Thursday, June 11, 2015

We Belong In A Zoo!


Mom and Dad came to visit us this past weekend to babysit Lola while we celebrated a good friends wedding Saturday night here in Marietta (that’s a first-hallelujah) and Kayla’s baby shower Sunday (more of that to come)! It was perfect planning (I may or may not have had a hand in that) and so we decided it would also be a good time to visit the Atlanta Zoo with our girl for the first time! IMG_6612

Lola was so excited when she woke up from her nap to see who was here! Gigi even brought her a book on the zoo!

IMG_6609  Since I still feel a little guilty for all I put Lola through on our Italy trip (mostly the layover in F***ing Charlotte)! She was did so good being flexible with her schedule, walking so much, riding so much and not complaining about not being able to eat Kraft Mac and cheese at every meal! SO since we have been back, I  have tried doing lots of Lola friendly activities that are all about her since she let us do a HUGE vacation all about us! I have to admit, it was pretty selfless of her ;)IMG_6619   Saturday morning we got up and actually made it out the door by 8:50! Our goal was 8: 30- for us that was amazing!

We arrived to the zoo just a the doors opened! IMG_6635IMG_6637We decided after about 3 minutes of being their and seeing the girls face light up to flamingos- we would need a yearly pass!  IMG_6642 IMG_6645 IMG_6647 Lola has been obsessed with elephants since seeing these guys!   IMG_6659 IMG_6663

These cuties reminded us of Milly, sunbathing with their bellies hanging out!  IMG_6666 IMG_6668Fascination at it’s finest.  IMG_6674 IMG_6676   Hi Monkey!IMG_6684Our hired help pushing away!  IMG_6689 IMG_6696

There were lines of people gathered around to see the Panda and Lola squeezes in between them all to show me the Pandas… no confidence at al here…. “Yes, Lola i see them, that’s why everyone is crowding around” I guess you get away with that when your cute AND tiny huh Lo?IMG_6697 IMG_6698 IMG_6707


We tried to see as much as we could in a limited amount of time so Lola didn’t get too tired or worn out… she was so tired by the time we got to the petting zoo but she loved petting the goat!  IMG_6713 IMG_6715

Gigi and Poppy used to have goats in California and oh were they bad! Something tells me that just might make a perfect pet for Lola, she needs someone to boss around!  IMG_6716 IMG_6722 IMG_6728 IMG_6737 IMG_6748 IMG_6750 IMG_6754 IMG_6755

Lola wasn’t too sure about the water park, which was a good thing since we weren’t fashionably prepared for it either! She loved watching the kids though! IMG_6762

This was Lola’s favorite part! Riding on the choo choo train around the zoo! She leaned forward into the seat in front of her the entire time!  IMG_6767 IMG_6772 IMG_6775 IMG_6776 IMG_6781 IMG_6782

She loved it and naturally i loved watching her love it! IMG_6786(We have a new lip sucking action going on these days)  IMG_6788 IMG_6793

Don’t be confused with her wanting me in the above picture- not when Gigi is around! She only wanted her paci back i took before snapping this! 

That night Daddy Lou and I were off! IMG_6801

My sweet, sweet friend Ali from grad school was getting married!


We shared late night classes, internships and very long lunch dates together talking about everything you can and can’t imagine!

Tonight she was marrying the man of her dreams who she also met just before we did! I remember her telling me all about him our first semester of school  so naturally, we all had to meet him! Yes, he too was roped into some of our 3 hour lunch breaks because we are rebels like that ;)


Ali has the kindest heart (and my mom will swear up and down that she was supposed to be Miss America- I t otally agree)  so we had HIGH expectations! It didn’t take long though, we were convinced he was a keeper!

It’s not every day you meet a man who can tolerate social work talk- we don’t exactly have the best table talk conversations!

Speaking of which were these not the cutest tables?

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Everything was absolutely elegant, classic and beautiful just like the beautiful bride!  IMG_6807

I LOVED that she had her dad and brother walk her down the isle, so sweet! IMG_6809   I loved the location and the historic house, so I made an excuse to go in every room naturally,,,IMG_6820 IMG_6821 IMG_6822 IMG_6830 IMG_6831

We wish you two a lifetime of love happiness and the ability to cherish all the tiny moments in life, together!  IMG_6835

Lou and I thought we were in high school/college again with our big night out! We loved out sweet table friends and had an amazing time but with all that youthfulness we dared to have there is one thing that is certain… the girlfriend is still getting up at 7:30am…. and this time- she was cranky! IMG_6842

We think she may be getting some new molars because she has been a bit cranky since the weekend off and on and wants her paci’s (all of them) a lot right now- we have a theory that solves that though…. PICK YOUR BATTLES.


Hey, at least she shared!


Speaking of sharing- side note- Lola has been IN TO that lately- well sort of…  her favorite thing to do is go get the dog treats, cookies, chips whatever she can reach in the pantry and feed it to Tucker… she likes when he slobbers on her hand as he takes it unlike Milly….


Again, we pick our battles (sorry Tuck)!

Another plus was getting mom to stay an extra day so i could actually get some studying done WITH OUT the girl, for my LCSW exam!

She is such a sucker huh Lola! IMG_6936 IMG_6938 IMG_6940

I did manage to get a lot done that morning but i couldn’t spend the WHOLE day without my girl so a little shopping, drinks and dinner was in the works (oops)!  IMG_6963All pretty and ready to go! IMG_6945 IMG_6947

Her daddy text me that he pretty much melted getting Miss “Hollywood’s” picture at work that day… IMG_6951

The girl knew she looked good. She actually kept them on! IMG_7071 IMG_7072 IMG_6952 IMG_6955   Gigi and Poppy have a very serious cocktail hour every day at 5 so we raced home to do our share in partaking while waiting for Daddy Lou to come home! IMG_6964

Lola’s booze hour looks a bit different… essentially my childhood in a wrapper.

IMG_6992 IMG_7001She’s not hooked yet but give it time Lola- you will be…   IMG_6965 IMG_6969

We are now in a solid tie between pushing the grocery cart or pushing the baby stroller….. decisions decisions! IMG_6970

The end of every day Monday usually looks like this!

Yay!! Daddy’s home! Time for Mexican (at least for the adults)!  IMG_6974 IMG_6980 IMG_6981

Daddy Lou and I even got crazy and snuck out to Home Depot while mom put Lola to bed one night… it was everything we didn’t know we needed!  We are really so bad about getting out and away from the girl! We always said we wouldn’t be those people but we are, we totally hopelessly are those people and quite frankly we should have known better! IMG_6629

Oh well, it makes the times we do sneak away that much more special! Maybe one day we will work up to staying a night (or whole day) away form her that doesn’t consist of me being forced into it by way of a hospital bed in Switzerland LOL

For now it’s back to the reality of not having an extra set of hands!

I’m sure they won’t be able to stay away long!

Also sorry for the picture overload- kind of.