Thursday, May 20, 2010

First 2 weeks off and LOOOOOOving it!

So my idea isn’t working, Summer time…. I thought I would be better at keeping up with the blog. NO! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Who wants to be inside on the computer though when It’s so gorgeous out!?!??! Wait till June, I will be over the hot weather and the humidity will be good and …HERE! Just have a little faith! :)


Friday and Saturday were both gorgeous nights for dinner outside, we had a cook out with Amara and Sean Friday night at their place before they are off this weekend for their 5 year anniversary trip to Costa Rica!! This only increased my obsession to go back to having my own backyard…. but Happy anniversary!!

Saturday was soo exciting Alex and I met Lauryn and Anthony and many other friends at our favorite roof top restaurant, 6 foot under!


Ohh how I have missed my “MUST have two salt shakers for us to be at the same table, only girl with nails SHORTER than mine (even though she refuses to agree) and only girl at el som who gets a refill of cheese dip for free only after we collectively scrounged up 3$ in change from her parents couch cushions! Sorry El som,,, for all those days we failed to tip!!!


DSC07821   Sunday was yet again “serious sun day” with autumn and Rachel and then I anxiously awaited the arrival of BILLY…. brought to ME by mom and dad!! :)


Tucker and Milly love company and so does there mom and dad!


Monday Billy had to work the whole day so Mom, dad and I ventured out on our own. After deciding we “needed” pizza we pulled a houge “uey” when we saw this sign…. actually it was after I saw this sign and mom screamed “there’s ceiling fans on those porches!” We DO NOT DO HOT.


Needless to say we didn’t get hot and it was the BEST PIZZA ever!!

Do not laugh at my excitement in a new pizza restaurant either, I don’t like to get lost so i never venture out to “new areas” of Atlanta. Daddy on the other hand thinks he is an eagle (or some type of bird?), so he just drives until he isn’t lost anymore, bad for the person in the back seat who has to ride in a car which has a sticky petal (me) but the outcome is often helpful/yummy!


After this big boy tagged along with mom and I’s never ending (typical) shopping mission, I decided to “treat” him to the covered bridge Alex and I found in February.


The man loves water…


and when his daughter covers up half his belly in pics, no worries daddy, I gotcha “covered”.





Next, I have sad news, please brace yourself….Sadly….

Soul Vegetarian was closed during Billy’s visit to see me. Yet somehow he survived anyway (with a little mexican and hibachi)!


To our surprise the Japanese Cowboy remembered us!! Oh how we love our Japanese Cowboy!!


Mom was so excited to impress us with her chop stick skills! She thought she picked up one tiny piece of rice…. we say it “stuck” :)

It ended with a bunch of full bellies, leftovers (for most;) not all), and a good game of bullshit!


Then we told drove  Billy to the airport and sent him back to Philly

SONY DSCDSC01575 Miss you B, see you in August!

Now for your Lily update: She is LOVING her new home and mommy and I have been told that Lily has only had one poopy accident. She also met a new friend and has learned that if she backs up to her crate (to get a running start) she can reach the couch and from there climb to the computer desk! Candice is working with her on that being a “no, no” though! She also has a chinchilla as a sibling instead of two grouchy dogs, Mommy loves you Tucker and Milly but admit it, sometimes your are bad…...

Grumpy    DSC07845                HoarderDSC07966This weekend will be quite a test,,, Tucker and Mill will be staying at Andy and Rachel’s for the weekend while their mommy and daddy attend what will be the first “annual” couples trip to Charleston. Problem is, Andy and Rachel are getting a new pup, exciting I know but frightening for me!! Tucker and Milly promise to be on their best behavior but I’ve heard that before!


I think we may collaborate a “grand parents back up plan” JIC.