Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Come on April!

  This weekend was so DEPRESSINGadtomorrow can’t get here fast enough!  Please bring us pretty days April!

I will say Little Miss Lola and I started our weekend the best way we knew how!


…and wasn’t it sweet of my girl to host a tea party BEFORE she even ate breakfast for her mommy!


Ms Brittany was off Friday to go to a bachelorette party so we gladly took (yet another) vacation day to be home with the girl!

20150327_154944Then we got pretty to meet daddy for lunch and take Lola for a visit to my elementary school to meet the counselors and principal!


Lola loved them and made herself quite at home- imagine that i know!

I was actually going to tell them some pretty (confidential-oops) and bitter sweet information… Whew… after hearing my agency would no longer allow us, therapist, to be in the school system it affirmed my decision that this summer will be my time to leave. 20150327_163536

It will certainly be a bittersweet transition as these kiddos have been my life, their well being has often been my last thought before going to bed and their hopes have been my dreams…

I have yet again learned so much from them and I will never doubt children's ability to internalize others struggles, find ways to handle anxiety when they have no idea what anxiety is, and be resilient in the most enduring of scenarios.

They are amazing and they  are certainly going to be missed by me! I can now say that I have had “one” of my dream jobs and been blessed to live it for 2 years now! I have absolutely loved every minute of it and am so terribly sad and unhappy that the state will no longer fund us to be in the schools as most of the children who need therapy the most are not the ones with supportive stay at home moms who pick them up from school and drive them to a therapy office. It is so unfortunate but as long as you work for someone else you don’t get to make the rules!

For now, I am SO excited that I will be staying home this summer with my girl to sit for my LCSW and start a private practice….

Um yeah, OMG. To say I am overwhelmed, scared out of my mind and have not a clue what I am doing is an understatement to say the least.

All while having tea parties with this girl.

20150327_165336     So yes, to be leaving a job there is quite  a bit on my plate. Shocker. I plan to finish out the month to get the kids through the school year and then take a real brake since we will be going on VACATION (woohoo) and then get back to business! My own business!

Geez that seems crazy! The best part and most important part in making all of these decisions was my own baby girl! I had always wanted to “keep my foot in the door” after having kids but the past few months i think I have had both feet and hands in the door! I’m eager and excited to get back to life with my girl! Oh how I miss our week days together!

Cheers to spending more days with my girl!!20150327_165409

..and her girlfriend.

20150327_163536And can I tell you on another note that lately, my girlfriend is becoming more and more of a ….. girlfriend.   20150327_171057

She does her “grunting” and pointing every morning now at my jewelry board until I get down the necklaces for her that she wants to wear! I guess she had to look pretty for her lunch (and dinner) date with daddy on Friday!  20150327_171231 20150327_171327 20150327_171358

Too much? No way Lola, you got this! 20150327_172501

Lola fell asleep (again) on the way to meet daddy for lunch so I didn’t even try putting her down for her afternoon nap- that was frustration just waiting to happen!

Instead daddy came home and swooped us up to go have dinner with Kayla and Lance!

Can you believe he had to ask a million questions about our outfit? I mean what’s confusing about this  and what’s not to love?20150327_181314

You look good girl, you look good! 20150327_181315Saturday was SO cold and I was SO mad! We had two Easter Egg hunts we had planned to go to and we didn’t make it to either because I refused to put the girl outside in that weather!


We did love that it gave us a reason to wear our sweet hand made sweater from Aunt Diane! 20150328_110216  Saturday was our semi annual cuss Verizon out days where we some how left “happier”" than when we came” which Lou swore was impossible when dealing with those people- no worries. We checked the bill and everything they promised us was a lie, the bill is wrong and two things on out “contract” are incorrect!

Ha we knew we couldn’t really leave their happy right!?!20150328_110211

I will say it was AMAZING entertainment for Lola and EVERYONE their lived her! They all knew her name by the time we left and referenced her as “world’s cutest toddler ever” which i had my own problems with, i mean cute, yes but isn’t she a baby still!? 20150328_111022

Sunday was the most exciting day ever for Lola and I!

We got to meet baby Ethan and visit with Mrs. Charisa!!!


Lola was absolutely fascinated by the baby, im not quite sure though if she knew he was a baby (she thinks babies are 5 year old kids).. so this was new to her.  IMG_0028

Not that this man is tiny or anything! Lol he weighs 4 pounds less than Lola and is only 10 weeks old!! Him and Lola were also wearing the same size that day…. 6 months!IMG_0034

Crazy right, he is full of love and such a good baby! Mrs. Charisa is also the best mommy ever! We knew she would be, she is so kind and caring and cautious! Oh and of course she was so excited to see Lola! There will always be a special place in Lola’s heart for Mrs. Charisa I do believe and of course mine! There is just something about another kind person to care for the most important person in the world to you that you will always cherish about them! IMG_0039 IMG_0043 I thought it was so “interesting” that when I held baby Ethan in my lap Lola immediately came over to me to sit in my lap. The ONLY time she does this is when we read to her!

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We loved him but he wasn’t so fond of us! He loves his mama, can you blame him! IMG_0052

Lola was also trying to crawl into his car seat and was so sad to see him go!  IMG_0055

Charisa is also using the Moms on Call practice and is LOVING it! He seems to be doing really well with it and is already taking 2 hour naps during the day in his swaddle and is sleeping 8 hours at night- in his crib! Go mama go! You got this!

IMG_0065  Lola, Lou and I walked them out and suddenly realized how much we have and still do baby Lola…. Charisa and her sister put him in the car and drove away. Both in the front seats of the car.

Ok So apparently I was that crazy. I literally thought she would choke and die if she sat in the back alone.

No wonder people made fun of Lou and I at 11 months old and still sitting in the back with her! The only thing that made me quit is it literally became more of a problem about 12 months! If she can see me she gets mad and wants to sit with me-  I have to hide in the front! Lol

Monday came and hit us hard! It’s m longest day away from the girl (9 hours) and I couldn’t help to think of how many Mondays I have left before our Mondays turn into just another day of being together!

Coming home to this made our reunion that much sweeter!


We got a box of Easter goodies from Lola’s great Grama, Aunt Doreen and cousin Jessica! IMG_0094 IMG_0097

We loved our tutu’s, bunny and bunny ears and snacks! IMG_0098 IMG_0101 IMG_0104

Best of all the GRASS!!! IMG_0109

We also got this sweet hat from Aunt Diane and a sweet card from Auntie Amara! IMG_0118 IMG_0125

Are we spoiled or what!! Thank you for all of our Lola Easter love everyone! 


Try not to be shocked but for the first time in I can’t even remember when I came home and “threw together” a pinterst baked ziti recipe! We weren’t big fans but we’re trying to eat at home more to budget in my soon to be jobless status and Italy…. in the same month! AHHHH! IMG_0151

I know Lola, mommy’s trying and it would help if you would pretend to like it the way daddy does… it’s cheese and noodles how can you go wrong! ? IMG_0152

Don’t you love how she claps and is proud of herself although she didn’t eat a bite!  IMG_0153 IMG_0165 IMG_0172 IMG_0173 IMG_0175 IMG_0177 IMG_0179

No appetite for noodles but yes to out toes!! IMG_0180

Oh this girl! What a mess she is and what a light she is to come home to! She keeps us laughing and loving and we love her oh so much for that! We’re excited  to visit  the Easter bunny (again) this week and see if he comes to out house to visit us!!IMG_0181

Happy April Fools day tomorrow!!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The times are a changin’!

Oh we are about to be ON IT! I have complained and complained about all of my computer issues (yes, Lola breaking my computer constitutes as a issue!) for months and now I finally have a NEW computer all for me! It’s tiny and I love it! I have been organizing all my pictures on it lately and getting caught up on blogging my little muffin away!


Hooray right!?!  Yes that means you will get more pictures of Lola, can you really ever have too many?

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And….did i  mention enough times yet we finally have enough hair to make piggy tails!1426799084419

So anyway,  last Friday Aunt Taytay came to the rescue to babysit Lola while her daddy and I went to celebrate Amara’s 40th birthday!!

It’s  Party Time!


We started off at Amaras condo (which is ridiculously “high class” and so her) Alex’s favorite part is the balcony! It’s on the 20th floor and looks over the city!

At this point I’m thinking i should have taken a picture!

Oh well, on to the food! We walked downstairs to a cute Asian restaurant Steel which was all set up for her reception style party!1426974473869 20150321_17325620150321_173244

Bob and I scored the best drink ever… blackberry mojitos! Him and I may have very few things we agree on but we always crave the same type of drinks!


These little cupcakes were adorable and each a different flavor- flown in from NYC! 20150321_173248   20150321_184931 20150321_191644 20150321_191708

From here we seperated the crew into two different sections and rode over to the Comedy Club, this was the second crew! 20150321_1919351426973456306

Amara bought a “polaroid” for her birthday party so we could all share taking “candids” from the night…. I think this one is the winner! ;) 1426973465059

So weird to be out without our girl, but so good to have this man by my side! 1426974567463 1426976357314

Amara’s present to herself… red bottoms! 1426980037314

We made it to the comedy club! 1426982462479What else do you do baby less at a comedy club? Um selfies!  1426982646528 1426982671086 1426982680309

The next morning (because I’m crazy) I offered to host brunch and have Alex’s family over to spend some time with Lola…

I wipped up breakfast casserole and we had mimosas and fruit! Tara even went and got us Krispy Kreme!

This was the after math since i forgot to take a picture before everyone arrived!


We had to take Lola to see the quack quacks when Taytay left so she wouldn’t get upset!    1427042136047We had a lazy afternoon (trying to keep ourselves awake) and Lola refused to take a nap so Alex sat her up like a big girl and she actually stayed for a whole TEN minutes!   1427050796302

I guess that constituted as our nap!1427050861157

On to the next which for lola is Tea parties with no diaper on in daddy’s lap! 1427061833945

That night Lola was so excited to take a bath with her new bath toys Jammy brought her for Easter!

1427062078193 Since then the weather has been crazy lately so we have been trying to get outside as much as possible this week but we go from tank tops and shorts to winter fleece onesies!1427227318057

It can be very hard for a fashionista!

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Mommmy’s home snack!

“Want Some? “1426886670981

Kayla has been coming over in the afternoon so that we can go walking and it usually turns into walking  a lap, Lola is ready to get out of her stroller and we spend the next two hours chasing her in the driveway!


I guess either way we get our exercise right!?

20150325_164555  Riding is for the birds, Loa loves pushing instead! 20150325_164634 20150325_164635 20150325_164639 20150325_164652 20150325_164700 20150325_165252 20150325_165253 20150325_165254Oh look Loa, an airplane!1427312607438 1427312709295 1427313436828 1427317010792 1427317127051-1

This was actually the night we got my computer…1427321725938

…and Lola was as excited as mommy and for those of you who know daddy Lou, what makes his girls happy makes him happy! 1427322229315

We even talked him into Mexican after that… I mean how do you say no to a face like this and a little girl who carries around and hugs a card with a puppy on it!  1427323752188 1427325220377

Happy girls happy life, right Lou!1427147325446

…right Mill!

1427147396833     This weekend has been freezing cold! Today I am thankful for a big nap from Lola which allowed me to actually START and FINISH a blog all during the course of it and here’s to spending the rest of it googling a fun indoor activity to do with her when she wakes up!

Go away cold weather, it’s almost April and we live in Georgia for a reason!