Merry Christmas Eve everyone!
I seriously told Alex “I can’t go Christmas shopping like this, people will literally think I stole something!
Pretty much everyday I look in the mirror now I scream, “Oh my god we’re HUGE!” (Yes I say we, I’m not taking all the blame for this, Lola is ginormous!) Which leads me to the biggest hidden secret I have found out about being pregnant…. you don’t get used to it, you can’t really, it all happens so fast and when you get used to be one size that changes the next day and you get even bigger!
I always thought seeing pregnant women that they were used to being… you know, pregnant looking. NOT SO!
8 months came and then it all SLOWED DOWN I felt like!
( This was our 8 month appointment before the car accident)
We pretty much consider her doctors appointments hobbies these days!!
I’m SOOOOOOOOOOo ready for Lola to get here that it makes me literally future trip (as we say in rehab) “How will I ever do this two or three more times, the wait and excitement of her coming is killing me! Then again, every time I think of not being pregnant anymore I panic and think “OMG have I taken enough pictures?!” Everyone says I will miss having her in my tummy…. I guess that will be an “I told ya so” because i can’t IMAGINE anything being more fun that her being here! I mean the kicks are “cool” and all but lets get real, I want all of Lola here!!
Besides if your husband already spoils you rotten when your not prego it’s not really necessary to be prego any longer than needed ;)
Milly has one question about Lolas room… “mama why are my pictures not on the wall yet?”
Just in case the thousands of pictures I have taken aren’t enough we decided to get a super cute photographer Dez with “Sugarsnap photography” to take some “real ones” of us with Lola!
We’re off to take maternity pictures!!!
It was probably the coldest day of the year and we took the pictures outside… Alex’s teeth were chattering in every picture so Dez tried singing Jamaican music to make him think warm thoughts!
I think they are going to turn out really pretty!
Growing so fast my poor body and mind can’t catch up! I usually stay up all hours of the night tossing and turning dying to find a comfortable position and eventually give up and either play online (shopping of course) or turn on HGTV!
I feel so bad making such a ruckus but as always Lou and I are in this together, if Jen’s not sleeping it’s highly likely everyone else is up too!
Milly has had others ways to get back at us lately….. each time we leave, which has made her extra upset lately, (December is a busy month!) she gets into something!
We put this present under the tree from sweet Cara not knowing it contained food… pralines! Milly destroyed it while we were out at Jeff’s Birthday party, we came home to find wrappers everywhere and she could literally care less about being in “trouble” I mean look at her…
The worst part was after letting her out of time out she came back to each wrapper and made sure it was “clean”. Brat.
What are we going to do with her TJ?
It was worth it for Jeff though, Happy 30th Jeff!!!
Jeff has such a sweet group of friends, we love seeing them, one from the military and one from college- both have equally hillarious stories of the trouble they got into together!
We love you and I just love seeing you and Alex together, pure bliss you two bring out in each other!
Kayla was another birthday girl last week with a big milestone!!
Before we even left I could tell how upset Milly was… she wouldn’t even look at us when we left, I had to talk with her about the importance of celebrating OTHER peoples birthdays too and not just our own… It didn’t work, I think this was the night we came home to find Milly got into the trash AND ate the Christmas chocolates I had hidden with the presents in Lolas’ room….
UGH, anyway Happy Birthday KAYLA!!
We pretty much all hate her for being younger than us!
We also had Alex’s company’s Christmas party last week….
Lola and I were Loud and proud in RED!
The house the party was at was literally RIDICULOUS and so very beautiful! Everyone he works with was so sweet and was so worried about the wreck we had been in the day prior…. They were so sweet and all asking about Lola and glad to hear we were both okay!
We also talked a lot with one of Alex’s co-workers’ wife’s who fortunately has relieved some of my anxieties about the idea of opting for a nanny to stay with Lola when I go back to work….
Fingers crossed this mama can handle that!
We also had our annual Minnicks’ Christmas Party at Rachel and Andy’s this year! Luther was the star of the show!
You know your a mom when you get so EXCITED about a diaper genie!!!
Between parties and birthdays we basically spent every “free”
night either baking or shopping!
Mall mirror selfies while waiting on Lou!
This was the BEST massage chair EVER!
Lola was such a sweet girl to already get her big brother and sister a present! I think she is intimidated by their bond! They will love you Lola I promise- but they DO love bribes too!
Some nights were a combination of shopping FOR baking supplies!
My little helper….
In other exciting news, with all this shopping, cold weather and eating on the go I have turned Lou into a Panera Bread lover like me and Lola!
Soup and grilled cheese!!
So yes, busy, busy…… and I suppose Milly has the right to be upset with us but boy do we have to work on different outlets to express it!
This is how I WISH she would always act when she is upset with us …. how many times have I told you anger is a secondary emotion Milly!! Thank you TJ for always being my easy boy! Just happy we are home and always interested in what your dad is doing!
Last night Alex and I were out late again but made ourselves feel better by saying “well after tomorrow we will be home with them all week and in their favorite place, their grandparents house”!
Good one Lou- guilt be gone!
So we packed up to head to the Boro one last time without an extra passenger in the back seat!
Don’t get too used to all that space back there TJ!
Merry Christmas Eve everyone (technically it’s after midnight, so I guess I should just say Merry Christmas!)
(Thank you for our new book for Lola Uncle Andy and Aunt Rachel!)
We are off to bed so Santa can come!
Next year is guaranteed to look a lot different!!
Merry Christmas Love the Growing Minnicks’s family!!
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