Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Hello 2016 and Recaping 2015!

Well as much as we can’t believe it another year is here and as aways we have BIG plans!

Lou and I are trying so hard to be healthy, drink tea (Lou is already addicted) and engage Lola in fun socal activies!

We also decided to be better abou, t as Lou calls it, not having a “Fuck it” year. Lol You know I am the first one to jump in on a Fuck it, lets just do it… well apparently our ne budget means I am suppsed to say that to less things this year,so we can save more… you know, were trying out this whole ever growing resonsible thing (for our girls college sake- lol)!

Exciting right, I know being 30 is for the birds!

So heres a year recap of what our (fuck it, lets do it, crazy busy, fun traveing) year looked like!


We bundled up in the cold and celebrated our first birthday with Daddy as a party of THREE!



We all know this will forever and aslways be the month of our girl! We started it out with her big, overboard Birthday party!

It was a wonderful tea party and we were SO thankful to everyone who made it to be with her!


This was also when the smash cake was a complete failure…LOLAfinal(11of15)

Valentines Day with my other Love!



By March she had officiall decided she would never again use the stroller and if there was somewhere we needed to go we would walk (or run)!


This was also when the sister started wearing jewelry at ALL times!


We celebrated St. Patricks Day with a day in the sunshine and Margaritas!


We had our first REAL date night out (without putting her to bed first) to celebrate Amaras 40th Birthday!



We had the sweetest spring photo shoot by the ever so talented Dez (this was not one of them- lol)!


You decided to make it a daily routine to walk to the neighbors house ALL BY YOURSELF and feed the queacks! They learned when you were coming and started coming into our yard soon after!


You got to go see the Easter Bunny and it was, well, just as bad as it looks!


Gigi came to visit and went with us to the Easter Egg hunt this year and it was much more successful than the bunny visit… IMG_0478

We had our first beach trip with a walker- it was pretty amazing!IMG_1878

We enrolled in our first GYMNASTICS class with Miss. Brittany!!


We attended our first square concert of  the summer!!


This was also when we go our girl her BIG girl car seat and she got to be frontward facing- she was in Heaven!IMG_2683

We decided on a whim that I should quit my job to sit for the LCSW, travel to Europe and work on opening my own practice… Little did i know I found this while cleaning out my desk on the last day…


And there  you have it, home with my girl from my last day of full itme work!IMG_2701

Stay at home mom status!!IMG_2719


May was exciting and a breath of fresh air!

Lola went on her first flight to New Jersey to meet lots of Aunts, Uncles and cousins (and LOVED flying)!IMG_3138

The whole crew soaking up Italian food and sangia!IMG_3317

Lola met Jake! IMG_3320

From there Lola took her second flight and first INTERNATIONAL flight! She did SO good and even slept in the bassinet for a few hours!

It was also our anniversary, our next stop was Switzerland!


We made it to Switzerland and had one night there before landing in the hospitl for my worst hive outbreak yet!


Thankfully I had my super boys to nurse me back to health, my trust doctor Angela and my life saver baby sitter Tara to take care of Lola while I was down…. the rest of the trip I was able to enjoy so to Italy we go!20150515_172813

It was the most amazing sibling/family trip ever!


We pretty much dedicated to spoiling lola since she did so good on her gorwn up trip!

First thing on the agenda was her first day of gymnastics class!!


We took the girl (and my parents) to her first zoo trip! She absolutely loved it!


We had a sweet baby shower for Aunt Kayla and could not wait to meet baby Jadyn!!IMG_6906

Lola had her first sleepover party with her cousins and it was a night we may all remember!


We got an amazing week in hilton head and even got to meet up with Nick and Lia while we were there!


Lolas new favorite summer activity… snacking at the pool!IMG_7943IMG_7982

The month ended with out biggest scare.. Lola first virus and sick visit to the doctors office with daddy. She cuddled and napped more than she had EVER done and ended up being exactly what the doctors called Roseola (thankfully).IMG_8175


July was one EXCITING month! Baby Jadyn was full of surprises and decided to come early and stunnned us with her beauty and peaceful nature!


July 4th was amazing and in a new location this year! At the Coast thanks to Lauren and her sweet famiy for hosting us! We loved getting to watch these girls grow up together year after year!IMG_8953

We filled th epark with playdates at least 3 times a week and the girl has gotten so independent with her play!


We suckered Poppy into buying a lake house and spent every chance we could get going down to it, it has certainly become Lola and Daddy’s new happy place (and mommys too)!


I officially PASSED and became a LCSW. WHEW and hallaujah!



August stated off very bitter sweet…. we lost our frst baby, our love, out Tuck. He passed with both of us home and in the most selfless way possible. IMG_9776

That was Tuck, there will NEVER be a more loyal dog or protective heart.. we still miss him EVERY SINGLE DAY.


We kept Mimi a little bit closer for EVERYTHING and her and Lola actually became closer as a result!


The girl somehow turned 18 months, this was a HUGE milestone to me…. Like I had to be talked out of throwing a birthday party for it. So we settled on dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and a train ride!


Jadyn got to go to her first Mexican Friday with us!! Lola is so baby crazy it’s unreal… she can’t stand to not be touching her!IMG_1382

We took Lola to the aquarium for the first time!IMG_2380IMG_2536


We had one last beach trip for Labor Day weekend and said goodbye to the beach until we bring back a TWO YEAR OLD, how werd is that!


I know Lola, I know…

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Daddy left us girls the last week of September for belgium and so we headed home for the week and had some fun girl time together with my family being all together before heading out to Ireland to meet Daddy!IMG_3888 (3)

We took Lola, Gigi and Poppy on their first European flight to Ireland and even had Billy meet us over there while Lou was at a conference! It was one of the BEST vacations EVER!!


As soon as we got back I felt like I had lost a “pumpkin filled week” so we raced to the umpkin atch first weekend we got to make up for lost time!


Lola got to o trick or treating for the first year ever this year and we had the sweetest time watching her!


Thankfully it was an intense candy fueled evening since she had JUST started to LOVE candy about a month prior!


October was a busy month but thankfully Lou didn’t mind being even busier…. He designed and completed my website and a long awaited moment I had spent al summer and Fall working on was finally here…

I launched Hilton Harbor Therapy!



November was filled with family time, new starts, baking and more lake time!! IMG_5529

We took Lola back to Tellus Mseum an it’s amazing to see how she see’s it all differently with each growing stage f her life!IMG_5694

This was also when I accepted a job and started my first few shifts at Children  Healthcare of Atlanta Scottish Rite and I could not have been more excited!!IMG_5278

We also had our first Thanksgivinng at the Lake and it was oh so beautiful! We joked with the other newbies (our neighbors) that we were the only ones at the lake for the fall ecause it was still new to all of us!


We also said goodbye to this beautiful and strong soul just after Thanksgiving weekend and headed to Mississippi to give our last farewell.

We sure do miss our Grams!



We started the month doubling our trip to Mississippi as a fun birthdy trip and we were quite good at it!


We celebrated my big 30th birthday party at a cute beachside restaurant with margs and seafood- it was amazing!IMG_7097

Whats a December month with out filling each morning and night by being in the kitchen baing with my girl for the FIRST TIME EVER!


We took the girl to her first Christmas Parade and she LOVED it!


We took the girl to every Chrsitmas even we could find every chanc we got and she LOVED seeing all the lights this year!20151218_011553

Christmas morning was EVERYTHING it shoudl have been and more with now a toddler in the house, she was so overwhelmed (and so was her mama) but she LOVED it all!


This guy out did himself time and time again, he made my birthdy so very special and I couldn’t thank him more for being him. Lola sure better find a good one because her daddy has shown her exactly what to expect in marriage, friendship and daddy daughter relationship and he has set the bar pretty damn high!


So it’s safe to say 2015 was a year to remember, with ups and downs but best of all these two by my side through it all.

I could not be happier with how things turned out for us this year and best of all, gettng the opportunity to stay home  with my baby girl during the week!

I’m not sure if I wrote about it when it happened but there was one thing that seemed to ring true all year long for me this year…

When I went back to all of my past supervisors and mentors to get them to sign off on all my paperwork to get my LCSW and got to update and sit and chat with one of my FAVORTE ones…. she sa ietly listening as she always did and when I inished she said “It certainly always seems as if there is a divine order to your life, everything always seems to work out just perfectly”.

Me (being the social worker who has seen way to much stuff that should not have happened therefore) always being one to NOT think “everything hapens for a reason”, I couldn’t argue with her. It seems she was exactly right.

I can only hope 2016 hold that much more divine order and goodness for our fmaily.
