Sunday, July 17, 2016

Girls Week Mommy and Lo style!

We had all of our girl time lined up for our week in Hilton Head while Daddy Lou was gone! As much as we knew we would miss him we had big dreams of long summer beach days ahead!


We started off with quite a bang (naturally). How could you not with these girls? IMG_6419

We LOVE  good excuse to catch up and add in some beach time- hallelujah! IMG_6411

It wasn’t the same without our Steph but mommyhood had called her and we know all abut that!

This poor sweet sister thought these sweet girls came all the way just to see her… no worries Lo, they came 90% to see you. IMG_6402

The other 10% was for after you went to bed Winking smile


This is our OMG this is really happening photo! Sadly ALL 3 of our Memory was full and we only got snaps from the night!


It ended up being a night we all REALLY needed! We had the best time and realized just how old we were.. we had to document that we stayed out THIS late and it wasn’t due to a crying baby!!!IMG_6398

Sister my have been left behind that night but she was roaring and ready to hit the beach first thing the next morning! IMG_6422

Oh yes, that is a cute little girl walking to the beach with only her shovel in tow.

Her mama and Aunt Taytay were trailing behind her with a damn U-haul and alligator (that we decided was a “auntie thing” and designated it her…. your welcome Tay!IMG_6433

This was also sister’s first time actually playing in the sand since doing it with Shu at the lake (thanks Shu!)!! IMG_6425

IMG_6427I told her Ana was coming to play with her and she LOVES Ana as much as her mama does!! Its the sweetest thing ever! IMG_6441IMG_6446IMG_6447IMG_6448IMG_6450

We didn’t take a nap that day and had a whole lot of sun! It didn’t seem to bother sister so we got dressed and headed to dinner with the entire Thaller crew!!

I turned around and instantly sister was out!!IMG_6455

I hated waking her up but besides wanting to sit in my lap it didn’t bother her a bit… how did I get so lucky!?


The next day Gigi and Poppy came (bearing gifts of course- and monster size crab legs)! So we had an early Fathers day with a dolphin cruise and sister was loaded down and ready to go!


…..and we’re ready!

Photo shoot ensues…



I love a sunset boat ride… I really just love a boat ride, but a sunset boat ride… all day any day please!IMG_6508

I don’t know when your supposed to cross the threshold of not saying “I know right!?” when people say how adorable this child is but she s still brand new to me and I think her beauty shines brighter inside and out everyday!

So yes, thank you and “omg right, she’s so freaking adorable”.IMG_6548IMG_6509IMG_6511


Happy Father’s Day to our Poppy! The man you can ask any one question to on any topic and by God he will know an answer for you.

We love our Poppy and all his wisdom!IMG_6546


The next day we treated Poppy to one of his favorite things… a day at the beach!IMG_6568

Only kidding, he hates “hauling everything” to the beach so we naturally made him do just that only to decide we would rather spend our day at the pool!IMG_6491

Nothing to see here, just two best friends sporting their bikini’s. One happens to look WAY cuter than the other one.IMG_6597

All the snacks, dips and  and accessories a girl can imagine!IMG_6572IMG_6581IMG_6574

She also got some good pool time with Nutty and Jammy too! Nutty was thrilled to spend his Fathers Day at the kiddie pool- just trust us Smile


So apparently I beach with TWO skinny minnies (what joy).. the worst part is neither of them even try, that eat anything and everything and “Oh look my pants are too big” #assholesIMG_6577

I was so proud of Lola she was initiating play with other kids with her mermaid  (and their matching ones) and mastered her new motor boat noise!IMG_6587IMG_6592

I find that all the little girls eventually gravitate towards me (probably bc Lola is still for the most part at my side) so one little girl in particular decided to adopt me as her mom for a good hour and asked me 48593287 times “You wana see something” and would proceed to doing a trick.

After she left Lola started doing this and I about died.

This child is too much.

IMG_6488Sister suddenly had a sleepy spell from the past few days sneaking up on her and I made a mad dash to snatch her up and steal ALL the cuddles!IMG_6479IMG_6482

The sweetness.IMG_6484IMG_6485

Sister was done but boy did she come back to life after a good nap that night with  live music at Salty Dog!



We spent the rest of the week with Jammy, Colecole and Ana with lots of beach time, outings, fireworks and pool time!

We also spotted a turtle and I had never seen something so cute in my life- the instinctual mothering in this child is hilarious!


All time favorite picture- and GO!IMG_6640IMG_6643

Ok so how do you pick just one?

IMG_6664Sister literally walked out of the pool and carried around an entire sandwich eating it while walking like this… her daddy’s blood runs thick.IMG_6654

His style does too.IMG_6655

Last full beach day and this girl was as excited as her first!


So was our sweet Ana!


This is soooo a typical Sister pic.

She insisted on wearing her new light up rain boots to the beach… smart thinker bc before wearing them she would have NEVER walked in the thick sand (so it was one less thing for me to carry-aka HER!_IMG_6729IMG_6740

That night we all went out for one last hoorah girls night out and what better way to end our girls trip than with Mexican, drinks and fireworks!

Except this time Lola got to attend!


We were pretty pumped!IMG_6745IMG_6749

We pulled out a favorite and it finally FIT! My big girl is growing and growing!!IMG_6752

I think these two were separated at birth!IMG_6755IMG_6756IMG_6758

I took this picture below and instantly thought “Oh wait until Daddy Lou see’s all those new blonde baby hairs sprouting!”


We ended our night with fireworks and Sissy had requested Daddy to hold her ears… mama just doesn’t do it right apparently..IMG_6764

I deserved the biggest reward ever for packing this child (and all of our belongings up) by myself for the first time ever!


Unfortunetly there was no reward at the end of that sweat fest. Instead there was a bowl of cereal and giggles before we headed out!


I’ll take it.

It’s been real Hilton Head- Mommy and Lo are out and one step closer to our Daddy Lou!
