Well your four months old now and all of a sudden your mommy and daddy feel like we can finally pick our heads up out the sand. Whew!
For the first few months we completely threw our life out the window and just did YOU. Four months later we’re still doing pretty much JUST you but we’re actually able to function in a semi normal life now with you!
We eat now and everything, we even sit down sometimes just to sit (rarely) but its possible and we even run to the bathroom without holding you…… crazy I know! No one told me i wouldn’t be able to set you down or even pee without holding you the first few weeks, ok who are we kidding months! I remember getting text and responding days later, I’m surprised no one sent the police over to my house for a safety check most days! Calling anyone was just not going to happen bc of the oh to often “ut oh she’s crying gotta go!” You could not have explained what those first few months of motherhood were going to be like to me if you tried! I’m still not sure how i made it through without ever having taken a single nap? That may just be blamed on stubbornness and stupidity, well that an the obsession of missing any moment to take your picture! Hell I’m still not sure how we made it through alive….
Lets not go crazy here, your daddy and I are still pretty low functioning but were starting to get better at this whole parenting thing….we think! Your such a HAPPY baby now and on an amazing schedule, you consistently sleep 11 hours at night and you have since starting your schedule at 11 weeks old which has been AMAZING! You even take naps in your crib now 3 times a day! Parenthood has been the most beautiful, happiest, loving, yet hardest thing we have ever done!
Thankfully there was a huge reward EVERYDAY, you!
I loved you so much then and no offense, but I love you SOOOOO much more now! Your SO fun, funny, sweet and cuddly! Your daddy thinks you have his sense of humor. You stare at us with this smerk on your face and we can sooo feel it and then you wait for us to may eye contact with you before you start to crack up giggling! It’s literally hilarious! When your supposed to be napping and try doing it we have to refuse to look at you because I can’t help but laugh with you! Everywhere we go now people come up just to look at you and to tell me how pretty you are! A grown man chased me out the restaurant this week at lunch just to tell me how pretty you were! I get asked all the time if you are always “that happy”… now i can pretty much say, yeah she is!
So Whats New :
You love being swaddled when napping in your crib during the day but not at night, at night you love to have your arms out above your head! When I pick you up from the crib after naps and unswaddle you your smiling from ear to ear to see me even if you had been crying waiting for me to come “rescue you”!
Your daddy has to be the one to wake you up every morning before he goes to work, he tells me all about the sweet “good morning smiles” you give him when you see his face!
You love to grab things and pick things up, I love when I hold you you now that you actually hold me back, its sounds weird but you “hold on” like babies do now and i LOVE that feeling!
You actually look at the books now when i read to you before bed, we read “Good Night I Love you” every night before bed and i don’t even look at the words, mommy has them memorized yet somehow i still can’t remember the lyrics to “hush little baby”!
Your able to hold your night night bottle ALL by yourself now! Its only 2 ounces so that helps but I give it to you each night after I nurse you before bed and the week before you turned 4 months you started holding it yourself and moving it to your mouth!
I’m able to set you down now at home and you play with your toys, eat “fist sandwiches'” as your daddy says or watch Tv shows and i swear you actually watch them!
You love Peppa the Pig, Sophia the First, Clifford, Mickey Mouse and Doc Mcstuffins -which was the very first cartoon you watched!
You have started to sit in your bumbo seat for longer periods of time and your exercauser but you cry in both of them after a few minutes.. still not so sure about them but your getting better!
You always put your hands together and play with them like your plotting to rule the world- which we know you will ;)
When we stand you up you actually bear all of your weight on your feet now and we just support you from falling but you love to practice standing!
You still love bath time and going on walks outside with your daddy and you love to be out and about shopping or doing anything with mommy…. your a people watcher and you LOVE boys!
You have started to notice Tucker and Milly now and they are growing to be more fond of you, they worry about you a lot too when you cry!
You absolutely LOVE getting into bed with us in the morning, after you eat we lay together and cuddle and you usually try to eat mommys nose or fingers! We literally just lay together and play or watch cartoons for an hour until your morning nap!
You love when daddy tries to eat your toes or does airplane with you!
Best of all on your actual 4 month bithdate you ROLLED over from tummy to back-twice!!
Proud mommy moment!
I thought I couldn’t be more in love with you when you were born and I was so scared each day you got older with EVERYONE saying “enjoy every moment” that the best part was how much I would love you when you were first born! As much as I still hate that you are getting older and not a “newborn” anymore I LOVE you changing and growing and showing your little/BIG personality!
You’re such a mess…
It’s honestly makes everything SO exciting- right Milly?!?!
You went to the doctor for your 4 month wellness check up and did great!
You hit all of your milestones on time or early!
Entertaining you at the doctors office has gotten much easier now but much harder to keep her still!! You weigh 13.6 pounds and are 24 inches long! You have fallen just below the 50% now but Dr. Morgan says you are just right since your height and weight look to be on target with eachother- basically your just petite! You also had to get 5 vaccinations again at your appointment but you did SO good! Even with daddy there it was much harder at this visit your so much more alert!
We swooped you up as soon as soon as they were done and we had your bottle waiting to help calm you down! You were perfect after that and happy as could be again with your belly full… this was after your shots- see your band-aids?!?!
You fell asleep in the car on the way home from the doctor at 5pm! When we got home daddy rocked you and ended up (as usual) rocking himself to sleep too until 7 when i tried waking you both up to eat!
You were SO mad when i woke you up to eat and play! I had heard that tummy time is best when babies are already fussy- it helps get that extra energy out, so I laid you on your tummy and you put your arms up and turned right over two times in a row! I was so excited and happy for you- even though you were crying! You stopped crying for a brief second and looked surprised yourself! The next morning you did it for daddy and I video taped it!
Anyway after your “rolls” and dinner I let you go back to sleep and you slept 12 more hours! Sleepy girl, hey if that's the only side effect I'm happy! Dr. Morgan was so proud of your sleep schedule too! He told me not to tell ANY other moms about how long you sleep at night because i would get lots of hate mail!! I bribed him to tell other moms about the schedule, I mean who doesn’t want more sleep!?!
So Happy 4 months Lola love, we are so excited to see what this month brings us with you and so eager to celebrate our first Fathers day with your daddy as a family! We aren’t sure why we were given this so very beautiful life with you but we plan to take advantage of EVERY moment possible making memories and smiles to last a lifetime!
Mommy loves you!
Love Always,
Mommy and Daddy
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