Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Happy Valentines day!

This year was by far the best Valentines day ever- I think I say that every year but FOR REAL this time!

Lou came home the night before Valentines day and it didn’t take long for him to be reminded (by all my pink attire and cooking utensils coming out) that…DSC09037


Welcome home Lou! “I was way too busy to think about dinner but you can heat up a hot dog.. oh and would you like a pink plate, pink cup and pink lemonade to go with it?”DSC09047

A beautiful mess! DSC09048 DSC09050 DSC09051 DSC09055  Confetti cupcakes with strawberry frosting, coming right up!DSC09062DSC09094 DSC09098  DSC09103DSC09107DSC09112   If anyone needs to buy me a present I’m in desperate need of a -cute- cupcake carrier! I took three trips to the car trying to bring these to work for the girls! DSC09116DSC09120

  This house is officially ready for valentines day!DSC09130

On to the big day!

I think we somehow out-did ourselves this year as valentines playing cupid for each other….

This is actually the first year we haven’t gone out and I left our actual Valentine’s Day planes up to Lou… We both came home –as early as we could- (a treat in itself) and lou cooked us up some of our favorites!

Snow crab legs, guacamole and my favorite Champagne!


He did such a good job in the kitchen… and to think on Saturday mornings he doesn’t know where one thing is in that kitchen…. mmm hm.DSC09154

My view the whole night, What more could you want!?   DSC09158DSC09166DSC09170

Look out- the pink onion goggles are out!


  Wala- dinner is ready! DSC09174    We literally almost cracked the TV screen in the next room… talk about power in a champagne cork!DSC09187 DSC09189

You can tell how much of a help I was… I literally just played photographer all night!


“Ok Jen but after this one you have to sit down and eat”…


       Cheers to my favorite Valentine! 20130214_195223I think we sat in the kitchen for a good 3 hours after dinner that night talking the night away until we finally realized it wasn’t a weekend and we had to get ready for bed!

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Poor Lou, he said he asked his co-workers at work what their plans were for valentines day, naturally they all said “nothing" but he explained to them the “pressure” he was under being married to “festive, holiday, queen” and that he had to make the night just right!20130214_200328

Another amazing job cupid- but we all really know if it involves you, it’s a done deal! 20130214_200345  Milly was done with all of our flirting and chit-chatting…. Oh and I think the dimmed lights really got to her…20130214_201117  Happy Valentines day to you too Mills and Tuck!DSC09109

The not so fun part- of well, time for bed!!

Thanks again for the best Valentines day ever Lou….Just when I think I can’t love you any harder -your kind heart, fascinating perspective, little boy smile, amazing brain, forgiving spirit and safe arms –thankfully, prove me wrong over and over again!

I love you Valentine!

Birthday blog coming up!