Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Minnicks’ First Easter


Happy Easter Followers!!

The happiness of Easter in our house (at least until we can do real Easter egg hunts with real children, no offense TJ and Mimi you were very good sports) is remembering our engagement! Shallow? Maybe so,but I love EASTER and we have our own little reasons to celebrate!

Two year’s ago on the night before Easter I went for a walk on the beach that ended with a question, a promise and a diamond ring on my( god awful nail bitten) finger :)  Needless to say It was the happiest night of my life!


So the next day was Easter and we were off to Bob and Jane’s for Lunch. YOU KNOW we had to first stop at Harris Teeter for me to buy my FIRST BRIDE MAGAZINE, actually I remember Amber calling and asking us to pick up formula for Julian on our way over and my first thought was, “Oh man! Now how am i going to keep this receipt in the sentimental box or scrapbook when it has bridal magazine and baby formula” (yes Rachel, it was devastating!)  haha oh well! Anyway at lunch I couldn’t wait to show off my BRAND NEW Engagement ring and we announced our Engagement !


Interestingly enough, at least i think it is, the very next year on the day before Easter I was attending a Bridal Shower from all my Statesboro girlfriends at Amanda’s mom’s house!

I have to say, it’s something about Easter :)

So anyway on to this year’s Easter….


Look who was waiting to greet us as we arrived to Rachel and Andy’s… Chelsea with her new “do”…. Tucker NEEDS to be next I believe but we need to buy (another, yes his hair breaks them after one summer of cuts) trimmer to give him a good ol’ at home “do” up…. no Petsmart $60 dollar hair cut budget here!

First and Foremost I have Good News to share… The Deviled Eggs were a HIT!


the boys found an entertainment vessel, a rope swing…. no clue how old it is or how strong the rope is but we put the civil engineer (lance) on it first to figure out all those details…. :)

DSC06717DSC06723  Then it was safe for Lou :)

Thanks for taking one for the team Lance!!!

DSC06719Look who Milly’s HOT date was this year… Auntie autumn! I think autumn has a special soft spot for Mill since she looks like Tega, her old dog…. aka mill’s identical mutt twin!


  Greylin was also there for a bit and decided to show Milly how it’s done!DSC06777  DSC06790

The Easter gang 2010 


Yes, we were all parentless on Easter and  Rachel and Andy did their best to make it a real Easter for us all!



Tucker was actually the good one in this photo op, Milly was the distracted one!  DSC06844