Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lots of Celebrating and Lots of Randomness!

Happy Sunday!!

Alex has his first day at his new job tomorrow and this house is filled with excitement and nervous energy tonight!

I thought I would share some pictures of our last 3 celebrations, we and the guys have had for Lou to give a proper bon voyage from Hughes!


Above was last Friday nights celebration with family, I forgot to take pictures at the restaurant.. woops!

Thursday I got a call from mom and dad, they were on the way home from Mississippi (grams is doing MUCH better,YAY) So I convinced them to stop by to see us and to join us after work for a little get together with Alex’s co-workers..

DSCN0238  We had the best time and daddy was too funny, he was thrilled that he would be, as he called it “The coolest guy there, compared to a bunch of engineers”! haha

The final get together was Saturday when Alex invited a few of his work buddies over (and Nic and Lia who missed our other get togethers)


I think the neighbors thought we were having a UN meeting :)

Nope, only the love of computers, wires and engineering can bring guys together from all (literally) over the world… except Lou, the lone American!


Well, that and food! DSC03627

I decided to stick with a St.Patricks Day theme since I already had those decorations out and it helped that most of my serve ware it green too! DSC03628

I decided last minute to make leprechaun “hats” with sugar cookies, kisses and green sprinkles but i believe an upside down Resees miniature cup would look much better…DSC03638  We had a great time with everyone at the party and I was so happy for Alex to get together with all of them one last time! A few others stopped by later that night and but after the party was over Lia an I were just getting started!


Time to go out!   DSCN0240 DSCN0241 DSCN0244

So Cute!


This is where the random part comes in!

Over the last few weeks apparently I missed out on sharing some moments around the house on here so get ready for a camera dump:


The dogs can’t get enough of the nice weather and fresh air lately!



The only time you will ever see my big boy up on two feet, when catching a fly (notice how HUGE it is) and he did catch it!


Tucker has not let his guard down with this nice weather though, he is still ready for some rain if that comes our way…

DSC03021 DSC03023 DSC03027 DSC03032  DSC03616 DSC03618  Kisses for daddy!DSC03580

My new bookshelf! 2012-02-05_16-23-46_324 2012-02-05_18-44-28_374

Minus the paint job.. it works, painting will have to wait another weekend!2012-02-13_20-03-35_317  Yes please!

Last but not least… one of the many pictures i’m going to start texting my boss when I’m late to work, see it;s not my fault!


She is so convincing, right!!

Speaking of which, she is being pretty convincing right now, off to bed we go, good night!