Monday, June 29, 2015

Hilton Head With our Girlfriend

Oh how the times have changed…. and continue to change! I used to literally get nothing done because I had to hold the girlfriend all day long, every day and entertain her ALL DAY LONG!

I remember trying to pack when she was a baby and it was literally impossible! Now a days it’s still impossible… only now it’s because she is trying to “help” me!


We also had to try on about every outfit in our closet, because who wants to pack something on that doesn’t fit?!?

So yet again we didn’t come close to leaving the house until about 10pm….IMG_7432

That sweet boy is always the first one up in the house and the last one to bed…. he drives us everywhere even on “Fathers Day” weekend and always has to have his other hand on one of his girls!

We crashed at moms because we couldn’t stand to drive any longer and the next morning we headed off to hit the beach! One of my favorite things about my old bedroom at moms’… it’s sill filled with sappy pictures of me and my middle school/high school sweetheart ;)

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Lola woke up bright and early and was already taking down a popsicle by the time I got up! She wasn’t quite sure which end to hold though… lol IMG_7438

Lola napped on the way there and  when we arrived we were ready to go! Can you tell she is into popsicle now!?IMG_7440

The best part ever abbout our trip were our loies Nick and Lia who we haven’t seen since their wedding were in town from Chicago visiting family and we got to spen some days with them at the pool with their sweet niece (and her mommy) Emma! IMG_7442Lola and her were the same size, 6 months apart  and so much fun!IMG_7445 IMG_7450 IMG_7452

Daddy Lou had to work a bit Thursday and Friday but we made sure to remind him when it was 5o’clock!!!! IMG_7453  I think one of the sweetest things about having kids is seeing them interact with other kids!IMG_7455  That evening we had dinner poolside with Jammy and Nutty and Lola and daddy did lots more swimming!IMG_7459

IMG_7464  I don’t think we got one “normal” picture with Nutty… then again his name isn’t Nutty for no reason!IMG_7474 IMG_7478  Then we talked Lola into staying up an extra hour for a walk on the beach with just Mommy and Daddy… I figured we waited about 16 years to have moments like this with her so she could stay up an extra hour for us! #selfishmomIMG_7490 IMG_7497 IMG_7501

I honestly never thought this moment would “really” be real.. IMG_7503

Loa shrieked as soon as her feet “touched” the sand even through her shoes but ended up doing pretty well!

(Baby steps people, baby steps- literally) IMG_7507 IMG_7511 IMG_7516

She still isn’t a fan of getting dirty, how dainty does she look!?! IMG_7518 IMG_7519 IMG_7521 IMG_7522

The next day we had another full day at the pool and speaking of Lola toes… Lia asked if Lola has EVER been barefoot anywhere… I guess I never really thought about it but sadly, no she hasn’t…. She even swims in her shoes! 

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Lola can usually spot the “naturals” and she quickly took to Lia!IMG_7531 IMG_7532

Lola snagged her one necklace just as we were walking out the door- it was a battle i chose not to have! IMG_7535

Our crew! IMG_7538 IMG_7540 IMG_7543

Lola’s favorite thing about the pool is usually jumping in and snack time picnic style! IMG_7549


Aunt Taytay decide to take a half day at work Friday an arrived just in time to wake Lola up from her nap and hit the beach with us!  IMG_7881IMG_7882 IMG_7883 IMG_7884  We taught Lola to look for the “apple” when we take pics now! So far so good but now she points in every picture….IMG_7552 IMG_7559

The boys reunite… a scary thought!  IMG_7561 IMG_7563 IMG_7565  Babyless pic- say what!?IMG_7571 IMG_7573 IMG_7577   Something's are “reserved” for daddy only says Lola!IMG_7587IMG_7591 IMG_7593

Water and sun work better than Benadryl for this girl! IMG_7601

That night we had dinner with everyone out at Captain Woody’s and then Taytay took Lola back and this mom and dad had a night out on the Island! IMG_7613 IMG_7615

Lola wanted to look at pictures of sweet Emma while we were at dinner with Katie… and yes, this was the best picture we got of my little fam at dinner….IMG_7638IMG_7629 IMG_7634

Told ya! IMG_7635 IMG_7637

  Can you tell this is when the baby friendly environment stopped…IMG_7643

I think Nick was in heaven…1625657_10103266185195607_4200412186547671602_n Just because mama and daddy go out that night doesn’t mean Lola is giving rest to the weary the net morning! Girlfriend wanted ALL of Daddy’s attention on his first REAL day off with her!

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Ok… I did too! IMG_7657 IMG_7658

Gigi and Poppy made it just in time! IMG_7660

Sometimes we wear him out…. IMG_7667

We’re sorry Daddy Lou!IMG_7668

He bounces back quite quickly! IMG_7674  …and so did this girl after a big nap!IMG_7681 IMG_7682 IMG_7684  Just don’t pull that paci out until she’s ready!IMG_7689  Girl pic!IMG_7692 IMG_7696 IMG_7699 IMG_7702 IMG_7703 IMG_7704Reason umber 587325985 why daddy Lou is the absolute coolest!  IMG_7706

He even shares his hat and goes under water! IMG_7713 IMG_7714 IMG_7715

I men is their anything cooler? IMG_7716 IMG_7717 IMG_7725 IMG_7726

16 summers together at this beach and never have we carried this much shit…  :) IMG_7728

That night we had an early Fathers Day dinner at Shelter Cove with both our dads and Lola sat for a total of 5 minutes the entire hour and a half long dinner…. that was fun!

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How did we handle that you ask? By rewarding her with ice cream ad a tea party of course! IMG_7748 - Copy IMG_7751 - Copy

Sunday morning Lola and I had one thing on our mind for Fathers Day… Soiing Daddy rotten and taking him Alligator hunting!

The night before I had actually fallen asleep putting Lola to sleep and I never made it back out of her bed, Lou was scared to wake us so he slept on the couch all alone!

Poor Daddy Lou, What a fathers Day Morning right!? No worries, Lola and  made up for it that morning! unnamed

We headed out to Jarvis Park and daddy Lou wanted to build a house right on it’s property.. he loves it there!

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Is this not the sweetest thing you have ever seen!? IMG_7789 - Copy IMG_7793 - Copy IMG_7795 - Copy

There’s the alligator!! IMG_7799 - Copy IMG_7800 - Copy IMG_7803 - Copy

Loa was showing us where Mr. Alligator came from… IMG_7806 - Copy IMG_7810 - Copy IMG_7812 - Copy

Bye bye Alligator time to go see Nutty before we head out!  IMG_7815 - Copy IMG_7820 - Copy

Sunday is always our day of “rounds” to make sure we get one last visit in with everyone.. Jammy was still out of town so we got in to all her stuffwhile she was gone  and blamed it on Nutty!IMG_7827 - Copy IMG_7830 - Copy

Only kidding! Lola is better than us about cleaning up after herself and she often reminds me of that when i’m in a hurry and we’re leaving a room!  IMG_7831 - Copy IMG_7838 - Copy

By Hilton Head, we’re off to Grama Karens to see her and Uncle Karl who hasn’t seen Lola since she was 6 months old and my parents house to tell poppy and official “Happy Fathers Day”!IMG_7840 - Copy

I did have one mandatory “present” for Lou bfore completely leaving Hiton Head…. A stop for lunch at our old favorite- La Hacienda!

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We have been going here since high school and we have to stop EVERY time we leave the island… even if sometimes that means it’s our breakfast!


I got their bellies full and they are out!!! Say I don’t plan things well!!IMG_7847

The girl woke up just in time and had the best time playing at both her grandparents house that afternoon until we got on the road! IMG_7848

I think you could write a book on “Lola visits Poppy’s house” with all the many things she gets to do there… it’s like Disneyland for her…IMG_7856

We pick and eat blueberries straight from the tree’s..  IMG_7860

Feed poppy’s fish… IMG_7868

and catch poppy’s fish! IMG_7874

Come to think of it… Poppy should probably start paying us to visit with all the work we do feeding and picking for him! IMG_7876

… and then their this! We even find wasp (or hornets) nest for him!

Yeah! So i got bit on each leg WHILE HOLDING LOLA! Thankfully she didn’t get bitten and the only thing that calmed me down was realizing that!

Geez it’s amazing how much less it hurts when you compare it to what it could have been had she been bitten!

Another week and weekend down and boy did that fl by! I’m so excited that we are already looking forward to our next beach trip to Cumberland Island for the Fourth of July with our favorite Fourth crew! Lola has been so sick this weekend with a high fever so we’re hoping she gets over it completely before we head down there!


Lots of sick snuggling pictures to come!

Off to bed to snuggle my sick girl, thankfully she has slept in our bed the last three nights which has made things so much easier since she is getting meds every 3 hours! She usually associates our bed with “party time” and refuses to sleep with us but she has been too tired to care lately and we have taken full advantage!