Friday, March 27, 2015

Spring and Statesboro

Last weekend we had NO plans and it felt SO nice outside! We had our first day at Kennesaw Mountain of the year and Lola loved having the freedom to run around in the open fields! 20150308_17591120150308_174919

Lola has been so into watching airplanes lately, I showed her how if you lay on your back you can see them longer- she loved it!  20150308_175138 20150308_175139  We actually got to lay still with her for longer than usual…

even that is barely 60 seconds! The girl is on the go! 20150308_175209The girl is on a mission!  20150308_175851

…. and she’s off!  1425850730815 1425850844204  Family selfie! 142585184777714258518198001425852305693 1425852458024 1425852992284 1425853053485 1425853088223

This time change has really messed us up, we left the park thinking it was so early and it was almost 7! Lola’s bedtime has been pushed back to 8 almost every night because mama can’t get it together!  1425853403759 She hasn’t seemed to mind though! I always say for a schedule baby she sure does adapt well!

We also got a visit with another one of our favorites that weekend!! Lola was so excited to wake up from her nap and to find a visitor- JJ!!!!


We took them both to dinner and JJ insisted on carrying Lola everywhere! They saw horses, a bird and several puppies so Lola decided JJ was the coolest auntie ever!

20150307_17334320150307_173404  JJ had to leave after dinner but we stayed a bit longer to let Lola play! I almost died when JJ told Lola bye and walked to the door of the restaurant….Lola started crying and reaching for her…

It was the sweetest but saddest thing ever!

Thankfully Lola quickly found two new friends after that and brought them her pita bread to their high chairs!

We finished up dinner (and Lolas mingling) and let Lola play for a bit! This was when she learned how to really slide and actually anticipated enjoying it! 1425772327813 142577249266520150307_190127

All good weekends must come to an end but I swear not that Spring is here (some days) and the daylight hours are longer it’s a bit less depressing on Sunday night!

1425596910495 Spanky clean and all ready for another week!1425597115379

Right Lo?

Ok this is actually a side note just to be clear about how much she loves other babies… As soon as she saw this box she lit up and hugged the baby on it…1426024975521 1426024978367

Yes, you saw right…. hugging a box.

My child, my sweet, sweet, baby lovin’ child!

Geez that girl is sweet…And BUSY, very busy!

The goal these days is all about ENTERTAINMENT!

Most days as soon as we come home from work it’s go, go, go so if you think you were exhausted from working all day and going to sit down- very funny! I can’t even remember what my couch feels like!

On top of that you have the guilt from being gone at work all day so you try to be OVERLY engaged and “fun” so she get’s the best of you when in reality it’s the end of your day and your POOPED!

Ok, rant over, I love you Lola but damn being mommy’s and daddy’s is hard stuff!

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We took Lola to the tennis courts for the first time last week and she actually loved it! She chased Milly around with the leash and cried when we had to leave!  1425938948849 1425939503869

…and going, and going, and going…. 1425939748240

Do we look tired?


How about her?

That’s a hell no.Please Lola, at least just slow down!1425940399142

We still love collecting rocks after our nap while we wait for daddy to come home! 

But first we have to have our cheese stick…. priorities! 1426191283050

20150312_164115 20150312_164123 20150312_164124  Lola has gotten a bit more “helpful” with my baking too which has been our other go to “entertainment” on not so pretty days! 1426195048149

You can imagine what happened after she helped me with the cookies… her bath toys went right into the mixer!

Other kitchen news:

Sometime last week i decided to let my baby grow up and eat at…. well, the big kids table! 

Can you believe we made it that long though honestly?! After 13 months in the Bumbo I think it’s safe to say we got our moneys worth out of it! 1426027588114

We haven’t done the plate every night since then because it’s still most nights just anther thing to throw but we’re working on it…. nights that i have the patience to “work on it” that is!  1426027640788

Friday, FINALLY and we were so exhausted after work but we still had to pack and then drive… well Lou did.

Poor Lou.

Lola HATES being in the car now so going in the morning was NOT an option!


It was about 8pm and this little cutie was ready to hit the road!

Believe it or not as tired as we were Alex and I didn’t even turn the radio on the whole trip! I think we caught up on the ins and outs of EVERTHING over the last few weeks and it was so nice yo just have uninterrupted conversation!

The day to day bedtime routine and cleaning and us crashing leaves little time to muster up the energy to stay up talking for hours so I ended up being so thankful for our long ride home!

Lola was thankful to wake up and not know any of it even happened…. she was ready to go again!


Gigi’s house is the best playground ever!! Then we were off to meet Aunt Taytay for lunch!

This is Aunt Taytay’s most favorite picture!1426357390508

After we shopped a bit more and went TT through our pants, giving mommy and gigi an excuse to buy more clothes we then stripped down into this because it was HOT and we were ready t play outside at Aunt Taytays!


Tea party on Aunt Taytays patio! IMG959535 IMG959541 IMG959547

See our boo boo from Tucktuck :( IMG959557 IMG959573

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That night we celebrated Josh's  30th birthday at Chops where Renee threw him a fabulous birthday party!

20150314_191942The girls!   20150314_192014 20150314_192513

He was SO surprised! 20150314_193346  Selfies hAAAAAy!1426381645851 1426384833599 20150314_201341

We love the Variations! They played at Josh and Renee’s wedding and they are seriously THE BEST!

20150314_205134The next day was all about being outside! Spring always seems to come faster in Statesboro!20150315_102600 20150315_103233 20150315_103504

Lola had to go check out all of Poppys new toys in the yard! 20150315_110501 20150315_111204Carrying her quack quack bubbles Gigi got her!  1426431952383 1426432389951 1426432395432

My first girl, how cute is this!? 1426433561615 1426433576306 1426433610196 1426433734370

Around lunch we met Alexs mom and Tara and headed to the sticks…. ok even more of the sticks; Claxton, GA to see what this years “Rattlesnake roundup” was all about!


Lola wanted Aunt Taytay the whole time! She actually wanted to get down to walk over to Tara to then be picked up…. I think we were all jealous!  20150315_143759

See Lola’s new scratch?  Hershey is a mean beast! She jumped on Lola when Lola leaned the opposite way for her sippy cup and popped my poor baby three times before I could rescue the por girl! Hersh has been demoted to “outside cat only” while Lola is present after Gigi caught wind of the news!


IMG_9610 IMG_9611  I may have lied and told Lola this was a quack quack so she would go say hi…..IMG_9615 IMG_9621 IMG_9622 IMG959600

We got back Sunday night and thank the lord I had already taken Monday off to “get it together” because we obviously needed time to do….. that… right Lo?


I was SO excited to have a day off and play catch up that I think I was a bit too ambitious! We started cleaning the closets out and Lola made a game of handing me EVERY SINGLE HANGER! 1426513959028

Needless to say the room looked worse than when we started and so we did what any good family does…. we left the room and made sure the door was shut behind us!  1426514394613

Cleaning was a bust so we ran to meet daddy for lunch at a new favorite spot with a beautiful outdoor patio and for the first itmes in our lives (literally for Lola) we were early!!!

But then I went to get Lola out and found this…. The girl was passed out! Mondays always hit her hard! 1426518531120

I woke her up and promised her her two favorite things… shopping and going to see daddy Lou! 


Yay for time with daddy! He enjoyed his time with us so much he swore Tuesday was a Monday to his co-workers! I told him that’s how powerful our lunch break was with him- he forgot he worked that day!!142652418142814265210675001426524062744

We went home for our real napwhich was SUPER long and I think it was the MOST time I have had in months to myself to get things done at home… it was truly amazing!

You know it’s a good nap when she wakes up with hair like this!1426539040569

Then to our surprise daddy came home an hour early!!1426539248404

Daddy Lou typically has one thing on his mind when it’s a sunny day and he is home early…. the square!

So we changed into outfit number three for the day and hit the road! Literally for Lo!

20150316_181348  Their happy place!20150316_181411 20150316_1816131426543875626 1426543892836

This is officially my favorite view… 1426543984556

Choo choo!! 1426544289477

We had dinner outside too that day and Lola loved watching all the puppies walking by! 1426545966830 1426548422765

After dinner Lola was on a mission to get to the play ground to go slide! She wanted to carry all her snacks herself and as soon as she got to the playground she walked up to the first stranger and handed them her snacks (to hold we assume) and then walked off to  go down the slide!1426548851266Yes, Lola, This is your world… we are just living in it!


The next day was a big one- St. Patrick’s Day!


Brittany has started to take Lola to he gym with her to practice “gymnastics” and Lola LOVES it! They went on St. Patty’s day and Lola even jumped on the trampoline! 20150317_160110

She is getting so independent these days so after seeing the snaps that day from the gym I decided to go ahead and sign her up for this May  to start gymnastics!

We are SO excited for her! 20150317_160111

Lola talked me into taking her out in her car while we waited for daddy to get home and halfway down the road she stopped the car, got out and walked home….. 142662266823820150317_162638

  Little stinker! She walked back to get her sippy and her wagon and then decided she wanted to go see her quack quacks!20150317_163328 20150317_163331 20150317_163736

We waved good bye to quack quacks and got ready for dinner with Lance and Kayla to eat and drink green things!

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Guacamole and Margaritas!

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Lola and Jayden’s first pic together! 1426630308101 1426631471779Goodness, is it already time for Easter!?!?!

Time please slow down!