Oh Sweet Lola, I give up at saying “this stage is my most favorite!”! I don’t think it’s any coincidence that your 14 months old and I have said it 14 times! You are truly so FUN!
Your daddy and I both think you get more and more beautiful by the day and friendlier too!
You absolutely love people and animals! Any car, walker, baby or animal that goes by you stare them down, make every attempt to get them and wave until they are out of your sight!
Did I mention even your wave is cute!? You wave with your thumb in like your grabbing at something- it’s adorable. Then again, of course it’s adorable!
Ignore me in that picture- please!
Your other wave is a “church wave” you throw your arm into the air and just hold it still… like Hitler!
You absolutely are obsessed with AIRPLANES! If you hear one (or a lawn mower or motorcycle- they al sound alike!) you instantly point up into the skky! We love helping point them out to you and we even brought you to the airport to watch them land and take off- you loved it!
Your other favorite thing to do which takes up all kinds of time at night before you go to bed is READ! You love all of your books with animals in them or babies (shocker) and our favorite of your favorite things is that you love to climb in our lab and hand us the book to read to you!
You get so excited after you very awkwardly plop into our lap that you aren’t sure what to do with your hands so you hold them in your lap fidgeting with them until you open the page and then you point at EVERYTHING!
We don’t even read book to you right now we just repeat the words to everything that you point too!
Some of your favorites are: Quack quack, puppy, carrot (easter book), chick chick, bunny, butterflies, lambie, b!aby, choo choo, moon and polar bears!
You love being the one who turns the page and it doesn’t always matter which direction! The ony other time we can get you in our lap is if we look at puppies on our phones with you!
You also love to do a swiping to the phrases “be nice, enough and dangerous”! Gigi recently added “Uck” to your word bank! You love to point at the quack quacks poop and swipe your hand to say “uck”!
The swiping was something you and I kind of started together and you ran with it! You love to do this to the ducks when they are mean to each other or to Tucker and Milly when they are barking! You also do it at the top of the stairs anytime I tell you “it’s dangerous!
Your other favorite thing we have noticed is with your lovie, you are so attached to lovie and have never spent a night without sweet lovie but lately you soothe yourself by putting lovies ear to your nose under your paci…
Your favorite game is Peek a boo/hide and seek/chase! You love the suspense of “someone coming to get you!”
You sneak out from behind corners to find ether daddy or Milly and if they even look at you you come running as fast as you can to me shrieking!
You grab me and jump into my arms in a full panick giggling ,laughing, mess and it’s the sweetest thing ever! The funniest part is Milly is 90% of the time not chasing you or even paying you any attention and usually when you run to me the thing you are “running from” you have to pass to get to me!
The MOST obvious change we have seen is your personality booming!! It’s SO hard to ignore and you are always stealing all the attention form any room you enter!
You have the girliest most dantiest personality! Your favorite thing is to wear necklaces! Lots of necklaces!
Oh yes and I did mention dainty right? She absolutely refuses to put her hands down to help herself back up when she falls now because she doesn’t want her hands to get “dirty”! If sand or dirt gets on her hands she hold them out and stares at them like it’s a foreign object that she desperately needs help with it coming off!
Our most “frustrating” stage right now is your lack of interest in ANY food! Usually at the end of every meal i make you a piece of toast just to get something in your belly! You have days where you just aren’t interested in ANYTHING (even noodles)!
You think your pretty hilarious at diner time though! usually once your belly is somehow “full” from 2 or 3 bites of something you get “crazy” and start shrieking and laughing, making odd noises and it’s your daddy’s favorite thing!
Btw you have 5 teeth now! Two top teeth and 3 bottom teeth and your typically pretty good about teething!
Your favorite thing to do at home is to have tea parties with Ana’s table and with your great mom-moms tea set she gave you before she passed ( when you were in mommy’s tummy)! Thankfully she gave you a beautiful china one (that you aren’t allowed to touch yet) and she gave you a miniature tea one- that i let you play with and you LOVE it!
Music always captures your attention! You love dancing to it and you love watching other people dance in real life or on TV! You typically mimic doing whatever the other person is doing, you tap your foot and put your hands behind your back and sway!
I complain ALL THE TIME because i want you to cuddle me and your daddy begs for it but you are so not interested! We are hoping it’s because the freedom of walking is still so new to you but whatever it is, it keeps you busy! You do however LOVE to cuddle “your”puppies… Tucker and milly so our newest bribe to get a cuddle is to lay on the floor like a puppy and you for some reason- cuddle us!!!!
You still love to be rocked to sleep and you scream bloody murder if you wake up when we put you down but yet you refuse to sleep with us! If your with us you want to play!
At 13 months I moved you from two naps a day to one nap a day and your doing really well with it! Your such a routine baby and NEVER fall asleep AYWHERE except your crib or your carseat!
You are a handful Lola, there is no doubt about that.. the only thing more full than our hands right now is our hearts and we owe it all to you! Your daddy and I were just saying the other day how when you walk into a room, you bring life with you.
I honestly don’t know what filled the rooms before you came… you still continue to capture everyone's attention at any store or restaurant we go to, people naturally just love you… they love your charm, your smile and your spunky love to meet everyone personality! We see so many other babies around your same age and people can’t believe it when they find out your age… you have SUCH a personality they always think your older! We see babies your age and they seem kind of “oblivious”…. well girlfriend you don’t miss a beat!
There is no doubt Lola, whether it was one month, 6 months a year or now- you are the greatest chapter in our book!
We love you baby girl,
Mama and Daddy