So I believe the last I mentioned I was congratulating Lou for accepting an offer at an Avionics company but discussed him just having gotten another offer the same day from GE…
Well after weeks, literally, of sleepless nights, discussions of what would be best for us and our future growing family, prayers for clarity and looking into everything way too much in hopes of finding some sort of “sign” he finally came to a solid conclusion..
GE it is!
While we were still trying to decide what the best decision was Lou took me by the office he would be working at if he chose GE and I just had to snap some pics!
The best part is the site is only about 15 minutes from our house and about 10 minutes from my work… hello lunch breaks together!!!
They even have charger stations for electric cars!
His building reminds me of his first work at Hughes.
Monday was his first day and he came home with a bag full of welcoming goodies and “GE” souvenirs, of course I had to snap a picture of his badge, I think I have a picture of every badge from each site he has ever worked at!
We got home only to head right back out the door to celebrate with Chinese food and you know I had a bazillion questions to ask about how his first day went; “were they nice to you Lou, if not I can come up there!”
The food was amazing, I think we had about 3 different appetizers and could only eat about two bites of our dinner by the time it go there but that didn’t stop me from saying “Hell YES” to dessert!
Hey, what’s a celebration without dessert anyway!?!?!
So again, (another) big congrats is in order for sweet and smart Lou! I am so happy and so proud of him but most of all so excited about our first LUNCH date together tomorrow!
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