Friday, August 31, 2012

Weddings, Showers and Wedding Showers!

Hello blog world, I'm currently at probably the best conference ever and enjoying myself a bit too much (as far as the sugar rush is concerned)! I know i have much to update from the past, i hate to say it, 2 weeks! So I will do my best to get it all out (pictures mostly; as usual) and brag about my awesome training another time!

Alex and I went down to Jacksonville for Danielle, my coworkers wedding and had quite the vacation in the journey just getting down there!


That and a one strap tan line and burned foreheads!


We made it just in time to spend a few hours at the beach before getting to the wedding!

DSC06512 1346041180898 1346041182309    What a beautiful day for a wedding!1346041002713   Mr. and Mrs. Foster!!DSC06545DSC06525

The father gives the bride away and….



You gotta love their sense of humor!  DSC06557

Yayy for real lives outside of work!

1346041007671 Confident, calm, in love, happy and adorably composed and collected! Oh yes and Sooooo Pretty!DSC06562 DSC06566

I loved the entrance of their wedding; complete with past wedding pictures from their families and Danielle’s Mother and grandmothers wedding dress.

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We stayed with the fun, lovely, cute, sweet and most PATIENT people I know while in Jacksonville to make a mini vacation out of our wedding trip; Lauyrn AND Anthony!


Rocky too! He was not forgotten in the introduction just lacking in a few of those areas so i had to give him a separate introduction, sorry love you Rock man!


RSCN0596So after the wedding it was a night out on the town!DSCN0586DSCN0590Alex and I were accidently twins…  I look absolutely awful in this pic but it proves we were twins and Lou looks super cute so it was worth putting my “ew”  on display!DSCN0587


That night ended with a sketchy hole in the fence connecting Lauryns’ apartment to a Denny’s (and you know Lou and I are some late night eaters) so we just had to try out the 3a.m. menu!

Let me just tell you it was the most disgusting food we have ever had… except Lauryns pancake pups… (OMG good) but some of the best people watching ever was going on so Lauryn and I were set!


That night we also found Lauryn and Anthonys stash- HUGE stage- of Megladon teeth and decided that was exactly what we were doing the next day!

Rocky too!DSC06619

So we slept about 4 hours and loaded up for Anthony to take us to their famous spot to find the teeth…DSC06582 DSC06584 DSC06590  DSC06597

As funny as this picture is… if only you knew Rocky’s personality it makes it that much funnier. He doesn’t know he is a little dog, he is so macho and to be picked up like a purse, vulnerable and baby like in his life jacket just cracked me up! DSC06598 DSC06605

Meanwhile Anthony and Lou ar eworking away to get the kayaks in while Lauryn and I snap away pictures of Rocky and before we knew it…. DSC06614

One of the Kayaks floated away! DSC06622

Ahhhh! Think fast and think smart (or if your me just scream like usual) yay Anthony! DSC06624


We talked for a while before going out debating if the whether would hold out and ofcourse eventually decided “It will be fine, let’s just go”!

The boys were determined to go out and find sharks teeth! So we headed out and had the best time looking for sharks teeth until all of a sudden…

It went from dark clouds to POURING, literally! Lauryn and I ran for the only thing we could find, a dock! The wind was blowing the rain in sideways so it was literally pointless but it made us feel better until we could head back!


Yeah so maybe it was a bad idea, but we still had fun and Alex always says he wants  a”real” adventure so it’s definitely what he got!  IMG953389 IMG955453

We found some interesting fruit, flowers and best of all Megladon teeth!


(odly enough, this is actually not a lime but we have no clue what it is… it was growing on a vine) DSC06639 DSC06641We still considered the trip a success, obviously ;)

So we celebrated our last night out with them with some seafood on the beach!

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DSC06650 MMMMM, mmmm, mmmmm!1346041185318 1346041185524

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What a fun place to live, thanks for sharing your amazing home, hospitality and time with us last weekend! DSC06648

Monday (which was our 13 year “fate” anniversary!!!!) we had plans to see Alexs’ Grama Leah who lives in Jacksonville before heading back home to Atlanta, First we got sent all over Jacksonville trying to track down where exactly his Grama Leah  was (they originally sent us to the hospital thinking she was still in there from the previous week)... thankfully she was not and she was back “home” so we got to eat lunch with her and spend some time with her. 

1346041189210Since her most recent hospital stay she didn’t recall many things and was not eating much. We also couldn’t exactly tell if she knew who we were….

So Alex being Alex had to bring technology into the mix and googled all types of things that happened in her past to talk with her about (including her finding the first reported orange alligator… for real, on hilton head, and Alex found the newspaper article written about her finding it!) as well as photos of his dad and other family members:

Here’s the website of her finding the gator in 1990:


I think the gator story gave us her first smile :)

Grama Leah was a bit uncomfortable (physically)and constantly wanted to stand up and walk around, after an hour at lunch we were pretty confident she had no clue who we were but when we started walking something pretty sweet happened….

She stopped for a second, took her hand off the walker, looked at Alex, grabbed his hand and placed it underneath her hand on the walker….


I’m pretty sure my heart melted!

DSC06661   Eventually we made it to her room which was full of pictures and decorations all hand painted by her!DSC06654

This was my most favorite of her paintings! DSC06660

DSC06658 Before leaving we helped the nurses move her to a higher level of care which was pretty sad, she basically went from an assisted living apartment to a hospital room that was “temporary” but it’s not looking temporary at this point.

Never the less Grama Leah was just as beautiful, sweet and gentle as always and we are so thankful we had a chance to visit her and help during that unexpected yet, difficult time.

After spending a bit longer than expected with the visit and a full rain storm the entire trip home we decided to get the pups from their grama and grampas and hit the road!

We could always celebrate our anniversary another day!?!?!?


Hi Tucker, Hi Milly! I just had to share those! I am so spoiled, not only do Alex and I get the best free baby sitters ever, we get hour by hour pic updates and they could not make my heart more happy while we’re away!

Finally we got back to Atlanta and celebrated our anniversary two times to make up for not celebrating it on the actual day ;)

Can I just mention my husband actually went to the grocery store by HIMYSELF while I was getting my hair done and surprised me with a DELICIOUS steak dinner complete with sweet tea!


I was so impressed but that wasn’t all he had up his sleeve, the next night he had picked out a place for us to go eat over the water on Lake Lanier….



You can arrive by car or by boat…


It was so “us” styrofoam cups and all! 1346041192954

DSCN0619   The views could not be more beautiful and the clouds were stunning! 1346041194092

It’s crazy when we think about what 13 years has done! Can’t believe all those salt throws and wishes at 11:11 (am and pm) gpaid off ;) well that and a combination of some fate, love, respect and more than that just doing what makes us happy can get us!

Love you so much Lou, Happy 13 years of bliss!1346041194844