Friday, July 24, 2015

LCSW and Poppy’s Birthday at the Lake!

Oh Yes we had a LOT going on the last few weeks and let me just tell you…. you are now reading from the words of a Licensed Clinical Social Worker!!!!

Oh yes! It may not have been pretty BUT as of Friday, I am officially an LCSW!


Can I just say parents who “go back to school” after having kids KUDOS to you!! Just my few days out studying and having it weight on me was miserable. I don’t know how i could do that on an ongoing basis!

Anyway, pretty neat huh!?!?! I honestly never thought this day would come. No really, Actually when I got out of school and got my LMSW I had kind of decided an LCSW was just “too much work” you know, for the over achievers!

After a year or two i figured, well I’m getting supervision for free and i have the work experience for sure, let’s just see where this takes us….

When Lola was born there was a new pressure I felt to get this license! It would mean owning my own practice, something i ALWAYS dreamed of but never thought could be real, it would mean being home with her more, making my own schedule, helping kids and more time to love on my own… getting this license suddenly meant EVERYTHING to me!

Fortunetly by this point i was SUPER close to winding it all up, This May I had 4 years of experience post grad under my belt and more than enough supervision hours to submit my application to sit for the exam…. SHIT JUST GOT REAL.

Even then, never did i think i would pass and studying almost overwhelmed me more- I did it anyway (thanks to mom coming up like a road warrior to watch Lo)!

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I became an avid Starbucks worshiper- Yes on of those…. I don’t even rink coffee but i downed more Strawberry Acai’s to pay their rent for the month ;)

Lola also enjoyed our snack time face time dates together!IMG_9166 IMG_9214

Monday came and it was my last day to CRAM before the BIG TEST tomorrow! Around 5:15 I started to wrap my things up but just before leaving i checked my confirmation email to get directions for the test center…

Ensue Crisis.

I did about  mllion double takes, it said my exam was 7/17… I looked at the computer calendar 20 times which read 7/13… but Today is Monday i thought, my test is on Tuesday…

Oh yes, many tears, encouragement from my sweet hubby and “oh gee that’s not a big deal at all that we drove up here to watch Lola for your test tomorrow, we needed a break from painitng at the cabin anyway” from mom and dad was all to follow…

I had officially missed my test.


So with all of their encouragement; I stopped on the way home for some necessary feel betters!


Fortunately, at the end of my pity party week I was able to reschedule it for an ASAP opening on Friday, mom was able to come back and finally… it happened!


Talk about a relief! Lou an dI had planned a celebratory lunch break together or a depression stuff your face date together depending on the results!

I was SO glad it was a celebratory one!

Even better that night we got to meet baby Jadyn and go see Poppy’ lake “Trouse” for the first time that evening to celebrate his birthday weekend!


We got in late after meeting baby Jadyn so the next morning we had lots of exploring to do and look who wasn’t so scared of getting a little dirty!?!? IMG_9473 IMG_9475 IMG_9486   Lola was TESTING the limits so we decided it was time for a swimsuit!IMG_9503  Isn’t the view just gorgeous! One of my favorite things about it is that it’s RIGHT on the water (isn’t that view gorgeous) so we can take her in for a nap and go down to the water with a monitor until she gets up!

Speaking of which, have you ever seen anything cuter getting up from a BIG nap?!?!?  IMG_9507 IMG_9509

Lola coincidently wakes up just in time for HAPPY HOUR and snack time of course! IMG_9511 IMG_9515 IMG_9521

Everyone has signs to lead to their hideaway on the lake so mom made one just for Poppy- it was by far his favorite present! You can thank our July 4th2014 crew 2014 for the term “Trouse” by the way :)IMG_9524 IMG_9525 IMG_9531 IMG_9532  My sweet girls! IMG_9542IMG_9549This girl was killing the cherries, she loves them and had a stained face the entire evening!  That an no pants on…. at her Aunt Taytays demand request… ugh.

IMG_9616 IMG_9621IMG_9628 IMG_9629IMG_9558IMG_9560IMG_9575Lola learned to say boat this weekend too! She loved watching them pass by!  IMG_9579 IMG_9584 IMG_9585

Mean mugging Lo.. IMG_9589 IMG_9592 IMG_9594 IMG_9598 IMG_9603 IMG_9605  Time to do a little fishing!IMG_9610IMG_9608IMG_9611 IMG_9612   Just heaven, I am so excited for the summers Lola will get to spend here, and it’s so close to us!IMG_9633IMG_9637

Let the memory making begin! IMG_9639 IMG_9646IMG_9648 IMG_9650  Taytay even taught Lola how to fish!

   Happy Birthday Poppy!IMG_9660 IMG_9665 IMG_9667

I got  little  frisky with wanting to start hanging things on the walls (shocker I know) and mom had bought lots of signs just wasn’t sure where to put them yet so we found some nails and spruces it up a bit! It was a foreclosure that has sat for over a year and they have done an AMAZING job bringing it back to life!

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Poppy brought champagne for us to toast to my new credentials… it was actually SUPER good and green apple flavored! IMG_9682 IMG_9684

Cheesecake and Lola’s first time joining in on singing the birthday song and clapping (instead of screaming) at the end!  IMG_9687 IMG_9691 IMG_9694

We learned a valuable lesson about Lake life… there are no bedtimes and rarely and rules…. Lola was up until all hours of the night and it’s official- she is in no way shape or form allowed to sleep with Aunt Taytay- it’s way too much of a party!IMG_9697  I actually woke up in the middle of the night and freaked out because it was so dark and I couldn’t find Lola in the bed with us… I started patting and then felt a big lump… I eventually saw this so i just had to take a picture before moving herIMG_9707

Isn’t it beautiful there! 


Our last day there was when we REALLY noticed Lola’s increase in appetite which we are so grateful for now! Mostly snacking but eating everything you offered her!


IMG_9708IMG_9781 IMG_9785 IMG_9787 IMG_9794 These girls….IMG_9710

We were all ready to soak up our Sunday and thankful for  a much shorter commute home!  IMG_9716IMG_9770

Notice Lou’s smile perking up when i asked to take a pic with him AND Tuck ;)

Love my boys! IMG_9774 IMG_9777  Then you have this girlfriend ;)IMG_9779IMG_9711 IMG_9714 I LOVE this picture of my girl, she was being such a dare devil until i tried to convince her to jump off the doc into the water…. she was not trying not hear that  IMG_9720IMG_9717 IMG_9722IMG_9726  Se did however go swimming out from the shore- in a very spastic like motion! IMG_9728

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Baby girl went down for a nap so we could enjoy some float time to ourselves before heading out to go back home- it was just what i needed! IMG_9750 IMG_9754IMG_9755

So thankful Poppy jumped on it so we could have enough time to enjoy it THIS summer! IMG_9768

  Lola says “vacation is OVER, no more pictures”! IMG_9806

Yeah, yeah, you will thank me one day little girl!  IMG_9809

Until next time, lots and lots of next times!