Monday, February 15, 2016

Lola’s Candy Shop!

We settled on having Lola’s birthday party the weekend prior to her real birthday this year and in Statesboro since most of our sweet friends have ither “just been born” lol or are still cooking! Motly so that everyone woudnt have to trael to us this year! It was quite the success and always makes me realize how fortunate we are that all of these sweet mamas, gramas, auntis and friends literally make Lola feel like she is the most special girl in the world on her big day!IMG_0257

We decided on a Candy Shop theme for our SWEET girl this year and I just LOVE how everything came together!


I honestly could not have done any of it without the help of our trooper Gigi! She went above and beyond again this year and so did Poppy and Taytay!

We spent all of Friday at the bakery decorating and had it all ready (mostly) for saturday morning by the tme we left that night!

We got there just before lunch that day to unload and start decorating (with Lola-bad idea-lol) and I ket getting text asking “what are you doing later today/tonight”… umm have you met me… THIS!

Oh yes, it was an all night thing!

I don’t think they quite understood when I asked about using the room for the party that I meant everything but the paint was coming down and I was completly re-doing it ALL!

I told Lou I Wouldn’t go overboard this year and well.. I lied.

It was amazing tough and by the end of it he made me promise to always go just as overboard at every party for all of our babies!’

You got it!

Here are some of the details:



Brittany did the decals for me on their contigos and I filled it with old fashion lollipops, tattoos, lip gloss and princess ring pops!IMG_0305IMG_9710IMG_9718IMG_9719

Cotton Patch did Lola’s cake and I LOVE how it turned out!


Moms famous pralines (she wipped up about 1am)!IMG_9724IMG_9725



There was SO much candy!!IMG_9733

Tara’s has the BEST idea to do a mimosa bar and I equate that to MUST have donuts so mimosas and donuts it was! Tara also brought Baileys for Coffee which was a double hit!

Thanks Poppy for going to get 3 MORE bottles of champagne and juice the morning of!IMG_9734IMG_9736IMG_9692IMG_9705

Our first arrival was one of our Fac’s and definetly Lolas, Baby Henley (even though she is 6 months older than us) and Jen, Ross and Bella!IMG_9722

Baby Henley ha the best idea to bring Lola a HUGE new ball and her mama had the best idea to bring Henleys matching ball “just in case” we decided not to share lol (ya never know)!IMG_9720

Lola also grasps the whole concept of “it’s my party i do what I want” quite well…IMG_0207

She was the first one to start eatting, even before guest arried and before I could even stop her I noticed she was LITERALLY opening presents as people walked in the door to hand them to her!

Sh is a mess!IMG_9749IMG_9760

Harper is always SO sweet to Lola, you can tell she is a big sister, she knows just how to cater to little ones!IMG_9763IMG_0210


Love these two and NOT only because they knew just what this mama needed as everyone rolled in… champagne with a dash of orange juice- you know that’s still considered a mimosa!IMG_0149IMG_0159

I was SO excited about the BEST part of Lolas party… it was basically an excuse to get ALL the babies together that I haven’t met yet and they are all 3 months or younger!!

Meet baby August, isn’t he adorable and he was SO good!IMG_0192

This is sweet baby Hogan, he was a doll and alert like Lola!


Sweet Savannah is Christina’s bright eyed girl and she is the youngest of the three of them and was so sleepy- yes,, they all got good newborns!


Baby J was there of course because her mama is ridiculous and when I told her Lolas birthday party was in Statesboro this year she didn’t even flinch…… They are too good to our girl and Baby Jadyn was too good to Jammy! I think she thought it was her Jammy! She only wanted her the whole time!


Lola may be TWO but I certainly remember (and still struggle with) trying to get somewhere on time, changing the entire days schedule for her so we can eat, sleep work around the party much less hearing her cry pretty much the entire way there and then showing up feeing completely flustered!

These mamas went through so much to be here and I promise it didn’t go un-noticed! They have no idea how much I genuinely appreciate it!IMG_0188

Everyone arrived and it was officially party time! Just before it started I was so happy, I really felt like Lola knew it was HER birthday! IMG_0310

She even sang “Happy Birthday Wowa” to herself as it started!


Love these girls!IMG_9769

I don’t think Lola touched her food besdes literally this bite… she was too excited to eat! I think they all were!

IMG_0209Then it was cupcake decorating time!IMG_0056IMG_9772IMG_9773IMG_9776IMG_9777

It was so interesting to see who was carefree about it and who was super serious- of course I was too busy hovering over Lola to help her but I did notice a few!



Of course my Silly KK is always up for fun and Emery was just having an icing, cheetoh festival on her plate!! IMG_9807IMG_0152IMG_0162IMG_0169IMG_0174IMG_9809IMG_9814

Love these girls!IMG_9816IMG_9837IMG_9852IMG_9859

Then it was cake time!!IMG_9849IMG_0181IMG_0148

Lola LOVED putting the candles on all by herself- Jammy was only there to supervise!IMG_9853IMG_9856IMG_0138IMG_0141IMG_9860

I was SO proud of Lola, she has loved singing the birthdy song but she hasn’t had this many people around her to sing it since lst year (when she screamed bloody murder)!

This year she did so good, she loved it and waited until the end to blow out her candles!IMG_9861IMG_9862

First thing she wanted to do was eat the ice cream cone! She got it off but sadly realized it wasn’t real ice cream!IMG_9866

IMG_9918Lola and all the gramas!IMG_9884IMG_9885

So naturally we had to have Poppy and Nutty in a picture!IMG_9893

Presents time!!IMG_9738


Lola got her first…. fanny pack! You have no idea how much this girl fell in love with it… to top it off hand sanitizer and lip gloss. The girl was in heaven LOLIMG_0186




Lola is SUCH a spoiled, lucky and special little girl! She got the sweetest, cutest most special gifts and I can’t thank everyone enough for going above and beyond as always for our baby girl! I have to say, based on her gifts- they all know her oh so well!IMG_9915

Leave it to prego mama of twine Neyney to remind me…. we still had to cut the cake! I hav to say I think she reminded me of this last year too! Girl loves some cake!IMG_9913IMG_9916

I don’t know how the magic of this picture happened with all of the babies we were running aorund chasing but it must have just been meant to be! IMG_9943

I always say the biggest compliment you can give someone is to love their child, I never knew that until I was a mama myself but it’s so true. I am so proud and honored by the love they share for my girl!IMG_9940We are SO thankful not only for everyone who made it to her party but to everyone near and far who shares love for our girl and has been a positive part of her life in the last two years! Alex and I have learned so much about relatonships since Lola came along and I think it makes us especially grateful and appreciative of all of the relationships we have!

We don’t deserve it but we love it and what’s not to love about others loving your girl!IMG_9962IMG_9974IMG_9977IMG_9979

Extra special thanks again to our Gigi and Poppy, decorating, running errands and buying WAY too much stuff to make our girls day EXTRA special as always is more than this mama and daddy can stand! I know Lola must pay you in some extra sweet kisses because you two sure love to go overboard for her!


Lola and her favorite girls! Aunt Taytay as always went above and beyond to help this mama out and mae sure everything was ready for Lolas big day! From the donuts and coffee bar to arranging her crazy busy (tax season) work schedule so she could come help me and Gigi and watch Lola for a bit o we could get things done was not over looked! We couldn’t have done it without her help again this year!IMG_0038

Lola was tired, wired and over pictures at this point! She was so silly but had SUCH a good birthday! It was one of those where you take a BIG exhale afterwards because it could not have been more perfect and you realize “it’s over, we pulled it off”!


Happy SECOND birthday Lola, we love you so very much!IMG_0310

Cheers to TWO not being “terrible” Lol I have a hard time believe anything could be terrible wth you!