Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thankful for Another Happy Thanksgiving!!

Let me just start by acknowledging how late I am to get to this post and since we’re on the topic of thankfulness I blame my tardiness on all the cherished company I have had in the last few weeks since Thanksgiving that kept me was to entertained and distracted to spend time blogging!

I have SO much to be thankful for this year…. including this family and the time we all got to spend away together for Thanksgiving!!DSC08184

Asheville bound!


Billy, Angela and Bat girl (Angela’s niece Natalie)arrived an hour or so after we did and she was quite possibly the cutest thing ever and loves and goes to everyone!

C360_2012-11-21-21-06-56She is also quite handy in the kitchen (with the help of Alex’s head lamp of course)… Her and Angela made pumpkin pie the night before Thanksgiving and believe me, she did not forget about it the next day when it was time to eat!  

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How yummy does that look!DSC07948 - Copy

Night one Tucker knew right where to go, it’s nite nite time! DSC07957 DSC07967I caught Tucker and Lou having goodnight and good morning cuddles and I couldn’t resist these snaps since the camera rarely left my side the whole weekend anyway!  DSC07969 DSC07972

Bat girl woke up the next day screaming for the pie! Technically she was right “we have to wait until Thanksgiving day to eat it”….

Happy Thanksgiving Day!


After years and years of Angela and Billy being two peas in a pod Tara, Alex and I finally got to meet the rest of Angela’s family and share thanksgiving dinner with them!


DSC07998DSC08000DSC08049 Including meeting this bundle of Joy'; Valery… the first thing she did when she saw me and my babied was “waddle” over to me with her arms up so i could pick her up to go see “the dog”.

Yes, I felt super special!!DSC07984

Tucker was so curious about her….

Milly wasn’t though, she was to focused on guarding the food… DSC08006DSC07987  Lou and Milly kind of had the same role that day.. guard, watch, monitor and protect the food until it gets in their belly!

DSC07989DSC07995     Come and  get it!! 



      Don’t you just love our Vegan labels! Angela says the turkey is happy because it wasn’t sacrificed in that particular meal!


Phoeberlicious was ready to fix her plate!!DSC08035 DSC08016     Tucker had worn himself out just from thinking of all the things he is thankful for…. what a sweetie!DSC08010DSC08052 DSC08053 Thanksgiving done right!!  DSC08056Notice we all made a run for stretchy pants after scarfing down way too much food… Tara and Angela don’t understand this problem us chunky people have…. ugh!  DSC08060The boys say they have to watch the game….. with their eyes closed i guess?   DSC08064IMG_20121122_165530 IMG_20121122_180517    Time for games!DSC08080DSC08099 DSC08102   Somebody loves their Uncle Billy!DSC08119 DSC08121  Card games!


IMG_20121122_201928IMG_20121122_202239Lou was no fun even without internet connection.. he will find something nerdy to do or read!

He also came prepared with multiple reads downloaded to the computer so he wouldn’t have to play with us… stinker!

DSC07947 - CopyWe didn’t last long… Pooped out!DSC08132 Tucker and Milly were exhausted from all the begging! 

Friday was full of sight seeing and a scenic drive up Blue Ridge Parkway to Mt. Mitchel!


DSC08154 DSC08155 DSC08158 DSC08161C360_2012-11-23-14-18-57 Look what we saw… twice!DSC08192 DSC08206

I think this one is my favorite… look at that smerk! DSC08207 DSC08209  Phoeberlicious was so excited to get her picture taken and what’s even more exciting than that? Finding every word that ryhmes with phoeberlicious, duh.DSC08214The scenery is just too much, i love it!



Can we say mom’s Christmas present ;)  DSC08223 DSC08224 DSC08232 DSC08234

Did you know the rotted tree’s in the mountains really are from acid rain… I had actually just asked Lou on the way up why they all looked like they got struck by lightening and thats what he told me but i thought he pulled it out his ass…  and then i saw this sign! DSC08235


Our first sight of Snow! DSC08237 Tallest peak!!IMG_20121123_145224   We were a bit under dressed.. thankfully billy brought his robber mask and super thankfully he let me borrow it!IMG_20121123_145412DSC08244 DSC08247 DSC08248 DSC08251

Poor Lou, Did I mention it was freezing and the wind at the peak was insane! DSC08252

Cuties! As always they win most photogenic!! DSC08253

on our way back down… we literally passed this “pack” of trail riders on the way to and from Mt. Mitchel! DSC08258

Climbing to the top of Mt. Mitchel must have gotten Alex warmed up for what he had been waiting to do since last time we visited the cabin… repel down to the water! DSC08262DSC08265

A cold, cold day and what do we come home too, wet fire wood that made a fire impossible to start!


No worries we are some cuddling people with cuddling pups that love to help keep us warm!!

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Tucker Jones, always telling a story with those sweet eyes! DSC08322 DSC08327

The next morning we explored a bit before heading to Asheville for mom, Billy and I’s first time at the Biltmore!

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We arrived and I was in love with all the “over the top-ness”!


We got to the Biltmore with some time to spare so we helped our selves to the Wine tasting room and basically told our sweet bar tender “just go right down the list, we will try them all!”


Lou was more of a sniff, chug,  repeat connoisseur!


IMG_20121124_170006 It was overwhelmingly beautiful and I am so happy the first time I went was during Christmas time! I believe mom and I bought about 6 bottles of the Biltmore Christmas wine and then came home to find it’s being sold at World market.. go figure!DSC08306

My favorite part was imagining what the parties and entertaining must have been like in that house! There is actually a room called the planning room where she sat with the maitre d’ and planned the guest’ activities for the day!


We got back from the Biltmore just in time to see the last half of the Clemson game… but if i remember correctly… we don’t want to talk about that….

Mom knew just how to make lou smile anyway though; hot tortellini!DSC08332 DSC08334    Guess what we found on the last day…

A BAR= no not that kind of bar, a cell phone tower bar! DSC08182

oh well, at that point it was time to pack up and head home to civilization!


What an amazing time we had, as expected we had way toooo much food, desserts and perhaps at times too much wine but never too much time all being off work and together!


Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone!