Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Memorial Weekend!

Lord help me am I behind!

In my defense we have been, GO, GO, GO and even now we’re on week two of the beach and it’s my first night LITERALLY sitting on the couch and getting Lola to bed before 10!IMG_4931

Then to open my computer and find I left off with Memorial weekend?!?!


So here’s the short and sweet of the short and sweet getaway to Poppy’s lake house for Memorial Weekend and Taytay’s birthay!

It was a stressful week for Lou and I but turned out to be just what we needed!

She had quite the crew and had spent weekends previous planning and prepping to make sure everyone had an amazing time- it worked!


Let’s be honest- she really only cared about one little girl being there.

It’s not a party without Lola!IMG_5259IMG_5271IMG_5281

We got there late Friday night and were greeted by Poppy’s brand new shiny boat! The best part is now we just park at the marina and it takes about 45 minutes off of our drive- (making our drive about an hour and forty minutes! This is making our weekend lake trips WAY too easy!!IMG_5291

Lola was SO EXCITED the next morning (and so was her mama) to hear that our SUPER BFF’s, “Baby Henley” and her sweet mama and daddy (and Belbel) were on the way!!IMG_5295IMG_5299IMG_5300

They are 6 months a part and the older they get that gap just cloes and closes.

They are the modern day Thelma and Louise!IMG_5319IMG_5325IMG_5330IMG_5301IMG_5332IMG_5335IMG_5340IMG_5343

Milly might I add, LOVES getting to go on Poppy’s boat and does not miss a single opportunity to RIDE!IMG_5352

IMG_5390IMG_5358IMG_5373IMG_5374IMG_5377Nights at Poppy’s always end on the porch and wake up on the beach hunting clams (and picking flowers along the way)!IMG_5394IMG_5403IMG_5413IMG_5415

The neighbors always spot us and come running and all the dogs in the neighborhood too! Thankfully Milly has gotten SO much better about being around other pups… at least at the lake for whatever reason!IMG_5418IMG_5421IMG_5428

Henny lost ALL her clothes  and was soaking wet after 5 minutes of clam hunting- Lola didn’t have a spec of dirt or water on her.



Sunday Lauren and her sweet family came and Lola clung to Harper and Harper was so sweet to her!IMG_5450IMG_5454IMG_5456IMG_5461



Feeding the boys watermelon!IMG_5469


They have a camp ground near the marina with a man made beach and play ground that us adults were less than happy about but naturally the kids LOVED it! Minus the sand taking a bit of warming up to for Lola- she eventually moved off her safety of the towel and maneuvered down to where the other girls were in the sand. Though we did have to wash her shoes off abut 8 times when she realized they touched the sand!IMG_5488IMG_5489IMG_5493IMG_5494IMG_5496IMG_5509IMG_5516IMG_5519IMG_5523IMG_5524

Love this crew!IMG_5529IMG_5549IMG_5564IMG_5551

That night we finally decided to dedicate a birthday song to Taytay! I think it was the night with the most kids at one time and what makes for a better song and candles than kids fighting over icing?

Your Welcome.

IMG_5568IMG_5569No worries, all is well again- we get a little crazy about sugar here.


A little night time booze cruise and waking up to mom’s breakfast casserole and cinnamon rolls… ahh.IMG_5590

It’s officially MEMORIAL Day!IMG_5600IMG_5604IMG_5606IMG_5607IMG_5614IMG_5622


…and cue Mommy and Lo photo shoot!IMG_5625IMG_5628IMG_5654IMG_5655IMG_5656IMG_5632IMG_5662IMG_5670IMG_5672IMG_5675IMG_5685IMG_5691

By Monday Lola decided it was the perfect time to have her first boat nap!IMG_5693IMG_5696

She woke up just in time for us to get packed and to head home! We had one last boat ride to the marina and then a record breaking (even in holiday traffic) ride home!

Thank you Jesus!IMG_5702

What an amazing weekend with amazing people! So glad I have these two to make me laugh when I want to cry and hold me when I want to hide!

A bit late now but Happy Memorial Weekend to all!IMG_5708