Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lunch Dates, Shopping and Swimming- What Summers Are Made Of!

Summers have always been sweet and hold some of the fondest memories of my life but this summer has sure taken the cake!

IMG_8240  Being a mommy is hard, having a baby is hard, newborn schedules are crazy and exhausting and having more than one looks pretty darn overwhelming at times so this summer had a BIG expectation….. TO  JUST HAVE FUN!


Now that, we are good at!

It couldn’t have come at a better time either!

This mama isn’t working and this little girlfriend is out of her crazy newborn schedules and finally able to (for the most part) go with the flow!

If there is one thing i have learned- Enjoy EVERY season and we are SO doing just that!IMG_9113

It’s so weird to think at every season we will never do this season again with just one!

We are thankful that one of the easiest things to do with you these days is to do just that- have fun!IMG_9126 So off we go, on the agenda most days consists of parks, lunch dates and picnics, shopping and swimming! IMG_9118

We love testing out parks but Marietta Square remains your favorite, you love getting to be more independent there! IMG_9224  You even know when we talk about going and get so excited!IMG_9228 IMG_9236 IMG_9237 IMG_9242IMG_9258

Lola had this thing about going to play for just a few seconds and then running back to me, I got so many “action shots” of her returning to me  and each facial expression was different! It was so cute!IMG_9265 IMG_9266 IMG_9274 IMG_9275 IMG_9276 IMG_9278

We love your many expressions! IMG_9279 IMG_9281IMG_9289

You ave been liding all by yourself latel but daddy stil can’t stand to not “hellicopteer” right over you just in caseIMG_9296 IMG_9300 IMG_9302 We have quite the routine with the Square park, we play on the train and ride, then we to the water park and then i promise you a real choo choo will appear (thankfully it hasn’t failed us yet) and when it does daddy runs to the closest “best view” for you to see it go by!IMG_9308

Oh how i love our little dates! IMG_9311

Gigi got to do some shopping with us too on her MANY selfless trips where she drove back and forth for to let me study for my test!   IMG_9127 IMG_9129 IMG_9130

Did I mention you don’t even care what kind of shopping it is…IMG_9897

IMG_9330 IMG_9331Oh yes, you love the grocery store (as long as i open something up for you in the fruit or cheese isle)  and you also love our lunch dates! More than that you love who i surprise you with at our lunch dates….


oh yes Daddy Lou!!  IMG_9162…and Ms. Brittany!!  IMG_9175IMG_9172 IMG_9178

You also love to make snack time a BIG deal with picnics and tea parties.. Gigi is your favorite guest at tea party’s because well, she’s just fancy like that!


Sorry daddy, you are a close second! IMG_9439IMG_9372IMG_9905    Check off pool time with our brave girl too! IMG_9152 IMG_9154 IMG_9155 IMG_9156 IMG_9387 IMG_9390  She loves to “collect” things from the pool that aren’t ours! IMG_9397 IMG_9398 IMG_9400 IMG_9405 IMG_9407 IMG_9411 IMG_9413 IMG_9415 IMG_9419  Picnics at the pool are a hit too! She loves taking out her lunch box and seeing everything i packed- the girl loves a variety!IMG_9423 IMG_9427I think her favorite pat of the pool is actually the ride to and from there- in my lap usually!  IMG_9434

If we aren’t doing that we are usually reeking havoc at home (which is why we usually aren’t home)… but when we are it usually looks like a lot of this..IMG_9221IMG_9205 IMG_9207Oops, oops, tantrum, oops etc…  IMG_9222IMG_9346Chaos, literal chaos.   IMG_9898 IMG_9899 IMG_9901

You too Mildred. IMG_9903

There are the RARE occasions when we look like we have it together (which i assure you-we don’t) but quite honestly t’s easier to get ANYTHING accomplished if you just commit to letting Lola help and have a “task” weirdly enough you will et more done that w ay- if not she will make you wish you had!

IMG_9339 IMG_9340 IMG_9341This girlfriend is pretty passionate about MANY things but helping is at the tip top of that list!    IMG_9345Your going to be such a good mama one day! Until then you can be mama’s little helper and I will have you as long as you’ll stay!    IMG_9371  We actually had a BIG milestone this month for both Lola and mommy!

Daddy spent his first night away from us (besides our Switzerland hospitalization) for a work related meeting in Massachusetts last week. So Lola and I were on our own for 24 hours for the first time in our lives (together)!IMG_9373   This would also be my first time staying alone in a house- ever. Like ever ever!

So we kissed him goodbye and put our big girl panties on (so did daddy Lou)!


     Needless to say we all survived thanks to a day of shopping and lots of pictures sent for Daddy to feel like he was right there with us!IMG_9187 IMG_9190

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He was home before we knew it and Lola was so excited! She curled into his lap for a tea party!IMG_9907

One  is pretty fun Lola and I think it’s safe to say Summers may just be your favorite too!

The one thing all the chaos, swimming and shopping makes for is BIG long naps and you better believe this mama takes full advantage of those!IMG_9108