Monday, July 2, 2012

Slutty Brownies & A Short Visit With Family


Yes you heard right, slutty brownies… I made them for our work party last week and it was pretty evident that my co-workers enjoyed them that much more after hearing the name of them!DSC05543

I tweaked the recipe below a bit (I cheated and bought the “store bought” cookie and brownie mix) and the “oreos” or shall we say; “Joe Joe’s” are Trader Joes all chocolate version of Oreo but taste pretty similar. I did stick to the same mixing directions and cook time as below…

Click here for Recipe!


I used a small baking pan so I had plenty of mix left over to make them in cupcake form as well but they ended up being WAY over cooked! I recommend shortening the cupcake version by at least 5 minutes!

DSC05546 DSC05549 DSC05556  YUM!!!DSC05566 DSC05576

After the cupcake shaped ones cooled the liner was completely stuck to the cupcake and was a nightmare to get off! DSC05577

So i spent an hour peeling and shaving the edges of the cupcakes until all the paper was of and then threw them away because they were too hard! DSC05588

So I went with the pie shape and they turned out amazing!

C360_2012-06-27-22-30-02_org There you have it, slutty brownies! I can now put another check mark on my Pinterest recipe board!

  Our weekend at home was WAY to short especially for all the family my mom had in town…. yeah I thought I had a lot of company lately! Mom had every room in the house packed tight with a total of 15 people under one roof!DSC05675

(Nope, this isn’t even all of them!)

Grams, Aunt Doreen and Lauren and Jessica all came to visit as well as some more of moms family from Virginia that Alex and I got to meet for the first time!

Delaney (11) on the left, their mom Lorraine, Aunt Barbara and Victoria (16) on the right..


Victoria very quickly gave me puppy eyes and a convincing sob story on day one and talked me into going to Splash in the Boro… which was a LARGE nightmare… never again will I attempt that on the hottest day of the year and a holiday weekend!

2012-06-30_14.27.59 So I made a quick call to Nicole and we quickly ditched Splash and landed at Beaumont! Not quite the same as Splash but after a few times down the big slide and ordering a pizza (vegan of course) everyone was happy!C360_2012-06-30-14-22-07C360_2012-06-30-15-30-31

It was pretty much the hottest couple of days I can remember in years so unless we were in a moving golf cart or at the pool we stayed inside!

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I wouldn’t let Tucker run or walk with the golf cart and barely let milly because it was just to hot and i was scared they would get over heated but as soon as they saw the water they were itching to be let free…

How cute are these two!DSC05595

So IO gave in and let them swim and they couldn’t be happier! They must have gotten in and out the water 15 times in 10 minutes! It was a good solution to both the heat and the gnats!DSC05599 DSC05611 DSC05613 DSC05616 DSC05624 DSC05625 DSC05629

Milly really was the cutest swimmer ever, she drags her back legs and her hiney basically just floats so her front legs are doing all the work!

You have to watch the video below, for the first time ever she dunked her head under water and would come out and splash! I got it on video once but she must have done it 3 or 4 times!

Is that not the cutest? I think it was a good solution to the bugs bothering her!

I was so glad to spend time with grams but dividing my tiny little weekend up with that many others left me feeling like i didn’t get any time with her at all!

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What a hoot that grams is, she always calls me the paparazzi; I wonder why? Grams is on dialysis now so she was attending the dialysis center in Statesboro 3 times during the week she was here… we tried talking her into staying but that woman is a creature of habit and was not budging!

Victoria and Jessica had Alex take them out to shoot again before dinner so I ran out there only to snap a few pictures and literally ran back inside… it cooled off at night but the bugs were even worse!

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That night at dinner mom kept saying “we’re never going to get a family picture”… I convinced her we would if we set a time for it! So we did! I’m pretty sure that had little to do with it in the end it was really just my loud mouth yelling “Family picture time people”!DSC05679

We took a few and then realized Tara was MIA…. so we sent Lauren to find her and we were losing daylight by the second!

DSC05686  Tucker, Milly and Jackson were casually walking around in all the pictures…. Jackson was throwin up right in front of us, Tucker and milly were licking each others private parts and so on….

DSC05683 I tried my best to crop them out…


Cousin pick with grams!!


It was getting darker and darker with each picture but we got as many as we could before it went completely dark!

“Older cousin pic”

Siblings on the left and right… their mothers were sisters :)

DSC05697     Mom was so sad to see grams leave :( but she promised to come back next summer!C360_2012-07-01-10-12-36_orgC360_2012-07-01-10-12-55_org

Mom had home cooked meals for everyone for each night they were all there so it was time for El Som as soon as everyone left!

C360_2012-07-01-13-57-25 C360_2012-06-30-22-53-23   Tara had her Starbucks and Diet Coke with El Som… I loved it!C360_2012-07-01-13-15-01_org

Mom and Dad’s “adopted daughter” my cousin Lauren :) … her and daddy are two pea’s in a pod! C360_2012-07-01-13-54-33_org I just noticed I don’t have one picture of Billy from the weekend! Woops! It’s his fault though, him and Angela were so nice to give their bed up for us for the weekend and stayed at a friends house the second night so they missed out on picture time and then headed to Hilton Head Sunday so missed out on the family’s El Som trip!

Thanks for the bed Billy and Angela!

Speaking of which, we are back on the road again tomorrow and heading to Hilton Head ourselves for the Fourth!

Get me through tomorrow and to the beach; Happy Fourth everyone!!