Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Beautiful Bad Day

“We” are okay.

However, if Alex and I ever needed to be tested to find out how much we could love a girl who we have never met, today was our test.

This morning was a horrible scare after getting into a car accident on the way to a training for work.

My first thought even as the impact was still occurring and the car was coming to a stop was on one thing “Lola”.

It was the scariest, most terrifying, feeling I have ever had.


I thankfully had the nicest people call the ambulance for me, reassure me and wait with me until Alex and the EMT people arrived.

They all had children themselves and the women who hit me actually came to tears when she found out I was 8 and a half months pregnant with a girl. She asked her name trying to help calm me down but then lost it when I responded “Lola”.

The entire time I waited, all I could think of or say was “Get me to a machine that will let me hear and see Lola”.


I think we took ten video’s to record her heartbeat today, we got to listen to it for close to an hour since they were making sure I wasn’t having contractions…Honestly I could have sat there all day listening to it.I have never been SO happy to hear her strong heartbeat!!IMG_20131217_102222

I still can’t even describe it outloud or think about it without my head jumping to alternate possible conclusions which i know have been the mind numbing realities for some…. it gives me chills just to think of that.

We are so thankful tonight.

Thankful for every kick Lola gives us and thankful I can come home, look at her nursery, and know she will be here soon.

If that was a test I would say we passed, thankful and in love.