Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Learning to swerve.

I know I blogged last weekends events (the fourth) way late, so I will try and do better with this weekends ( and I swear it’s good stuff!) but between last weekend and this weekend a bit of bad news threw us for a curve. Just so you know that bad news is responsible for my delay.

I know most reading this already know but keep in mind it’s for me to remember things. So if it loses entertainment value, I’m sorry! Don’t worry though, I’m pretty sure  the blog from this past weekend will keep you well entertained when I get around to it… ;)

To make a dreaded long story short, Alex (after being cleared for graduation) will not be graduating August 7th as expected, instead he will now OFFICIALLY graduate in December (the 16th). Basically, he started his last set of summer classes last Wednesday taking 2 classes online (the LAST two)and Friday he was notified that he has been dropped from one of them because one is a pre- requisite to the other, it’s the hardest class to take, with the hardest teacher and If he fails it the school will get in trouble for having let him take the one class at the same time as the other.

Yes, It sucks and if you have ever had all your ducks lined up in a row and  then a bomb goes off in the middle of them you may understand….

So trust me, we have done everything, asked the committee to re-vote on it, contacted the dean to appeal it and spoken with Alex’s advisor countless amount of times.

They are not budging.

Billy advised us of something called “Clep” tonight which is going into a class taking only the final and if you pass it you pass the class. This will be risky of course but Alex will see what they say about that tomorrow as our last hope.

“It could be worse” I have said to myself over and over but it still hurts and sucks. Instantly I realized Alex will have to continue working overtime, we will not have insurance until Dec. now, Alex will not be able to get another car(we all know how that situation is), we are canceling the party and I will have to re-contact everyone I sent an invitation to and explain that the party is canceled. Yes, all of this besides both of us worrying about each others  feelings toward the matter.

Friday we decided to drink our worries away (and then again on Saturday, get ready for that post ;)) and we actually do feel better.

Haha no really that did help but really I am just learning to accept it (which is something I hear coming out of my own mouth over and over at work with clients but having to do it myself REALLY SUCKS). Speaking of work, I sure hope that I am half the help to those women as they are to me, they always make me feel grateful and if nothing else they help me put things back into perspective. Sadly when I think of what I dwell over and then hear one sentence come out of their mouths it really puts me in my place!

I mean, how can I complain about anything?

Other than work, Alex has really opened my eyes (only after letting two days go by of just being pure mad/sad/ furious/ frustrated and pissed) after hearing his interpretation of how he see’s it.

The boy brings home flowers and yummy smelling candles on Friday worried still about how disappointed in him I must be and say’s he “knows he does not seem to be that mad but he promises he is, he just finds it hard to stay mad because everything else in his life is so great.”

DSC09984….and when you’re are married to someone that’s a compliment to you!

He has me, a great job, loves what he does, great family and friends and knows that most people envy every part of each.

Know how am I going to mope or be mad after he says all that?DSC09985

Our lives really are everything I could have ever wished for (minus the insurance :)) and we get by more than fine right now so cancel the party, let people think what they want and if it only gets better in December than I will “accept it”.

So maybe we will see you all in December!

I feel better now.

As we say in group, “Thanks for sharing/letting me share”.