Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Daddy’s Home!

We made it to the end of the week and decided to stop in Statesboro for a sleepover (literally) with Taytay before it was time to get our Lou!IMG_6807

These two were pretty excited about that plan..

IMG_6932In case you haven’t seen Lola lately… when she see’s grass she takes her shoes off (even f it’s a 2ft by 2ft corner in a parking lot) and screams LOOK MAMA GRASS! Bless this baby if we don’t get her out of this house soon!

She loves Taytay’s yard and double loved it once we added a sprinkler (that we stole from her neighbors house) … Anything for our Lo!


We of course had our Statesboro priorities AKA El Som and TJ Max!IMG_6878



When you get a snap from Daddy Lou that he is back in America (yet still far, far away) and only has 2 more flights until he get’s to you!IMG_6871

What’s a road trip without Cracker Barrel?

(…and a new mermaid)


Next stop Daddy Lou!IMG_6866

The world is right again!IMG_6941

Daddy even brought Lola a NEW Lovie amongst other treasures! The first thing she did was smell it’s ear! She LOVES new lovie and now has to have both of them but when she gets run down and needs lovie she now specifies and asks’ for OLD lovie.

Just to be clear!


Our first square date with daddy back, I don’t knw who was more excited!IMG_6985IMG_6963IMG_6991IMG_6995

We had the best third wheel date night and it was so nice to be back, just us three!

Since we were gone as long as daddy Mr. Henry was having withdrawals too! They really missed each other and had a fun morning picking flowersIMG_7009IMG_7010

Her boyfriend Kai missed her too!

They had the sweetest play date, fishing, petting a new Golden in the neighborhood and of course playing chase! Kai (and Mr. Henry) love “teaching” Lola about boy things.. inclusive of bugs.

My girl is smart though and repeats after her mama “we don’t like that”, unless of course it’s a lady bug and then she says
“he nice”. lolIMG_7046IMG_7048IMG_7053IMG_7065IMG_7066IMG_7072IMG_7080

We had one last thing to do to feel “back at home” once Monday hit us…. A lunch date with Baby Jadyn!IMG_7091IMG_7100

These two sure did miss each other!

All of a sudden she grew up on us!

Look at those long legs!!IMG_7102

Other than that we spent most of the week at home, I always feel guilty when I keep her too go, go go… I can kind of tell when she just wants to “play with her toys”.

I fact now she tells me “Mommy, I play with my toys”.

Yes baby, you play with your toys!IMG_7116IMG_7117IMG_7119IMG_7037 We spent the week being lazy and enjoying home while packing and getting a last minute “do” before heading off to celebrate the Fourth!

I  informed Sister about me getting my new “do” and do you think she invited herself ?

Well of course.IMG_7123IMG_7126

She got her second hair cut by Chloe while Mommy was on the other side getting her hair done! I did sneak over to get a few shots of them though!


Wa-laaa! IMG_7132

It was so good to be home ( but it never last long)!

Our Fourth weekend coming up (slowly but surely catching up!