Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Recycling Christmas into Valentines day!

Quick, fun and easy, although you may get a little picked on….DSC04966 The idea of the peppermint hearts originated from the cutest lady ever who has a blog Amanda once showed me and she had the idea of melting  the peppermints together and putting the peppermint hearts on top of cup cakes.DSC04691

I thought “what a cute idea!!” but i have no one to make cupcakes for (we all know for cupcakes like that you give not indulge) and I like to put my crafts around the house so i can stare/pat myself on the back for longer periods of time… :)

..So then i thought why not hang my peppermint hearts on the tree and recycle it into a VALENTINE’S DAY tree!


What else do you do with BOXES of leftover peppermints anyway?

Side note: Lou came in the kitchen wondering what i had gotten in to “now” with all the crinkling wrapper noises and said “ oh. I sure can’t wait until we have a little girl so she can do all this stuff with you” haha doomed she will be!

I followed her time instructions which were cooking them on 240 for 2-5 minutes, then just pinch the ends and buy a 2$ red bow from Wal-Mart. DONE!


     Valentines day is only 13 days away… then what will I do with my tree? Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's day, Flag day…..

Good thing we got a fake one this year!