Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Random Events Take 2:

So I started this before last weekend.. Now it’s Thursday and I’m looking forward to the weekend again!

I have good reason though; when i originally started this post i forgot to save it and when things like that happen i like to first walk away and second live ion denial that it happened…

It’s been a week and it’s time to face the music of recapping even more random events now!

For fellow readers suffering from OCPD like myself lets go with bullet points!

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After acknowledging i have the sweetest cuddle bugs ever!

Ok for real;

- Lou had a pretty classy parking job (You can’t really tell here but i literally had to jump out) at Six Feet Under Last week where we had with Jeff and Liz and watched Jeff eat “Rat toes”…


- Mom and dad made a mash dash to Atlanta when I called Friday night and said “We need to know if we should make an offer on a house tomorrow, come see what you think), to our rescue they came but the house was a no-go so we spent our day enjoying patios and looking into other houses..


2012-04-149514.05.04- After an unsuccessful house hunt Alex took us for a tour of his new building complex (you know I made him get out, stand by the sign and smile for the camera)



That night we had a cook out and mom learned baby Luthers obsession infatuation with the ice maker….  2012-04-14_21-06-12_191

- Sunday after a long day of SHOPPING AND PEDICURES (with mom- the best) we splurged even more with Mexican!

2012-04-159518.13.04 C360_2012-04-15-18-10-33 C360_2012-04-15-18-10-43 C360_2012-04-15-18-11-17 C360_2012-04-15-18-11-41 - Ok so as you can see I was a sucker for Patio’s last week.. okay I’m always a sucker for patio’s… Especially when they are walking distance and the smell of yummy barbeque is all you can smell when pulling up to our house form work! C360_2012-04-18-18-31-31

- When all else fails, use your own patio!

DSC04447 DSC04452 DSC04456 DSC04464 DSC04465DSC04485   That is all readers… BTW, Isn’t my Tucker Jones adorable? I know I know!

In bigger news Andy is enjoying his last 361 days as a “man in his twenties”…. that and still sleeping off Birthday Festivities…


We will get to that latter because it’s way too special to put in a blog titled “Random Events Take 2”