Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dragon Con and Last Bit of Summer!

So I forgot I had halfway written a blog (last friday) before my rollerblading incident but not finished it, instead of finishing it I’m over it and don’t even remember where I was going with it so here you have it.. raw documentation! I will be back soon to fill you in with all the drama of this weeks “incident”!


I’m back and forcing trying to get back into the swing of things again…. I guess my work felt the need to punish me this past week since I was off so much the last 2 weeks considering I just put in 40 hours in 4 days..

May not sound like much considering Lou does that daily but 40 hours in 4 days at a residential site is craziness and damn near brought me fearfully close to becoming an addict myself!

Things should calm down a bit next week, I hope… With that said I am sorry for the delay and for holding off with my amazing Dragacon gossip!!IMG952954

For weeks now Little Miss Kayla had talked about all of us joining her at Dragoncon this past weekend and I had no idea what we were in store for…C360_2011-09-02 23-06-26

Let’s just say it was quite a life experience and I want to go back every year!!

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I think it should actually be something your mandated to attend before moving on from psychology 101….. it’s the best people watching experience ever and seeing as Kayla works at the Hyatt we got free drinks and the best people watching seat in the house til’ the wee hours of the morning! C360_2011-09-02 23-10-05

Alex was not all about goiong at all, in fact i forced him to and he fell asleep in the car on the way there… until we got to the street where all the action was before parking, his little head popped up and he woke up laughing and screaming out the window to people!

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That’s my Lou!

rach dragoncon

We loved this girls pink outfit… until she turned around and we realized it was a guy….  and yes we did the “Rachel go over there and “let me take your picture”….. wink wink!

We have actually been pretty boring people when compared to the lively people of Dragoncon…. we simply don’t compare…

Our highlights have been….

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Getting myself stuck in a shirt and Kayla having to join my dressing room to get me out of it after I panicked from losing my breath in the damn thing…

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Speaking of myself/fat asses, Milly ate a wooden spoon because apparently licking it was just not enough….


We have enjoyed many breakfast times outside due to this beautiful fall weather… 2011-09-10_14-50-55_775

Tucker and Mills too of course….


The weather was so perfect that in the sun it was warm enough to lay out and in the shade you could wear a scarf… my favorite!

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So we did just that, laid out roof top at Nics pool, which is GORGEOUS while the boys played beer pong in Lia’s very creative floating beer pong table! 

  (see it floating below)C360_2011-09-10 17-30-41


After being stung by a bee for the first time in years and realizing the boys were drunk and we weren’t we RAN downstairs to the nearest cafe to order these amazing 4$ Margaritas and to watch our first football game of the season!

(No idea who was playing?)


This was where I had left off of the blog Sunday before going roller blading which as i mentioned in the little update blog “ended horribly”so lets just say there is a whole lot more i need to fill you in on and it is by no means up to date…

So this past weeks blog is to come!