Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Dear Lola,

My three and a half year old! IMG_6582

Your closer to four now but #mamastrying. Your daddy and I have been admitting that reality almost every night the past few weeks and it’s just tearing us apart that these toddler days are slipping through our fingers.

We didn’t blink.

We did cherish EVERY moment.

It still went by too fast.

I took every picture, video, tried every form of documenting to the point of annoyance because I just want to remember every ounce of you, every single ounce of you.


I know this post won’t do you justice but I just have to write some of my favorite things about this stage- at this point it’s better than nothing right! I have also had a little on- going note in my phone with some of my favorites that you have sad lately bc let’s be honest. Mama knows better than to think this thing will be updated frequently enough!

We have always been each others everything, ride or die, best friend, sister, side kick etc but I swear Lola, you really are like my partner in everything!

We have SO many “girl" dates” as we call them now that brother is here and we both LOVE that! We are so thankful Daddy knows just how important this is for us. It can be anywhere from a real date or just a run to target or the grocery- neither of us care as long as it’s just us girls! IMG_4454


(Sometimes mommy scrambles to hurry and write down the last thing you said in the quickest way possible- must remember)

IMG_6644When we are alone together it usually at some point in the date, trip, night brings me to tears. You just become so much of an adult when we’re alone, even more so than usual. So with that and the fact that it reminds me of when it was just me and you- and that is still such a weird feeling to remember and feel. IMG_3589

It reminds me of how we were just yesterday or last week when really it was over 6 months ago… so close I can taste it yet worry over one day forgetting that feeling of just me and  you. I will always miss when it was jut you and I because I waited SO long for that time in my life to come yet hate feeling like that or saying that out loud because it seems like such a “bad thing” to say or feel. It’s weird.

Of course we love nothing more than having our sweet Lox here but  being a mommy for the first time to you and having just you for three years was a very special time that I will forever “miss” and cherish. It is what it is and I probably would feel guilty saying that out loud if I didn’t love the heck out of your cute little brother that we run home from our girl date to gush over! IMG_5695IMG_5697

So here are a few of my favorite phrases and new things that capture THREE and a HALF pretty well!

I told you the other night when I was putting you to bed “Lola, you know mommy waited her WHOLE life for you, now your here and your mine forever and ever”… you told me “mommy look the other way” and so I did. You then whispered, “I love you mommy, your my best friend”. I don’t think most people “get” our kind of love but my God s it something intense, Oh do I love you little girl.

So it has become our new thing, whispering in each others ear “I love you” in one and “your my best friend” in the other.IMG_6046

You have started school 3 days a week from 9:30-1 and LOVE it! It was such a “transition” and im doing a seperate blog just on that soon! Anyway, even after you got settled you told me “Mommy sometimes I’m quiet at school because you leave me and that makes me sad, because we’re best friends”.

You can imagine, I melted.


Your voice changes when your in your confident, adult mode… I don’t know how to explain it but it can be a simple hand gesture, facial expression or response to a question and your daddy and I make a face at each other like “here she goes”! IMG_6641

You make the funniest frustrated noises like “ughhhhh”… lately you have been doin it to me EVERYTIME you find my charger running across the wall to the couch… you say it will trip you and un-plug it…. I was wondering why it was constantly unplugged and then daddy told me he saw you do it (frustrated) and then I saw you and you scolded me….. yes really.

We love to get you going about Ella, your kitty cat we got you right when you turned three and a half. You love her and love to mama her which includes disciplining. I always tell you about what she did that she wasn’t supposed to do and you go marching off to find her to “have a talk” with her.

Then I found out  you did this (had a talk) with a new little girl in your class because she was hitting the kids. You told me about it and I said the teacher’s would have a talk with her… the next day you were SO focused when I picked you up and couldn’t wait to tell me about the talk  you had with her. You concluded she hit only because she was “playing a game”. Lord help me.

The other night before bed you sat on the couch and started pedaling your legs like a bicycle and yelling for me to look- you said your getting “all wound up”.  I cracked up…. we always fuss that you get wound up before bed!

I hate to say it but I have almost given up… you are still terrible at hello and goodbyes. You also aren’t a huge cuddler (because your so busy, busy usually) and you hate to kiss. The other day you told me “mama, I just dot give kisses”. I finally gave in. I know baby, you don’t.

Speaking of, you are so good at using your feeling words and it makes this little social work mama so proud “mama I’m frustrated" or “Mama I was just being shy”. My favorite was when we went to open house at your school… you had been SO excited but when we got ready to get in the car and go you shut down and got a little whiney. I asked what was wrong and you said “Mama maybe I’m a little bit scared”. It was the sweetest most sincere thing.IMG_6661

You are so responsible; I joke with your daddy that your more responsible that us! You take things away from Lox if they aren’t “good for him”, yell for me when Milly is outside and a car is anywhere in sight, remind me when you need to brush your teeth and remind daddy that mommy says you have to wipe even if t’s just TT everytime, yes every lol. Just today we were playing attack daddy when he got home from work. You had been playing “restaurant” with a cup and tiny pitcher of water so I told you to pour your water on him while I held him down… you got so excited and then screamed “no mommy it will get on the floor”. Bless your heart you hate messes even though you are a little pack rat. IMG_3768

You LOVE gadgets just like daddy and connecting things, anything to anything and everything. You also love taking things apart and figuring out how they work. You will be one smart cookie just like Daddy and Uncle B!IMG_7074IMG_2489I swear your favorite toy is a zip tie (above and below)!


You dress yourself- buttons, zippers, shoes and potty (including wipe) by yourself! I think you have had maybe 1 accident since you were potty trained.

You have the hardest tie falling asleep y yourself and I blame daddy always laying with you until you fall asleep. Who am I to judge, you are his heart and he spends 90% of his day away from you so I have just accepted it to be yall’s thing. IMG_6047IMG_7123IMG_3643IMG_7156

You sneak into our bed at some point in the middle of every night now after falling asleep in your own bed. Daddy said the other night you only tapped him to wake him instead of calling his name- he said he asked you why you tapped him instead of calling him like usual and you said “I didn’t want to wake mommy”.

So yes, in the morning we all wake up in the bed together, including Lox after Daddy Lou brings him in at 7am for his feeding. Then  once you wake up you roll over me to get next to him and give him the best cuddles and entertain him giving mama a few extra minutes to relax before GO time! IMG_6011You have embraced a diva tomboy more than any little girl I know! You LOVE animals and will pick anything up!  You even love snakes but than God you know better than to pick those up!IMG_6351

(hard to see but your holding a lizard above)

You are our perfect cocktail, perfect combination, your excited about living and learning and we are so excited for you!

You are far more perfect than we ever needed you to be. You remember everything everyone says and everything you see. You are so honest and ALWAYS right about the smallest of details!

You are the perfect balance of WAY too funny ALL the time and oh so SERIOUS and sensitive the other half- there is rarely an in between!

Your an extension of us Lola. You are the very best part of us. We love you and I keep thinking I couldn’t love you more and I keep on loving you more. IMG_6307

I mentioned your daddy and I have been talking about you getting bigger a lot lately (because you tell me at minimum 5 times a day that your getting bigger)… we realized we’re getting the shit end of the stick on both ends. I asked him why it’s so hard to watch your baby grow and get bigger and know you won’t get their baby or toddler days back- why even though we did everything and more that people say to do and does it still flies by?

Finally I asked, so when our last baby is off to college will we feel fulfilled that we loved them as hard as possible, kept them up past their bedtimes way too many times just to get more time in with them, laid with them too long, took too may pictures and videos, didn’t blink etc….

I fear as much as it will be fulfilling to reflect on how we raised our babies and built this life for them it will also be the total opposite. We will be the most depressed people we know (God help us). We will miss them that much more than the average parent that maybe wasn’t SO obsessed with cherishing their every breath because we did cherish it that much.

Double edge sword I swear.

We loved it all that much harder so we will miss it that much more were the words confirmed by your daddy. We sure will enjoy the hell out of it though and you make that of so easy Lola.

One thing is for sure we will never, ever regret the way we do this life with you guys!

Love you my girl.

Love always,

Mama and Daddy