Thursday, February 7, 2013

Excuses, Vent session and Catch Up!

I don’t know what it is with this current “bunch” of ladies we are currently “serving” at work right now but everyday lately I have been coming home and just literally been exhausted!

I used to love getting off work and going for a “run in” to one of my favorite stores… usually TJ MAX or stopping by the grocery to pick up a thing or two and I always enjoyed leaving on my lunch break when i could  just to “get out” but there has been NONE of that lately!

Yesterday I was discussing an issue to Alex on the way home from work and found myself just too exhausted to finish the story! How sad is that!

Most days lately, I come home and can’t wait to just get in bed, thinking i will blog some and well that just seems like running a marathon most nights!

It’s not the usual behavioral issues though which I think I would rather….. it’s more “real life issues” and the most horrific circumstances!

Trust me, if I have learned anything i have learned that every client teaches me something BUT what do you do with client after client with no housing options, no family, no drivers license and no magic $2,000 to get it re-instated, No high school diploma and no GED, Oh and no money to pay to get her GED but hey even if she came up with the money to take her GED she doesn’t have transportation or childcare to take the GED or GED classes since she has a 7th grade education level and NEEDS the classes because she wouldn’t pass the test without them even if ALL these things did work our for her!

Wow, maybe I am angrier about all of this than I thought! I think my favorite part of being a social worker is being able to problem solve and to come up with solutions by listening and being creative with the most difficult circumstances but DAMN… what do you do when there is no solution and the outcome of that is absolutely horrifying for you and them? 

These women come from such trauma and how do you tell them the choices they made 10 or 20 years ago as they were collecting felonies like they were nothing is going to stay with them and hinder them for the rest of their life… especially now when they are sober and trying to make their life and their children’s life better?

TANF, WIC and Food Stamps are great as a TEMPORARY source for some people and for others those resources are good with them for forever unfortunately but what about the ones who want more out of life than that? What if you want to work and go to school now that your sober and on your feet but people won’t hire you and you don’t have a way to get there or a house to live in or someone to keep your children that you just fought so hard to get back? What do you do when an entire team of counselors and social workers is sitting in front of you and clueless as to how to get you to where you want to be because of your record, past, lack of resources, lack of experience, lack of transportation and lack of education?

It’s tough.

I will however say I feel a bit better now. So maybe that answers my own question… I always feel guilty telling my clients (with problems I literally can’t fix for them or help them fix) that they need to talk with me about it even if nothing can be done… Yet every time I tell them that i question if it really does relieve any stress… Ahhh, I guess it does feel better just to let it out.

BUT if any of you have any suggestions for this long overwhelming list of issues! I’m gladly all ears!

Now that I feel better let’s move to the happier side of the past few weeks!

We enjoyed Alex’s new  Bonfire, hosted a Super bowl party and Bob came to visit us- so here goes nothing!


The boy knows how to get a fire going!

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We love it- now for some built in seats! 20130127_16152020130127_162258

Tucker and Milly weren’t so sure about it so they kept themselves at a distance! 20130127_164215 20130127_164522 20130127_170615 20130127_171216 Bob had a training lasts week in Roswell so he came to stay with us a few days prior!


Bob loved the Marietta square and WE all love their pizza there so it was a hit! 20130129_191417

I’m not sure if Milly didn’t trust him, liked him or wanted attention but she consistently starred at bob and had to know where he was at all times! 20130129_201847

She also got confused and thought “all grampas” must like to have their hands “cleaned” after they eat... not so. 20130129_203136

Side notes: I now know where Alex gets it from.. these boys.. I don’t know how much easier i could have made it for them… Breakfast every morning right next to their keys and watches to easily grab in the morning…20130129_220616

Both days i came home and their breakfast would be forgotten but in a different spot than where I had left it! I guess they grab it and walk around the house until they find or do God knows what and eventually leave their bananas! Didn’t their mama’s teach them it’s the most important meal of the day!?!?!

Oh now why didn’t i think of this… maybe they took timeouts to practice shooting their pellet gun off the porch!


My husband and his distracting toys!

Anyway, onto the SUPERBOWL and by that I mean the food- duh!

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20130203_180524 - CopyI was so proud of my football shaped bean dip and Rachel’s dirty dip is not pictured but it’s DEFINETLY my new favorite!!  20130203_182005 - Copy    Liz made a super yummy taco soup with chicken, advocado and cillantro… (ALex’s favorite ingredients) I think she mentioned they are on a paleo “diet”! 20130203_200545 - Copy

I’m so mad but I forgot to get a picture of Lia’s YUMMY Greek pasta salad.. It was beautiful and good!

20130203_203324 - CopyUs ladies spent most of our time in the kitchen catching up and chatting about Lia’s big day coming up in April or May of next year on Hilton Head (yes, you now have insider information)!

We did join in and watch the half time game though!20130203_201436 - Copy 20130203_230505 - Copy

My man was so tired but as usual he did his best to make his mom happy and be “social”!


Milly was on beggar overload as usual! 20130203_230553 - Copy 20130203_230554

Well I made it through and if you got to here congrats to you for hanging in there!! However, this is the longest i have stayed up on a weekday in over a month so off to bed I go! Mom and Dad are coming tomorrow and hopefully Tara too for a late birthday celebration for mom!

Can’t wait, good night!