Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Woody Is Checking Out!

I can not believe the time is almost here for these two to tie the knot!! Although these love birds have only been engaged a few short WEEKS I feel like we have waited years for their big day to be here!!!

This weekend the wait is over!

It will finally be here and we could not be more excited!


I was so excited and in shock to get a phone call from Kayla around 11pm on a Monday night screaming “he did it”!

WHAT!?!? even though we had just talked about it, it seriously took me a minute… I mean who purposes on a Monday!?!?!

“Oh yeah, Lance”.

I gave her clear directions…. “Holy shit, wherever you are, get here now”.

Then she showed up looking like this…. 20140721_231230

No offense, but it must be love because Kayla honey, you were looking a hot mess.

Thankfully we had just gotten our nails done that day (so that helped a little) but I had slightly prepared Kayla (not knowing) that she should probably give up on the whole “getting married this year” thing… I mean who were we kidding, she wanted to get married THIS October….


Guess I spoke too soon.

The next day we need a “real” celebratory lunch date for two reasons….

I needed a better picture of her and the ring (no offense boo ;))

and I soon realized this chick was not playing… we really were planning this thing for THIS October! So lunch date on day one of engagement was scheduling a date!


Whew, Oct 18th it is! Let the countdown begin!1406047853401

We celebrated with a “ring showing” at a festival in the square that weekend! 20140725_191413

Cheers to Kayla! 20140725_191453 20140725_191816

Lots of decisions to be made but Lola being the flower girl was their easiest decision of all! 20140725_201120  We couldn’t wait to shower Kayla with goodies and collaborated with her mom, sister, Ms Nancy and my mom to host a beautiful shower for her!  DSC03395 DSC03396 DSC03397

The mimosa bar was a hit! DSC03398 DSC03399 DSC03401Kayla’s sister made the cutest fruit kabobs!   DSC03408DSC03409

Lola was of course the star of the show! DSC03413  Out bride arrived and was ready for a drink!DSC03415 20140920_142321 20140920_142338

Congrats my love!20140920_143039

“Kayla how much more do you need to get done in 28 days?” 20140920_152353

… on that note… drink up! 20140920_152401

Gigi was missing the most CRUCIAL game of all while entertaining Lola….. We played a “what’s in your purse” game… you win points  for having specific things from the list in your purse…

Hello.. moms purse, hands down she would have won! However, she couldn’t take her eyes off Lola for long enough to even play!  I don’t think she would notice if the world was falling down around her when Lola is around… who are we kidding…can you blame her! 20140920_152405

Presents time! 20140920_154709 20140920_154857 20140920_154942 20140920_15530720140920_16015720140920_155411   Lola loved having an ALL GIRLS day! 20140920_160054 20140920_160104    We’re hoping for a honeymoon babyso we made sure Kayla ripped some of the bows ;) 20140920_162848 20140920_163101

Lola needs a friend, right Lola! 20140920_163104 20140920_163323  The boys came back to find we were still going hard…..

Congrats you two! 20140920_164934 20140920_165001 20140920_165544 20140920_16571320140920_165911 20140920_170011

Is this face unreal or what… notice she is looking at me…

She get’s it from Milly… 20140920_170306

Time for pics with the bride to be! 20140920_174528 20140920_174647 20140920_174844 20140920_175114

Milly got pretty upset and put herself in a picture…  20140920_175153 20140920_175251

Look out people, for i think the second time this year we have a Non- Lola pic!20140920_175603

Crazy I know.

LOL The shower was a hit and everything turned out perfect! But then it was time for the girls to have a little fun! Snapchat-20141011084052

Kayla is so low maintenance (you wouldn’t know it from the picture above though would you) so we took her to red sky for a girls night on her one week count down til’ her big day!


We had quite an interesting time taking a group selfie…. in the end… we nailed it. IMG953894Our bride!!!20141011_215250  Cheers to Kayla!20141011_215326 20141011_223517 IMG_6393

Inevitable…. you will be getting ON the piano…20141011_230003

We’re so glad we got one big last night out to celebrate with you, Congrats to you my love!  20141012_003523

Alex, Lola and I are so excited for this weekend to see you two tie the knot! You have such a selfless love for not only Lance but for everyone in your life(especially Lola) and we are so happy for the happiness you two have found in each other!

We can not wait to share the start of some of the happiest days to come for you and Lance!!