Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Celebrating ONE AMAZING YEAR!!


The beach, a champagne toast to “US” and a year old cake!



Lou finally admitted the cake wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be but still refused to have more than one bite, unfortunately, I liked it and took more than one bite.

Scardy cat.


I can’t believe it’s already been an entire year since we said “I do” under a gorgeous oak tree with all of our family and friends. A lot has changed since then; new place, new city, Alex got a new job and I finished my first year of grad school. <Samsung NV3, Samsung VLUU NV3>

After a year of thinking I had had the happiest day of my life, I’m learning, repeatedly,  how wrong I am.

Our week long celebration at the beach proved me wrong (yet again). I mean, I honestly thought “ Ok for real this time  this is the best it can get”. Beach, Lou, great snacks, no stress of school (for either of us), perfect weather (not to hot), celebrating one year and loving where we are! Nope, we have only been home for 2 days now and have done simply nothing of significance and all I can think is “Jen, your wrong again!!” I guess I’ll never learn!

<Samsung NV3, Samsung VLUU NV3>

Which is a good thing seeing as I like surprises!

So on with the celebration!

We got to mom’s late Tuesday night to drop off the dogs  and begin our vacation… of course mom went above and beyond. She re-created all the special goodies we had (and I craved)  on our wedding day!

(complete with Cream Cheese Danishes and sugar covered pecans at the bottom)


“Don’t forget this Jen” DSC07315

I caught Lou telling his side kick things to remember for the week while we are gone “be nice to your sister, it will be a rough week for her starting her new diet and don’t over kiss Jackson, you do get to be a bit much sometimes Tuck” haha

Tucker actually learned to be quite the hunter while we were gone…..


Dad called and said “So did you hear what your baby boy did” he sounded shocked when i said “no” and then he said “ooh, ooops, I guess mom decided not to tell you, he found a black snake!”

Ohh Tucker, why ya gotta be so macho!?!?

The first day of our vacation was Cinco De Mayo!! So we met up with Bobbyo and Jane for Mexican, drinks and music by the water!


The next day it “was serious” I told Lou, we had to be dedicated to the sun, so I had my “front porch rocking chair” book mom got me and Lou was stocked with his EE Times Magazines and his Android Software book (actually mom got both of those for him too, sweet Kern!)…. The lifeguard actually noticed Alex’s reading choice and stopped and said “Wow, so much for an easy read”

haha That’s Lou!



He sure did impress me, he was so content out there doing nothing, I guess Lou is capable of  “relaxing”, even if that means reading a software book.

To each their own, as long as you enjoy yourself!


Friday Nicole informed me they were heading to the Island for the weekend! So we got to meet up with them that night for pizza  and headed to Relay for Life with the kids to play and see Bob and Jane.



Saturday we spent the day at the beach with them flying kites and looking for dolphins (Ana and I’s favorite!)



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SNV30750  My baby is getting soooo big now!SNV30759

The Minnicks: year one, down!


So that was our beach trip and celebration….I think one of the greatest things we do well together is celebrate and we definitely showed off those skills this past week!! 

We always find a reason (well i tend to mostly) to “pay extra attention” to certain things, simple everyday things usually, (which could possibly be made up for an excuse to have something to celebrate) and of course the REAL/BIG deal ones….like ONE Year Anniversary!

I started noticing lately that we really do have something to celebrate about 2 times a week (minimum) and I guess that IS a bit odd. I came to the conclusion that we are going through a lot of changes and movement which calls for a lot of milestones (and give me credit because the majority of our celebrations lately have actually been LEGIT). In grad school getting through each paper/exam is an accomplishment, finishing at Clemson, getting jobs, internships ending, getting grades, anniversaries (monthly,yearly and of dating as well as marriage add up to be about 13 celebrations a year)! So we celebrate a lot, yes,  but I think we have a lot going on right now too.

Anyway, usually celebrating, at least as far as the small things go, means no more than going to dinner together and calling it a celebration when we probably would have gone to dinner together that night anyway.

Basically it’s just acknowledging it and what’s wrong with doing that right!’!

This particular celebration called for a long “acknowledgement” and it couldn’t have been any better! Lou told me on the way home he has never enjoyed just laying on the beach as much as he did that week.We will miss you beach, back to the real world for us… .. ok, well maybe just Lou.


Our real anniversary fell on mothers day this year and we made our rounds to each of our mama’s houses before heading back to the ATL. 



Happy Mother’s day to the best two Karen’s we know!


Sunday we woke up at my parents house and Mom and I both woke up to empty beds…. I asked her if she was used to waking up on holidays to an empty bed from dads last minute shopping expeditions…haha but those boys both made up for it in the end… Dad had no other way to hide moms new TV and Alex had ran out to surprise me with the exact breakfast I requested on the day of my wedding… Burger King egg and cheese croissant, don’t laugh, you know you love them too. Which I did receive on my wedding day thanks to Jessica and Laura! YAY thank you all for making my Burger King dreams come true!

Anyway, we also woke up early to Tucker and Mill’s kisses followed by a walk outside so they could show us where they “explored” all week at their grandparents….  DSC07366

Lou sure did miss our babies.

and his girl.   DSC07388

This is after a week on her diet… how’s she look?!?!? Any skinnier?


Mom and I also enjoyed a walk to ourselves before Billy and Tara arrived…. (ourselves = Tucker, Milly and Jack of course!)


Simple things can be so fun when your with the right person…  



Milly is so scared of any type of height… but was so excited that she found this spot first.  DSC07415


Tucker decided to go swimming in water that was darker than his sister….  good thing mom bought the babies a pool while we were gone, it came in handy for bath time!


Then we entertained ourselves with a photo shoot.




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My mothers day present to myself is below….      DSC01520

A picture with my babies!  DSC01527

If I had to guess, this picture (below) in a frame would be the best present mom could ask for…


… or this one. DSC07504    DSC07533

This is my “I could just squeeze you” face: teeth gripping while trying to explain how cute he is and that i have the urge to squeeze him, basically caught in the act of  discussing how gentleman like he is and his good looks…


Then he peed on me.

No worries, I think it was an accident?

and I LOVE this one!

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       So happy one year to “Us” and Happy Mother’s Day to our mothers!! 

(we had to do our cake again on the real day… you know in case it really is a “luck” thing) :)

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Just so you know, we just returned home from “celebrating” once again for yet 2 more things… Lou’s first day of the the real world (back at work) and me finding out I made… STRAIGHT A’s… YES that’s 5 of them!!
