Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Andys Birthday, Tinas Farewell and Dates

Rachel and I were pumped about a theme birthday party requested by Andy and apparently my mom was too…

So Rachel and I started “Pinteresting” ideas about a month ahead of time and before we even got started with decorations mom brought me a TON of buckets, sea shells, fishing nets, hula skirts, flip flop plates, signs.…. the WORKS!


We basically used Pinterest to make these adorable “flip flop” cookies and the rest made itself cute!DSC04430

Pinterest suggested using Pepperidge farm Milano cookies but Rachel used Nutter Butters and it worked all the same and you use Twizzlers for the straps :)

DSC04417  We just had to make the tuna fish dip ;)DSC04423 DSC04424Chelsea made her appearance for the night once the food showed up ;)    DSC04434 DSC04435

We had a mixture of Andy’s Life long friends, new friends, life guard friends and work friends.. it was an amazing night… so amazing i realized later on that i forgot to take one picture of the birthday boy!

I blame this also on the cake pops…. for which you don’t use candles and you don’t have to sing the birthday song before eatting (apparently)… you see, usually the birthday song, blowing out the candles and cutting the cake trigger my memory to think “camera!”


Sorry Andy, Happy Birthday and Aloha 29!!

The second celebration was for a very sad occasion but we were very happy in the process of doing it…


  JJ and Coco came from Newnan and Lou and I met up with them to wish tina a farewell as she moves far, far, far, far far away to Utah!C360_2012-04-28-20-44-33

We met them for an amazing dinner at one of my new favorites, Noche in Vinings where we all indulged in their “trailer Park tacos”and “Skinny Margaritas” …

A 5 calorie Margarita, you can’t beat that, It’s called “Sinless” apparently and I am on the hunt for it in stores! C360_2012-04-28-20-45-05We wish you well Tina and hope you find all the adventures your looking for!  

Lou and I also got in many happy “dates” this weekend, so much that when Sunday night came i was bummed that the house and yard looked awful and the worse mixed of lived in and abandoned but I wouldn’t have traded our time together for a nicely fresh cut yard of grass anyway so no use feeling guilty about it!


Friday night we went tried a new place in BuckHead called Ru San’s because Alex was craving Sushi… yes my husband eats sushi now! Crazy I know!


Saturday we layed out at Piedmont park and had no clue there was a Lupus festival going on so we get to sit and observe on a hill top while listening to the free music ;)


Oh yes while eating our Wendy’s Spicy chicken sandwich and Frosty’s…. in a bikini… no shame!

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C360_2012-04-29-11-44-30 Sunday we really did have intentions of getting things done at home… that all worked out until Andrew invited us to the race he was in town to work at… “The Mitty” at Atlanta Road Race….


We arrived and Andrew whisked us away in his golf cart with pre-used tickets and all just to sneak us in… just our style right! 


I was so relieved to find out it wasn’t a “race car, race car” race but a mix of vintage cars and (Alex loved the…) formula one cars!

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This curve above made me so nervous, I yelled “slow down” to each one as if they would listen… thank God i’m not a mother, daughter or wife to any of those drivers…. I was a nervous wreck!



Their favorite part of any car! DSC04558

  DSC04600  I think this car was one of Alex’s favorites and obviously a lot of others favorites too, we talked to the owner who spends about 50,000 a weekend racing it all as a “hobby”….

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Thanks so much for getting us in and showing us around Andrew…

DSC04602 You made Lou one happy boy!DSC04673

That is all for now, I will be black with hopefully a super huge blog to report all of our documented fun from Charleston!! We leave this Thursday to bring the pups to their grandparents and are heading to Charleston/Folly Beach Friday morning!!