Monday, April 26, 2010

Weddings, Pups, Friends, Sweet Ana and Drunken Times… What a Weekend!

We were so busy this weekend but it was so fun!! I played with Ana, pretended to be an undergrad and got drunk each night, stayed in a house with 7 dogs, had lou and my besties all together all weekend, ran into a ton of old high school friends of Alex’s, shopped with Stephanie and Tara (which ended with a minor catastrophe at Mc’D’s), enjoyed the 2 best things Statesboro has to offer at once… Kailey and Medical Center cheese sticks, got some sun, ate el sombrero- TWICE and even had a cookie dough blizzard on my ride home- more importantly i had one WITH lou- which you all know is rare, love it though bc it makes me feel less guilty   :) ha then we came home to reality and both stayed up all night studying!!

We didn’t mind though because it makes us appreciate coming home to our big comfy bed even more after sleeping on an air mattress all wknd! TJ and mill agree.. trust me!


Nothing short of a perfect Weekend!

Anyway, first on the list was to get TAN and play with ANA!! Cara was so sweet to join me and do most of the work! 



In case you can’t tell we bribed Ana to stand in front of us for the pics!! :) Unfortunately, one day she too will understand!


She is getting SOOO big and she is such a water worm now!! She still won’t go down the slide but she loves the water she told me she will when she turns 10 maybe!!


Alex T.  got a new rocket to launch off and was told he couldn’t do it until Lou got there, BAD IDEA. My Alex was spending the day studying but after I was asked by about 17 kids (of which I only knew half) “when is Lou going to be here so we can set off the rocket?” I forced him to put all his work down and get there!!


So they set it off two times until the parachute that comes out was lost… poor kids… ha but they loved it!


Did I mention we stayed in a house with 6 DOGS?


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No worries… Milly kept them all in check!


Laura was babysitting a little pup named Gracie!


…and THE GIZ came to visit with JJ!



Besides that it was the usual crew of pups I guess  but it seemed like so much more… in a good way!SNV30555 SNV30574

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Ana wasn’t the only sweet girl I got to play with, Saturday Kailey joined us for lunch at Lou and I’s favorite (besides El Som) …..Medical Center!!



What a handful… her new thing apparently is to tell her mama that she got in a fight at daycare… YEAH she says “I pushed ‘em mama”

Fortunately yet strangely (so far) it is all made up in Kaileys creative mind and her only boo boo is from walking into a book shelf! haha


Then it was time for the main event….Kristen and Chad’s wedding was BE-UTI-FUL!!! ha and actually I bragged about Kailey the whole night as if she were mine… such a mess!

SNV30587  It rained during the actual ceremony (which we pretended like we didnt miss due to a small stylist crisis) but the reception was soo perfect and the rain had stopped! It was an old plantation farm and she decorated it soooo cute!!



They made the old buggy a present holder.. how cute!! SNV30595

I even found a sweet barn kitty, i think i was told 45676 times “No you can’t keep it” and Lou refused to hold it for fear that he too would fall in love. So it was my baby for the night!



The beautiful bride and groom made their exit headed to Savannah for the night (and we actually saw them Sunday afternoon at the gas station headed back home to Gainsville) they will be enjoying a honeymoon in 2 weeks!! I remember when people to told me to do that, i thought they were crazy but it does seem much more relaxed, go home, un-pack and then look forward to a VACAY!

Anyway then it was time to find a ride back to Statesboro and head to Mill House to meet my girlies



Is it me or does Lou lou look super buff!! :)   SNV30631  SNV30604

AND guess what i found!?!


SNV30627 A sweet baby puppy, it was Haley’s new lab but sooo cuddly and sweet, I think Lee and I fought over her French kisses all night!SNV30628

Can you tell we had a blast!!?!?!?