Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Busy Weekends, Busy Life!

Well moments like this don’t last too long these days! I don’t think their will ever be enough hours in the day to love on her as much as we would like and to get something-anything accomplished at home!


The days of lounging around in our PJ’s are few and far between!

20150305_172225This girl grabs her shoes and she is ready to go!

20150305_171912 20150305_171915   Whether we are ready or not-we go and we go and we go! 1425338599272

We have been so SICK of trying to think of ideas about what to do with our new walker since the weather has been so… unpredictable.

We decided two weeks ago after having “more bad naps than good naps” to move Lola to ONE BIG nap a day just before she turned 13 months! We knew with that came  a lot on entertaining to get her through that morning nap we would be skipping!

So off we go!

First Stop was to get daddy new glasses!


My co-worker who I was pregnant, mentioned how much fun they had at CatchAir, an indoor playground so we decided to give it a try!


The first few minutes Lola just took it all in and starred while standing right at my legs… I admit I think we all starred! I didn’t push her and after a couple minutes she got a bit more brave and decided to ride one of the” spinning thingamajigs” ! 20150301_113500We went pretty early to beat the birthday crowds and caught the beginning of one as we were leaving- we only stayed 45 minutes… (it was not up to mamas sanitary standards unfortunately)- but when a dressed up minion came running out with the music Who Let the Dogs Out Lola was, believe it or not, dying to get over there and see what all the fuss was about!

I’m telling you the child is fearless!  20150301_114229

So we stayed a bit longer so she could partake in “Who let the dogs out” shenanigans' and then hit the road for our next adventure!  20150301_114237

Daddy picked this one- shocker!

The Tellus Museum- yes, it’s a science museum!  20150301_121900

As soon as we got there we had lunch in their cafe and then we  raced to see how much we could fit in before we lost the girl to sleep deprivation!20150301_134257

Lola is obsessed with airplanes and hellicopters just like her daddy! She even knows what they sound like now when they fly over our house and starts pointing!

So this was perfect for her!


If only CatchAir had been this clean! The museum was spotless and not too crowded at all so Lola got to practice her walking when Daddy would finally put her down! 

He wanted her to see everything he saw-when he saw it! 20150301_125648

These two! 20150301_125529

Trains. planes and automobiles!

142523236262720150301_12542220150301_12554920150301_125833 20150301_125936   The helicopter grandpa Mike learned to fly on! 20150301_1259481425233481062 1425233528231 20150301_130359 20150301_133136 20150301_133232

Alex has always been fascinated with this stuff, petrified wood! He used to always show me the piece Mike brought back from when he went to see the Pyramids, I never knew it could be this beautiful though- neither did he!  20150301_133253 20150301_133557

This periodic table was pretty neat- for periodic tables! It gave you a sample of an everyday item for each category! This is also where Tellus museum got it’s name!  20150301_133652

We took a picture in front of Lola’s birthstone but it didn’t turn out too well!  20150301_133917(1)  About then is when we started to lose the girl so we let her wake herself up by walking around! She was infatuated by the dinosaur- a minnie uncle B on our hands possibly! 20150301_134313 20150301_134319 20150301_134405 20150301_134427

The next week  it started to get nice out or at least sunny so we took full advantage of getting out as much as possible! ! 


We love our lunch dates with Aunt Kayla and this movie star!  1425673944908

Time to stock up on some new spring candles!  Lola learned how to sniff this day after watching mommy do it twice!

The first few times it was a sniff out instead of in like Ana used to do which naturally melted my heart! Now she walks around the house smelling everything and then passes it to me to smell!1425675447828 1425676016736

Week day dates are the best! 1425682905904

You do know by date i mean with our third wheel right?!?!? 1425683083267

Every day after work now Lola has us going to visit the “quack quacks” when daddy gets home! 


She LOVES them, she just points and points the whole time and loves feeding them! 1425337741947

I can’t wait until she learns to say it! 


Her favorite night time book now is  “On the night you were born", I put multiple books out and she always grabs that one and climbs into my lap… it has a quack quack on one of the pages and i would not be surprised if that makes her like the whole book! 20150302_180733 20150302_180738

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Airplane alert= we love pointing at those too!

1425337388780And he could not be more “proud”…


Who knew collecting rocks could be so much fun too now! Oh yes, one of our other favorite after work activities! We get VERY creative these days!  20150304_153530 20150304_153540 20150304_153544

The tongue out helps her focus ;)

She trys to get as many as she can in each hand and God forbid there be a pinky with nothing to hold…. she has to scoop up the biggest one with just a pinky open and then it falls and then we do it all over again…. it’s quite entertaining!

1425500962017 My view!20150304_153635 20150304_153753 20150304_153821 20150304_153830 20150304_153927

On our other pretty days Alex and I are always thinking the same thing!

Dinner at the square!

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Love her many faces!  20150304_175348 20150304_175352(0) 20150304_175408 20150304_175434

Lola tried pita bread and hummus for the first time that night… spoiler alert: No to hummus and YES to pita bread. 20150304_184412

Shocker I know… bless her heart she doesn’t even have an appetite for noodles or pancakes this past month! 20150304_184423 20150304_184427

Lola discovered a new love leaving the square and it definitely took place of her bath that night since we stayed a good extra 15 minutes playing with them avoiding her cries when we attempted to walk away! 1425515046904

The weekend have been getting better and better! And no weekend is complete without a lunch date at Cafe 33, play date with Aunt Cara and new glasses and a little shopping right!?!?


The only way to hold her still while she gets her shoes on is to ask her “do you want to go shopping or outside” then she runs straight to the door so you better be ready! 1425136319046

I just love her little belly hanging out!20150228_114343  Time to eat!!20150228_104920 20150228_105025 1425138499606

This is what of our outings have turned into… Lola is THE friendliest child i have EVER met… since noticing it about her i have stated to analyze other kids and yes, it is official.. this is not normal… she is OVERLY friendly!

We may however have to work on our self esteem… for some reason Lola thinks she has to GIVE something to someone every time she meets them!

“You are good enough Lola”! 1425141121577Only kidding sweet girl, you are just perfect just how you are!

  20150228_160136 20150228_160142

Thank you for getting us all dolled up Aunt Cara!  Snapchat-1352612017495028428

And what’s not to love about a visit with Cass! It was Lolas first time meeting cass and they were IN love!  20150228_165110

A little shopping and bunny visit after lunch to make another weekend complete!


The stroller has now become my purse and bag carrier… Lola never actually EVER sits in it anymore! 

Oh yes, and this is her new thing to do with her arms…. she get so excited she doesn’t know what to do with them! 20150308_115837

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We loved the Easter Bunny but it was only a trial run! We will be back in full Easter attire and then I’m sure she will want nothing to do with him!  1425831733641 Ready to go Lola!  20150308_115905

I love my friendly little explorer!  20150308_130329  Well this blog is officially about 3 weeks old! Lots more Spring overload coming to ya that we have conquered since then!

Hope everyone had a lucky St. Pats!!