Happy 5 months to us! I really can’t believe as of last weekend, we are halfway there! We have finally been feeling her kicks and tosses and turns daily which is so exciting but sort of addicting! Every time I feel one I want more! It still seems like just yesterday we found out this was all really happening! Here we are though, 20 weeks down and 20 more to go until we have a little one to hold in our arms, love on, snuggle close, rock to sleep at night and best of all dress up every day!
The new bump definitely makes it more real but I keep forgetting it’s there until i bump into the sink or kitchen island.. today i bumped into the deli stand at the grocery while reaching to get my cheese from the guy and when i realized it i almost fell over to keep from a full bump impact! Geez this belly should come with an alert that reminds you it’s there!
We can’t wait to meet you little girl and introduce you to all the special people that love you already! You are so exciting to prepare for and we can’t wait to get another sneak peak at you this Friday and hopefully take home some new pictures! Once your here you will learn very quickly what a camera is i promise ;)
Be back soon with real updates!
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