Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Happy Fourth from the Coast Crew!

Oh yes, we switched it up a bit, same crew (plus Dana this year, Hooray!)  but we celebrated at the coast this year instead of at the lake thanks to Lauren and Josh hosing  us!

Lola and I got our “priorities” out of the way and then headed out to pick up daddy form work!


There were two things we had to do while “on our way” stop for sandwich meat and stop for liquor…. then i got this snap from  Josh.IMG_8245

Scratch the liquor store, here we come daddy!!!IMG_8246

This was our first “day time” drive with Lola, it was pretty much miserable for us but in her defense compared to her normal miserable-ness in the car, she did rather well! IMG_8248 After a 4 hour ride, with about 45 minutes remaining the girl PASSES out… IMG_8252

Gee thanks Lola, just as I was complaining that she only slept the last leg she woke up.

Spoke too soon she’s up- ad we’re here!!!IMG_8253

How do you hold a grudge with that sweet face?!

So we arrived and everyone (–Joe) was already out waiting for us at the  sandbar!


Reunited with my boo and Lola got to see her Tatay!! IMG_8269 IMG_8270Lola loved the boat ride and we loved looking for dolphins!  IMG_8280 IMG_8286So excited to send the weekend with this sweet girl who is getting way too grown way to fast (speaking of which, she lost a tooth on the trip and the tooth fairy found us to pay her a visit!)! IMG_8289 IMG_8290

We headed back after some boat tie and then headed in to bate babies and get dinner ready! 

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Don’t you love a fresh out the bath baby!?!  IMG_8311Night one , we are ready!IMG_8313

This was only one of the 4 coolers! IMG_8314 IMG_8319

Joe arrived just in time with  a fancy new drink and worked SO hard on it al night!!!


It had to sit for a day before we could sip on it…. sad story short; the next day we tried to surprise Joe at the sand bar and it shattered on the way to the dock.


Sorry Joe, it looked good! IMG_8317

As much as i wanted to divulge in Joe’s new drink, the good news is we had plenty of other options!!  ;)

Oh how times have changed, we love drinking and being ridiculous at night with each other but I have to say, I think mornings are my new favorite!

Especially here!IMG_8351

Our view the next morning was quite a sight, how could you not love this!

We were also spoiled by Josh W’s cooking EVERY morning and it was AMAZING my other favorite view was these cute girls in their jammies eating and playing every morning!!

IMG_8368 After breakfast we would take Lola out to check the crap traps, t became one of her and her daddy’s favorite things to do!IMG_8353 IMG_8355The first morning they caught two crabs and a conch shell!   IMG_8365  Then it was swim suit time, make lunches and head out to St. Catherines Island for our first full day!IMG_8374 IMG_8376

We made it and Lou fell in love with the island! IMG_8382 IMG_8384 IMG_8386

The girls were pretty big fans too! IMG_8388 IMG_8390 IMG_8392 IMG_8393 IMG_8394

My girl loved it there, it was an outdoor jungle gym complete with baby hermit crabs everywhere which her and Kailey loved to find! IMG_8400 IMG_8402

Oh yes, and real crabs too!

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Tara is way to active for us mama’s, while we can’t wait to plop down (for as long as possible) she is always up for entertaining our babies…. and husbands!

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Well, I guess she really doesn’t have a choice… play Taytay, play :)  IMG_8415It works every time!  IMG_8424

Oh how these sweet girls have us wrapped!IMG_8418 IMG_8435 IMG_8442IMG_8454 IMG_8455

I think Alex and I have a “family” picture with KK every year :) IMG_8456IMG_8463Girls pic! I can’t believe next year we will have a little boy with us!!  IMG_8476 IMG_8477 IMG_8482 IMG_8483 IMG_8486 IMG_8488 IMG_8489

Oh how i love these sweet mamas! IMG_8493 IMG_8496 IMG_8500

This is my absolute favorite picture of them, Lola is SO happy! IMG_8503

So i just had to get in on the action!

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You know Lou is in his happy place when he actually wants to take a picture!  IMG_8530That Lou..  IMG_8535

  They wanted in on our selfies!IMG_8541 IMG_8543

I love Emery’s face looking at Lola eating a chip! IMG_8545 Exploring! IMG_8549 IMG_8560 IMG_8569 IMG_8574 IMG_8577 On our way to the sand bar after lunch! the goal is for all the girls to fall asleep on the boat!

First we had to hunt dolphins though! #priorities IMG_8586

My baby girl may be the youngest but she can outlast any of them when it comes to sleeping… IMG_8591 IMG_8598

Then a very large miracle occurred…. The girl passed out!!! IMG_8603 IMG_8605

IMG_8618 I even made the transition successfully!!

HUGE mom points!!IMG_8609 IMG_8611We arrived t the sand bar and as usual, set u shop and OWNED it!   IMG_8619 IMG_8623 IMG_8629

Lou LOVED putting out the walking net with the guys!! He has literally talked about having only done it once on a field trip when he was little… where in the heck his childhood on Hilton Head was i have no idea! IMG_8631 IMG_8632 IMG_8634

We caught tons of tiny fish, shrimp, a blow fish and some crabs!  IMG_8638

It was quite the day!

We ended it with golf cart rides and baths before dinner and drunkenness of course! IMG_8640 IMG_8641Look at that blue eyed beauty… photo shoot ensues!  IMG_8644


When a real prince kisses you, you instinctual kick up your heal…. I’m telling you… it’s the truth Lola! ;) IMG_8661 IMG_8664

Lola had just started saying “apple” and “bus” before that weekend since reading an ABC book and we tried to get it out of her on video…. not a chance!

Geez it’s so funny watching tht back…. how obvious is it that she is our sun, our moon our beginning and our end…

Love their love.IMG_8669

Babies are asleep celebration! IMG_8647 IMG_8648

Saturday morning was actually July 4th and we were ready to get out there again!


Lola and Emery at it again…. Lola, put the knife down. IMG_8682

The most American breakfast you can have… thanks Josh W!  IMG_8686

nothing like scarfing that down before getting in a bikini! IMG_8687

Happy 4th, we are ready for ya! IMG_8689

Do you not melt just seeing this muffin in her bikini!?IMG_8699

We’re off!

St. Catherine's Island day 2!

IMG_8809IMG_8700Lola and her Neyney!  IMG_8814 IMG_8815 IMG_8818 IMG_8820

Lola’s daddy rode with Joe and Josh in the skiff boat and Lola had to keep her on and him the whole time! IMG_8822 IMG_8824 IMG_8826

We made it and these two were reunited! IMG_8827

The island was a bit more crowded  on the 4th so we found a more desolate spot ad good news! Lola found even more hermit crabs!IMG_8830 IMG_8833 IMG_8834 IMG_8839

It’s safe to say we make ourselves at home pretty much everywhere! IMG_8843 IMG_8847 IMG_8848 IMG_8853 IMG_8856

Slip and slide time…. IMG_8859 IMG_8861

  Lous’ turn!IMG_8871

Let the games begin as Neyney says!  IMG_8981IMG_8874 IMG_8878 IMG_8879 IMG_8880

Then my most favorite time… seeing these girls get all dressed up in their red white and blue!

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Lola wore a crab dress for anyone who can’t see that…. and if you ask her she will make sure you know! IMG_8896 IMG_8907

The boys had started frying fish and the crab we caught (but i didn’t explain that to Lola) I was so excited….  I don’t think i have ever had a fish fry before! IMG_8924IMG_8938On a side note we are still the only ones who have to constantly keep our little one entertained! She has gotten much better and loves playing with the other girls but she hurts herself non stop if we let her play freely SO  golf cart rides are good lazy people entertainment! IMG_8929 IMG_8937Dinner is served!!   IMG_8976

Those grits were seriously the most amazing grits i have ever had!

Fireworks time!!!! IMG_8980

The “real” show was actually cancelled but we went out on the boat to see some of our neighbors light shows and it actually worked out even better for Lolas first time seeing some!

When we got in the boat Lola instantly went into Laurens lap and just sat for probably 20 minutes watching the fireworks and laying her head down on her! IMG_8990

It was the sweetest thing but Tara, Lou and i were all super jealous! Eventually  Lola must have felt her glaring eyes, she reached for her daddy and about 2 minutes later she fell asleep!
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Happy 4th from a very blessed mama and daddy with great friends and a sleeping baby!IMG_8979Lola does love tat when we go on vacations now we rarely even bring the portacrib anymore! She loves getting to sleep with us! IMG_8996Our last day came way too soon as usual! We spent the morning cruising  around before packing up to head home…IMG_9010 IMG_9015We saw some more dolphins and river otters that were playing so cute and the girls got to go tubing!  IMG_9041 IMG_9047 IMG_9053 IMG_9060 IMG_9063

Notice anything in this pic w Tara…. lol the chip literally went flying our her mouth IMG_9072  …and this girl stayed just long enough to pick up a sweet toddler trend from her sweet friends!

The love of Cheetohs!IMG_9079

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See what i mean! IMG_9092

IMG_9074All good thing must come to an end! Lola hugged her sweet friends goodbye and so did her mommy! IMG_9095 IMG_9098 On the road again, back to Stinky Atlanta! IMG_9100  Happy 4th Americans!IMG_9103

Until next year fourth crew!