Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lately and a Phone Dump

So I know i have been gone a while but i thought this would still be a fairly structured blog post….. until I went through my random pictures- maybe I should have titled this post chaos??

Never the less, important stuff first!

DSCN0555Rachel has done it…. she is officially a master boo and we couldn’t be more happy for her!DSCN0553

We celebrated with her and Andy the night she turned in her final paper and yes, we had to get out my old gown to make it seem more official!

Mercer only allows students to walk once a year and we could not contain our excitement until next May so we had our own graduation celebration!

Congrats Boo!

Other exciting and happy news…  I threw a Bridal Shower for Danielle, my co-worker at one of our favorite French Bakery's and my entire work actually managed to keep it a secret (this time)!

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I’m so happy for Danielle and thankful that she has managed to keep her sanity at our not so sane work environment even with all the excitement, anxiety and crazy “planning a wedding” emotions I know she must be dealing with on the inside!!DSCN0562Her Wedding is next weekend in Jacksonville and Alex and I can’t wait for a little weekend get a way to see the beautiful Future Mrs. Foster and visit family and friends!!  

On to the randomness :) yet super cuteness!

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We have been enjoying what has lately been feeling like our last few free weekends of summer and with that comes enjoying time with sweet Frankie!! DSCN0539

He is soooo Nic and Lia’s child… his absolute favorite thing in the world is beer! Also I have to add, this is the same Nic who always swore he would never have a dog… in fact “they are for insecure people”… we will never let you let that one down!DSCN0542

Speaking of cuteness we were home last weekend for Gina and Jeff’s engagement party which was AHHHHH- MAZINGLY gorgeous- side not- and while we home got to spend some time with little Miss Avery and Julian!


Avery picked Uncle Alex as her favorite and vice versa…  he was the only one who could sooth her and I think he took full advantage of that! Confirmation: His baby fever is now in over-drive!!!DSCN0575

Poor mom, she wanted to love on Avery so bad and Miss Avery was just not having it! DSCN0576

Later that night we made our way to the Engagement Party, it was the prettiest farm house I have ever seen and quite the high school reunion! DSCN0577 DSCN0578

We started and ended the night at Mill House, you gotta love Statesboro and it’s simpleness :) DSCN0579 DSCN0580

Daddy and Alex were into everything over the weekend, including wasp, snakes, and getting stuck in the rain! DSC06431

Daddy took Lou, Tucker and I riding all over in the pasture through the new trails he has made for his golf cart- if your wondering where Milly was…. she had to run along side us for obvious reasons! DSC06439 DSC06442

Tucker was into just about everything his dad decided he wanted to be “into” but not by choice!DSC06447

After Lou and daddy got stuck in the rain Lou decided to embrace the rain and enjoy it with Tucker and Milly and even give them a bath… Tucker did not have the same thoughts… my poor baby- he was forced against his will! DSC06470DSC06449


Tucker running for cover…. DSC06456

“No Tucker this will only take a minute", isn’t this fun anyway?” DSC06459

Milly stood on the steps for quite a while contemplating the consequences of not going with her daddy…DSC06475 DSC06477

Confirmation on a big “hell no” from Mill! PART951344212408374

I held out as long as I could playing “good cop” while confirming with Tucker and Milly how mean their daddy was by making them go out in the rain to take a bath and eventually got suckered into sharing the responsibility and forcing Milly to get her bath!

I will say the rain was quite refreshing and beautiful!


Now  for the even more randomness; Phone dump!DSC06492

I’m currently watching the closing ceremonies of the Olympics and we spent every night the past 2 weeks like this…. DSC06494C360_2012-08-05-21-43-59

  • I have downloaded Instagram and am now addicted to it!

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Tucker and I watching the girls gymnastics one morning! C360_2012-07-29-11-33-35 Cookies for Ney’s arrival! C360_2012-08-01-20-50-24 C360_2012-08-05-18-31-05

The babies asking permission to get in bed… C360_2012-08-05-21-24-36 C360_2012-08-05-21-29-22  Meredith moved to Atlanta!


… and was convinced to join Instagram with me :)


Marietta Square Arts Festival!


Anyone remember these from my Christmas List last year… I DO, never did get them, just can’t justify 200$ on a pair of boots it’s never cold enough to wear… oh but I need them!


Alex’s new obsession to climbing gear…. and repelling off our 3rd story back porch…. ahhhhh!


What does missing the movie and having an hour to wait until the next one starts equal? - POWER HOUR at Dos Primos!


Such a patient little waiter while I shop- thank God for the tablet!


Closing Ceremony is over and so am I… off to bed! Goodnight friends, Happy Monday!