Saturday, March 12, 2016

We Made It To March!

Initially it didn’t look much different than February… it was still freezing.

We even had hail…


So we stayed all bundled up until things got better and BOY did they get better!IMG_1441


Thankfully Christmas AND her birthday are in the middle of winter so I have plenty of toys to slowly re-introduce to get us through!IMG_1456IMG_1459

I try really hard when she plays like this not to over think what she does but it’s SO INTERESTING!

She tells me that daddy cooks, mommy sleeps (interesting right)and she always has to be in the middle of us wen she puts us both in bed..


Then she sat us all down to watch TV she found another doll that she decided was Uncle B… she put him right in the middle!


Friday we had Lola’s 2 YEAR check up!

Can you believe it? I remember bringing her in when she was just 4 days old, seems like it was just last week!


She was good until we finished getting weighed and measured and the nurse left us alone to wait in the room for Dr. Morgan….


Bless her heart she was so quiet and timid… I have never seen her like that… even when she is scared of something or meets someone new (that I can tell she specifically isn’t sure about)… Thankfully we played with some silly aps and she (temporarily) perked back up!


When Dr. Morgan arrived she wanted to sit in my lap while we chatted and after a few minutes I looked down to check on her (in my lap) and her eyes were on the verge of making tears!

IT was SO sad I panicked and gave her paci and she quickly as for “ovie” to go with it…

She had paci and lovie during her exam and thankfully we didn’t need ANY shots BUT just when I thought she was done she started silently crying again with the BIGGET alligator tears in her eyes!

It was SO sad… she had not moved a muscle during the exam but when he asked her to lay on her back and put her head down (because she tried laying down holding her head up) I looked and she was two seconds away from a huge meltdown!

I think what broke my heart(LITERALLY) the most was she knew she was supposed to do what he asked and she did but she kept her tears hidden…. I have honestly completely over thought that too… Lola I know you are sweet and polite but if something makes you said you scream and cry for mama until you get her do you hear me!

Poor baby, I literally jumped on the table with her and with in seconds he was over.. she was so proud of herself the second we told her she was all done!


She is in the 75th percentile for height but still a skinny mini!

We are so proud of her and she was SO stinking cute as soon as I dressed her to walk out the room she was back to her old self, happy and confident as could be…when we got to the parking lot she said Mommy, Lola (and pat her chest) doctor”!

I melted!!

YES Lola, you did a great job at the doctor (and apparently has a GREAT recollection of what they usually do to her while we’re there…. SHOTS!) 

I pretty much got death threats from my mom, sister Kayla and Daddy Lou to “take that baby for lunch and ice cream, presents, surprises” etc. after telling them what happened!

No worries, mama already had that covered inclusive of a date with baby J!


Poor baby Jadyn, Lola was in charge of her sippy and would decide, while multi tasking, to give her a sip and just as Jadyns lips touched it she would pull it away… bless baby J’s patient heart!IMG_1503

By the time we sat down at Cafe 33 everyone was spoiling Lola with pit and cookies after hearing all about her appointment!

She’s pretty much the mascot there!IMG_1504

We headed to our second home (Target-duh) for candy and prises because we weren’t done soling that sweet girl yet!

-Although e did have 3 come to Jesus talks before we made it past the carts at the front door about her new AWFUL running away “game”… it’s terrible but we’re working on it!-IMG_1506

I think we spent close to 30$ on candy alone.

Damn you Easter.

It’s like that holiday you don’t know is exciting until it gets here and the BAM you need everything associated to it… and since when did Easter get the best dibs on candy selection!


I’m so bad, I snuck into the attic to get down the box of Easter stuff while Lola was cleaning and that literally wiped me out…

Soooooo I threw out just enough decorations for her to be excted when she woke up and called it a day!IMG_1511

Truth be told I still haven’t quite gotten any further…. wah!IMG_1512

I have to say the best treat of all was in store for her that night….IMG_1515

Aunt Taytay was waiting for her at Mexican!!!!IMG_1520

Lola was in heaven and even wanted to feed her like she loed doing with her B..


Saturday we had one thing on our agenda… Play with Taytay and get outside- sorry Taytay!


We were so excited for the farmers market, park, lunch outside and best of all JJ and Coco came from Newnan to meet us!IMG_1802IMG_1806IMG_1530IMG_1531

Of course Daddy and Lola had to do their train coins!IMG_1803


We took Aunt Taytay to a panini bar that’s AMAZING and well, Lola likes their chips… (fml) and you know I noticed the perfect lighting right?IMG_1549

She never sits still to take a picture but she did get msart on us…. sometimes to take a picture we get who is taking the picture to play eek a boo… she decided to do it herself!IMG_1800IMG_1801

Thankfully she actually did the “boo” part so we could get a picture! WIN!IMG_1814


This girl has not only logged more hours at work in one week than I ever did in two weeks BUT has also been driving into Savannah everyday and what does she decide to do as soon as she gets a break?

DRIVE to see her Lola!

Even in tax season, it was good for both of their hearts!IMG_1540

I can’t stand how grown (or cute) she looks here…. I would steal her if she weren’t already mine!IMG_1542IMG_1547IMG_1548

Lola’s getting so independent in her play… I have to say though she loves the “idea” of laying with other kids! She really tries to socialize, even if that just means chasing them around!IMG_1551

Finally, lunch time (Lola picked berries the entire time and fed them to a golden doodle- her new bff, oops)!



Lola was so excited when JJ met us, she ran up and hugged her like she had been waiting and waiting for her!


We just love our JJ (AND Coco)!!IMG_1578

Poor sisters nose was so runny and it was SO past her bedtime! We made it home in time for a BIG nap for her and more catch up time with JJ!


Sunday we had to say goodbye to our Taytay but not before another dose of sunshine and scooter rides!


Oh yes… and breakfast (even though it was noon)!

My poor baby was so tired!IMG_1599IMG_1598





Right about here is when we started to lose her (notice her paci in almost every pic).. she was just pitiful and didn’t know what she wanted poor thing!IMG_1642IMG_1644IMG_1646

She got quite bossy too, she was pointing and then instantly would panic if Tara didn’t take her exactly where she went…IMG_1647IMG_1653

My sweet baby has been so obsessed with “doctors” and check ups since her appointment and after her daddy gave her this tire gauge (And I told her the other side was to check ears) she was obsessed! LOL

She started with me and then went on to Taytay, herself and moved onto leaves, rocks, each car, scooter, wagon anything she could find! IMG_1671

Bless her heart she wanted to play for so long but I know she was so run down…IMG_1672


She perked up a bit after her nap but we knew this was only the beginning, poor baby! It didn’t stop her from being daddy’ helper while he cooked us dinner….IMG_1675

Daddy ended up showing her what the tire gauge was actually used for and I will be damned this girl actually learned to do it (whatever those things do) herself!IMG_1677

SO yeah, I was literally in hock… I think she thinks I was exaggerating with my amazement… no really Lola mommy doesn’t even knw how to do this!

Also, unfortunately we were right with thinking the worst was yet to come of Lola not feeling well… we spent the whole week cuddling and getting her back in good spirits.

On that note I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who reached out and asked about our girl and sent her well wishes!

She is finally much better just in time for our FUN FRDAYS and weekend with Daddy- now that’s the way to work a sick week Lola!