Saturday, April 11, 2015

Easter Weekend!

Good Friday was the beginning of a very exciting week for us!! Gigi had come to Atlanta Thursday night (after a 6.5 hour commute-the worst ever) and her and Lola got to spend the whole day together catching up since Mrs. Brittany was getting an early start to her week of Spring Break soaking up some sunshine in Florida!

Oh yes these two were looking forward to a whole week together and I couldn’t be more happy (or jealous) of their time together!!IMG_0363

It’s 7:30 am and Lola is all dolled up and ready for…. breakfast! IMG_0370

I raced to work and raced back to my babies because that afternoon was a BIG event! Daddy Lou was coming home early too so we could race to get pictures with the Easter Bunny!IMG_0373

We went through about 3 Easter dresses after finding out Lol was too little for the ones we had ordered for her to wear- shocker! We settled with this one and I thought it looked adorable on her- especially all dolled up in her jewels!IMG_0377 IMG_0379

Waiting in line to see “bunny!” IMG_0381 IMG_0383

I thought I had learned a thing or two from Santa- so i hid and let Alex put her next to the Easter bunny……

IMG_0428 Apparently not.

That was all we got!

We paid 26$ for that crying picture believe it or not! Kern also thought it was funny enough to snap away herself!IMG_0387  Lola was not amused and suddenly “all better”!IMG_0388

Back to the whole mal shopping thing right Lola!IMG_0391 IMG_0393

Lou pretty much chased after her the whole time mom and i shopped! The girl is on the move!IMG_0403

At least she carries her own bags! IMG_0404 IMG_0413

Dinner time at Lou’s favorite Mexican place!  IMG_0414 IMG_0416 IMG_0417 IMG_0418  The next day was a BIG day! Lola had two Easter egg hunts to attend and I was trying desperately to squeeze  nap i between the two of them! The first was at Sprayberry and it was the first one she ever attended last year at just 2 months old!IMG_0435

My how she has grown since then! From a baby to a ….. human! IMG_0441

It was so cold that morning that Lolas Easter outfit was pointless, we just bundled her up and pretended it was spring! IMG_0448 IMG_0454

Second Easter with our girl and pictures are getting more and more difficult! IMG_0455 IMG_0467

Little Miss INDEPENDENT! IMG_0472

Please ignore Lola’s ankle situation above… her daddy changed her pants as we were walking out the door because “he wanted to dress” her… NEVER AGAIN will i let that happen Lola, Mama’s sorry!

To daddy’s credit he did get you a fancy water bottle like he got for your mommy AND you already learned how to drink out of it!IMG_0476

Gigi loved helping you find eggs and I loved her extra set of hands since you REFUSE to be in a stroller these days! IMG_0478

It’s safe to say your on the GO! IMG_0486

I took you to see the Zaxby’s chicken because you were so interested but then refused to get near him once you were close to him! However after that you refused to let us hold you and you wanted to just stare at him at a distance… all on your own! IMG_0494 IMG_0495

Just as they declared it “go time” to hunt the eggs helicopters flew over and well- for Lola it was all over!

“Airplane- Airplane!”IMG_0499

We left with two eggs- that i put in the basket myself!  IMG_0701 Oh well, we tried! IMG_0501IMG_0700 Oh how far we have come in a year!IMG_0507 IMG_0508

Please ignore our photo bomber below who was in about 90% of our pictures!IMG_0517  We raced Lola home to eat and nap and then did it all over again! This time at a new friends house who Lola met for us…. literally she walked up to their table to play with their son who is one month and a day older than Lola! It was over from their! Turns out we’re basically neighbors so we promised to let them play again at their Easter Egg hunt!


Here we go, round two!  IMG_0548IMG_0542  Love my girl!IMG_0551 IMG_0553

Lola literally barely fit in her car seat with all of her accessories! IMG_0560

Party time but first- family selfie!! IMG_0563

We arrived and Lola found Mason- her new friend asap! IMG_0565

She even brought him a basket full of eggs to bribe him since you know she has to give her friends things!IMG_0566Girlfriend is full of sass!   IMG_0577 IMG_0579

I have learned how much i am her “holder” of everything lately- mom informed me “thats what mommy’s do!” I suppose but does every child come with as much baggage or “accessories” like Lola? GEEZ! IMG_0583

Girlfriend doesn’t even have enough hands- she walked around the part for about 20 minutes with this cookie hanging out of her mouth… her hands were too occupied (and one was stuck in her snack cup)- bless it!IMG_0586 IMG_0587 IMG_0591

I could not quit laughing at her!! IMG_0594

We had such a great time and I’m so glad we went! Lola LOVES playing with other kids so much! i was so upset I got home to find I had forgotten the lemon pound cake i made to bring… oops!IMG_0600

Anyway we got home and could not wait to CHANGE our clothes! It was a beautiful day and had gotten so hot in the sun but was so cold earlier so I had us all dressed in cool weather clothes and we were now sweating….by the time i changed Lola and got outside it was cold again….

I was about to give up…. so a sweater and tights went right back on her!IMG_0655

Lola’s Poppy and uncle Andy has also arrived and wanted to see what Lola’s famous quack quacks were all about!

We’re hoping Poppy gets some for his pond!

IMG_0641 IMG_0645 IMG_0648IMG_0659 IMG_0663 IMG_0664Poppy also brought Lola a super fun new present!! A broom like mommy and Lola LOVES it! She got it out the pantry almost everyday this week when mom would say “Go help mommy”…

IMG_0637 That night we couldn’t wait to crawl into our jams! We even put them on before dinner because i was so over trying to dress Lola for the weather and you can never go wrong with pajamas right!?


Gigi had brought Lola new noodles from Philadelphia and she LOVED them! IMG_0673

Please don’t judge that her pajamas for Easter were Halloween- they’re also mixed with Christmas bottoms…. we’re trying people ok!?! IMG_0683 IMG_0684

How grown is she!? IMG_0685

Dinner and time for bed, the Easter Bunny will be here bright and early! IMG_0693 IMG_0697 IMG_0698

The next morning we found out the Easter Bunny had come!!

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Lola was not impressed nor did she eat either of my creations…. bah hum bug! IMG_0709

She did however, walk into the den and find all of her presents and appeared to be in shock…. she just stood and starred! IMG_0716

The first thing she went to was the rabbit book from Aunt Gloria! She loves it! IMG_0726 IMG_0730

Happy Second Easter love bug! IMG_0733

Gigi got her new books and a new Easter bow (to open first)!

We love them! IMG_0735 IMG_0738

More baby dolls and presents from Gigi and Aunt Gloria! IMG_0746

We also found a brand new love for stickers!! IMG_0748

“But what did i get mama”… sadly you got nothing Milly but after you made mama feel bad enough I volunteered to give away on of Lolas new chick chicks from gigi that makes the cutest chirping noise!

She loves it and carries it around so gracefully!!IMG_0759

Thank God Lola loves to share!

IMG_0768Tucker was naturally just so happy to be with his mom! IMG_0761  Dolled up and decked out… Hey girl!IMG_0778IMG_0766

Then we headed out to downtown Woodstock for some fresh air and brunch! IMG_0789 IMG_0793 IMG_0795

Can you believe its spring and we have this many layers on! IMG_0800

The picture below i have no words for! IMG_0814

We had lunch at an old train station that I wanted to take mom and dad too and it’s so cute inside and out!

They also have amazing burgers! IMG_0815 IMG_0818 IMG_0819

Don’t you just love Lola’s rabbit sticker…. it may or may not be a beer sticker but hey i tried…. IMG_0822 IMG_0823

Church wave Lola and your giving Gigi a heart attack! IMG_0827 IMG_0850

We raced home from lunch for Lolas nap and to get started cooking Easter Dinner! IMG_0892IMG_0880

Aunt Amara was coming over for dinner and brought us lots of goodies!

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She didn’t know it at the time but she also gave Lola her first piece of chocolate! IMG_0891

IMG_0895 A few of our decorations!IMG_0893 IMG_0894

Almost dinner time!  IMG_0929Dinner was amazing and I was too excited about eating to take pics until we attempted to throw Lola in the tub….. I finally got her stripped down and not 2 seconds later she got her necklaces back on!  IMG_0918

Bath time with our jewelry it is…. I am raising a classy girl apparently! IMG_0921 IMG_0925 IMG_0926  She loves her new bath toys from Jammy and Nutty for Easter!IMG_0931

Lola caught her second wind after her bath and though Auntie Amara was hilarious! IMG_0935

As we walked Aunt Amara out i realized we never took a proper Easter picture…. Daddy lou was covered in saw dust from working on Lolas chest and uncle Andy and Aunt Rachels butcher block island so Lola and I were solo…. with her in her pajamas!

Oh well better luck next year!  IMG_0947

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!