Thursday, May 17, 2012

Charleston Couples Trip Round 3!


Oh yes that time finally came around and never proves to be anything less than Un-freaking-believable!DSC04961DSC04962DSC04963

Alex and I headed down to Charleston 2 weekends ago with a lead foot trying to get there as fast as possible…. to see our besties and start this vacay! In reality, the whole ride there was a vacation in itself….DSC05026

We dropped the pups off at my parents house and swapped our car with Alex’s mom’s convertible ;) Good Idea Lou!


My dads comment as we were kissing the dogs goodbye and pulling off was “Oh sure, just drop the kids off at the grandparents and swap out the mini van for a sports car!”


We new we had arrived when we heard our names (even over our blaring music) being screamed from the balcony!DSC04688

We arrived and they saved the best room in the house for us!

Wooo hoo!


(Thanks for the pic steph!)

So we unpacked and figured out just how perfect our location was by walking to lunch and the beach!  DSC04682

Good Find Steph, I think we know where to rent again next year (and the next… and the next)!’

So, it certainly didn’t take us long to develop a plan….beach, pina colada, discuss plans, shower, dress, pictures and out!DSC04895




Turns out us girls ended up taking a bit longer than expected to grocery shop.. (ok alcohol/junk food shop), shower, gossip, get dressed and do hair so the boys left us to get a head start with happy hour and by the time they got home they were very HAPPY and ready to go…..




I was not fooled though, this is not my first rodeo with Lou starting earlier than me…. it never works!

We were just getting started and this is what we find…DSC04751

But no worries, he perks back up quite easily!


Saturday was our first full day together and we hit the ground running… to the beach!


But not before applying our sunscreen of course ;)

(Lou has a love hate relationship with his sunscreen)


..and eating the cookies and sandwiches we packed for our lunch- for breakfast!

2012-05-069512.05.14Ahhhhh…. the beach!   


Us girls moved our chairs to the water and had the best time deciding baby names, talking hair, jobs, life and taking a few moments to say “wow, this is the exact moment we have literally waited an entire year for”…..

And it’s always so worth the wait!



DSC04775There is nothing better than an ice chest lunch at the beach!




No, she did not make it to the water…..

DSC04844DSC04791  Yes, we were those people who fed the sea gulls…. DSC04808 DSC04815  Nice try Lou!DSC04830


DSC04834   Time for a walk to the peer!  



One of my favorite things about follly- a peer!

DSC04852 DSC04853  Impersonating “Rose and Jack”…. so romantic!DSC04860 DSC04862 DSC04863

As always, an old fashioned roomie love pic (poor Lou)! DSC04871

All of a sudden our burn set in and it was about that time….


Whoever put this sign up knew us all too well!



The girls are drinking and the boys are napping just to keep up with us ;)

DSC04903Wakey, wakey, we got things to do boys!  DSC04884   Shower, dress, hair, pre-drink, picture time!   DSC04911

Happy Cinco De Mayo!       DSC04904 DSC04908  Have I mentioned I love these girl, like love them, love them!!DSC04913 DSC04916 DSC04918

Downtown Charleston here we come!


We decided to eat at the Noisy Oyster, I think we eat ther every year and none of us ever care for it but that damn location is just so perfect! ha


Well, maybe Josh didn’t think the food was so bad.. he was our garbage disposal!



Ney decided to create a bucket list at dinner and we al helped pout something on the list, except what i wanted, i can’t remember what it was but it never got added and for some reason “making a penny in the machine” got on there.. ..

Who does that?


Thanks to Stephanie for taking some pics that night!




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The next day was full of anticipation and basically how fast can we get through the day before making it to Hyman’s tonight while still enjoying the day!?!?!?! Makes sense right?


To the beach we go!

We had a slow start for obvious reasons (above) but perked up after finding our bucket list from the night before and simultaneously seeing another item we could cross off…DSC04931

A girl in a bikini, cow girl boots and a book bag ….. (classic bum attire) “Run Ney and get a picture with her”. DSC04941

Another check off our list “Taking a picture with a bum”! DSC04945

Our last day, bitter sweet!


Stephanie our sun goddess was sunned out by day 3! DSC04957* Love*


It’s her, it’s here, time for Hyman’s!!! DSC04976

Do we look excited? DSC04983 DSC04986

C360_2012-05-06-17-40-32_orgThe best hushpuppies ever… and i don’t even like hush puppies! DSC04990

Eli always makes his rounds to out table and gives us a free appetizer (this year he gave us an appetizer and dessert!), our free app this year was fried green tomatoes, my first taste of them! DSC04994

After all the appetizers came out it was finally time to get down to the real deal; I had to take a “before” picture of my meal:


After about three bites I was literally miserable so the table agreed I needed to take an “after” picture of the damage done: DSC05002

Yeah, looks the same I know! I swear, I really am going to do some stomach stretches before we go next time, I always fill up on the appetizers!

Just as Josh and I were complaining about how full we were the waiter arrived to bring us our check…. So Stephanie asked for directions to this dessert place she was interested in and the waiters response was:

“Well Eli ordered Key Lime Pie, Bread Pudding and Brownie Al a mode for your table… but if your going somewhere else should I not bring it out?”


Josh and I’s response:

“Oh look I think we found some room, YES, bring it!” DSC05005 DSC05011

DSC05019We love you Eli, we love you Hymans, we love you Charleston! 


Alex and I spent most of the ride home with the radio off re-capping many “best moments” of the trip… most won’t understand but the crew may find it quite hilarious:


  • I remember when I used to be gay…
  • Nice tree shirt!
  • That picture was great y'all look nice and thick…
  • Free pralines, you don’t like them? Even better go get me one!Begging everyone to go in praline store to get me a sample
  • Ok, I am not in the middle this time for pics
  • You act like my screaming is something I can control
  • Oh are you with the bachelorette party, they went that way
  • Ok what did everyone order now?
  • I'm not taking a picture, I only took the group one because I was forced too!
  • I need to stop and buy some underwear…
  • Jen we decided to tell everyone we’re in college on this trip
  • Oh that’s messed up, how come the Natty Lite can't be stored in the cold section of the grocery?
  • I think we should start with “Tonnnnniiiighhhhtttt” instead of “we are young” to get in rhythm.
  • Sit with me, everyone is going to know what I’m doing… No they won't because no one pees that far out of the water at the beach!

I started looking forward to next year the moment we pulled out the drive way!


Love ya’ll and I wouldn’t trade our weekend catch up getaway for anything in the world!!