Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Grams, Boro and Hilton Head!

(The internet was too spotty to post while i was there so this has been sitting in drafts since our initial flight overseas- we’re home now and it’s time to start blogging our big trip-whew!)

I’m writing to you from somewhere over the Atlantic ocean currently! I just knew i had to get my last catch up post from our big trip down south up to date before i bombard everyone with overload of pics and news on our trip to Italy!

About three weeks ago, yes it’s been that bad, we heard Grams was at Gigi’s so we raced to get there for a visit with her!

IMG_1629  This was the first time we have actually traveled more than an hour during the day with Lola, usually we leave at night because leaving during the day requires so many pit stops it’s unreal!

This was pit stop number 2!  We stopped for nuggets and Lolas first DQ ice cream- she was not impressed with either- shocker- but he did was around with her belly  hanging out for some reason!IMG_1637

She thought it was hilarious and we did too! IMG_1640

We got there and spent dinner and the evening with grams but the next morning she had dialysis for mos of the day so we had promised Tara we would squeeze in Hilton Head time with her to celebrate her tax season being over!! IMG_1653

That morning we had a walk on the beach and jut as it warmed u we headed back for SWIM SUITS!! IMG_1654 IMG_1675

  Lola hated the water, the sand and the mud! She screamed bloody murder when her feet got dirty!IMG_1660 IMG_1662

Daddy thought it was SO funny- I know Lola…. it’s NOT funny! IMG_1663 IMG_1667

Back to retrieve our swimsuits!IMG_1675

I literally had a breakdown at the condo getting this big girl all ready for the beach, I put her suit o ad made her pigtails and then looked at her and asked “are you  really mine?”IMG_1692

I guess it’s just something this mama will never get used to, i jut love it SO much being your mama! IMG_1693 IMG_1697

This year is so different already, we need toys for the beach which is a first but you also hate and i mean hate the SAND getting on your fingers or your toys… the toys that are meant for the sand!  IMG_1701 IMG_1712 IMG_1723

Aren’t they the cutest!? IMG_1726

I did mention we don’t nap anywhere but in our crib rights?!?!?IMG_1735 IMG_1736 IMG_1740We took a BIG walk o the beach to find puppies for Lola, that was probably her favorite part of it all!   IMG_1747 IMG_1750    We tired her out from the beach and since it was too cold to really do the pool or get in the water we ventured over to a new playground that was just built!IMG_1764

She actually dozed off in the car (thank the lord) so it took her a minute to get into the whole park thing!IMG_1766 IMG_1772

Playground greeter! IMG_1786

Tha night we met Alex’s parents and Nicolle, Tim and my other favorite girl in the whole wide world- ANA for dinner!

We decided to do the Boathouse since their was guaranteed entertainment for Lola- Dolphins swimming everywhere!IMG_1801

Don’t ya know that how we got her to look at the camera- “look Lola a dolphin!”

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Nutty met us and does he ever disapoint with his nuttiness?! IMG_1868 Ana time aka the party’s here!IMG_1870 IMG_1871 IMG_1872 IMG_1876 IMG_1878 IMG_1881 IMG_1885 Lola loved the band! IMG_1869

…. and her noodles! IMG_1891 IMG_1894

Snaps of the night (ana did that)! IMG_1896


That night we left for Gigi’s and spent the afternoon before making a quick stop at Alex’s mom’s to see the girls! IMG_1897 IMG_1913

We spent most of the day outside, we fed the fish, played with the puppies and of course rode on the golfcart and Poppy even showed us the fairyland tree he made for Lola!IMG_1923 IMG_1929 IMG_1935 IMG_1940 IMG_1942 IMG_1956

Isn’t Tuc the best lap dog!?! IMG_1961 IMG_1972

Mom is getting better, everytime we leave she says “I wish we had gotten a picture!” This time she was ready! We had to get lots of Lola and Grams!

IMG_1992 IMG_1999 IMG_2012 IMG_2013 IMG_2026 IMG_2030 IMG_2037Then we hit the road to visit our cousins before heading home!IMG_2111IMG_2125

   My little daredevil loves a dirt road!IMG_2127  It was a BEAUTIFUL day to be outside!IMG_2041

We fed the ducks and rode golfcarts with the girls, Lola loved it! Then a quick storm came and they all cuddled inside watching Julian show them all her fancy moves on the laptop!20150419_145547 20150419_150957 IMG_2044 IMG_2046 IMG_2051 IMG_2057 IMG_2059 IMG_2066 IMG_2075 IMG_2085 IMG_2090

Aren’t they sweet! IMG_2095 IMG_2105

Time to pack up our puppies and head home!

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Lola loved “helping grama” with her walker and gave them all kisses goodbye!

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If you can believe i actuay started and FINISHED a blog on a plane WITH a baby then i guess you already know it went pretty well! It did! More details of that to come and our girls first trip to JERSEY!