Friday, February 12, 2010

What's new you may ask....?

Actually a lot!! Let's start with the least important........ So last week i mentioned Alex was meeting a guy to buy that thing…. oscilloscope, well i thought this picture describes life at our house pretty well…. Mom i know you will appreciate and have pity for me at least in this picture…. (Mandy i would say you too but for things we will mention later in this blog, i have a feeling you will not be reading this one ;))


All I’m going to say is this…. The boys has hobby’s, lots of them and I like that… however, for reasons like this… It is perfectly legitimate that when I  we want to do something fun together he is not able to get away with the “let’s just hang out a the house together” move. It doesn’t work because it turns in to this or some other project (for both of us usually though, i have to admit). So i may not be a cheap, “do something at the house” type date, BUT it’s for perfectly legitimate reasons!

So the week flew by for us and I’m hoping that is not the case for this weekend… Last night we managed to squeeze in a REAL date night though!! We have not had a meal out and alone together in longer than we thought! Which is a good thing too but hey I can only truly stuff my face when I’m with Lou, boro girls, or family (right B).

So i made sure to be good and hungry before going to dinner!!

Then, right before we left, their was a knock on our door…


SO Mill had it all planned out of course, when Tucker got distracted by the knock on the door she took his bone!

This picture was her trying to inhale it before i noticed she had TWO bones, she knows she is not allowed to have two because then we will know she took Tucker’s!

SO it was a PACKAGE and sense Mill was busy, Tucker and I opened the box alone to find…



(Thanks mama!!!!!!)

So after taking the “people part” out of the package I had to let tucker and Milly “open” their own presents as always…DSC05160

Then the drama starts….

DSC05168  above: So this is both of them not looking at each other fighting for the red spotted puppy Milly has on her bed…DSC05191 DSC05192

I think a few people know what this face means…. head down, tucked tail and NO EYE CONTACT!  Oh MILLY!DSC05217  This was after maybe 5 minutes… I don’t know how they decide which one they want to destroy and which one they want to keep safe but they do…. The poor puppy (on left) already has the stuffing out of him and no EYES!

SO anyway, thank you MOM!!!!!

On other topics, WEATHER… this was yesterday…


Even at about 6 at night… NO JACKET…….

(Sorry to show tucker’s business but he doesn’t waste anytime when we are outside… The boy knows how to get IT done!)

AND this was around lunch time today…

DSC05325 DSC05286

SO i made Tuck Tuck a snow ball and he Loved it!! ha, i was sick of holding it while he licked it so he brought it inside to finish it off!DSC05293



Milly was SOO funny, she hated the snow on her hair, she kept shaking to get it off, this picture is right before a big shake! haha She looks so frustrated!!



mama’s over it (tucker too) ……. INSIDE!  DSC05273  DSC05302

Lou: “I’ve never seen so much snow before” poor thing, he literally hasn’t… ever! haha


I’m soooo cheesy, i know, i know!

Last but not least……. I told you the most important is for LAST!!


*Thomas Lanier Smith*


I’m not sure of any of the details yet but i know he has STRAWBERRY BLONDE HAIR!!!!

thomas 3 thomas 2



How perfect, I know they gave each other the BEST Valentine’s day present they could ever give to each other!! We can’t wait to meet him!