it was put in trunks, forgotten in the the driveway and almost left in the kitchen of Red Sky but  still taste delicious by the time it was finally cracked open!C360_2012-12-01-23-01-45

Liz and I shared birthday celebrations this year, I picked the first place and she picked the second so we headed down to East Paces to continue the celebrating …. we had a long sobering walk getting lost on the way there so it was time for SHOTS shortly after arriving!

2012-12-02 01.05.09 2012-12-02 01.05.41 2012-12-02 01.06.40

 Birthday girl shots!2012-12-02 01.07.47 2012-12-02 01.12.43

I know its so easy to brag about my girlies but these boys weren’t so bad either!! Aren’t they sweet sports to put up with us all weekend! Love you Josh and Joe!2012-12-02 01.13.24

I’m not sure what the new thing is with mustache’s but i was quickly given one and went with it!2012-12-02 01.17.54

My Lou, he’s such a birthday trooper! 2012-12-02 01.21.08 Rachel, this is adorable!2012-12-02 01.21.19

Love these guys and so glad someone thought to get  a group picture for us!! 2012-12-02 01.22.59

We had quite the confetti party before excusing ourselves from the bar….


The ride home was an event in itself… Josh and I somehow ended up in a gas station and as I ran to the back in search for a bathroom we found a room full of Hispanics circled around slot machine that looked very surprised to see us….C360_2012-12-02-03-23-23

If I ever think a push pop and Cheetos are that important to stop at a gas station for at 4 am in downtown Atlanta, someone tell me NO!


We slowly got ready the next morning and made our way to a birthday breakfast at the cheesecake Factory!

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Baby Luther even sent me a happy birthday video message!


C360_2012-12-02-12-34-36After lunch it was time to tell my loves farewell and Alex and I were off to get a tree… or two! IMG_20121202_141649

Tucker and Milly could literally never be mistaken for someone else’s babies… They get SO excited about Christmas time and decorating the tree… they both had to inspect the tree’s to make sure I had picked out “good ones”!






Tucker approved and halfway through Milly remembered she had a bone to get busy on!

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Doesn’t he just brighten up any room! ;) DSC08411

Speaking of brightening up a room….DSC08431

My Birthday flowers on my birthday present, a much needed bistro table! Yes, from now on every present I want for myself involves something for the house!  DSC08427Here’s a sneak peak!     C360_2012-12-09-19-39-13 C360_2012-12-10-19-44-24 C360_2012-12-10-19-44-38

Let the Christmas countdown begin!