Saturday, January 3, 2015

Festiveness with the girl

While knee deep in house projects and painting I told lou “I have waited my whole life to have  little girl for Christmas- the hell with the rest of these projects it’s time to do all of our festive Christmas stuff with her!”DSC04081

So we did just that, we put the world on hold and all the to do list sat still.. it was time to have fun with our girl!


First up, making gingerbread cookies and a ginger bread house! Thankfully Uncle B got me pretty new kitchen utensils for my birthday, just in time to use for Christmas baking!


20141212_204710 DSC04103 DSC04104DSC04111

I could spend hours doing this and Lola was so entertained! 20141212_184744DSC04045


That’s my kind of Friday night!    DSC04085DSC04090   All done and we are ready!!20141212_192309 20141212_192630Then it was time to show Lola was Christmas was all about…. meeting reindeer and taking a hayride to see Christmas lights!   20141213_202939

Gloves hats and freezing our asses off, that’s what Christmas is all about right!?

20141213_210728 The reindeer weren’t much interested in us but the sheep and goats loved us, Lola even got to pet a newborn baby goat!20141213_202209 20141213_202219Then it was hayride time!  20141213_202826It was so cold but we bundled her up tight and she obviously didn’t mind the frigid temps…. she hung her head out the side of the hay ride half the time to get a better look at the lights! 


Pretty!!!20141213_203527_LLS20141213_203252 Aunt Cara and daddy bought lots of food for the animals along the way! This camel was hilarious…. he reminded us of Milly.... he came by strictly to get the food and moved on!     20141213_210502  Such a user!

Hot cocoa, Christmas trees and lights …. oh how i love the holidays with a baby! 20141213_211414

Leave it to me to set off the “I want a picture of everyone in front of the tree! 20141213_211459 20141213_211549 20141213_211702That same weekend we had a Christmas get together at Amaras…. her apartment is on the 20th floor and I was a nervous wreck just looking out the window… “No Lola, No!” 20141214_194448

20141214_184340 The following weekend we got ready for our yearly Christmas party, oh how the times have changed! DSC04127

We kept Lola up extra late just to “party with her”! She also had to see her daddy get his first early Christmas present ever- A Ping Pong table that we surprised him with for his man cave!


Lola is so attached to he rlovie now, she carries it around after she wakes up and gets very clingy to it before she goes down…20141219_174452

Kayla was in charge of the hot cocoa bar, I decorated it before she came over thinking she was just going to put out hot water and cocoa powder…. um yeah no… she literally took ove3r my entire island to make homemade EVERYTHING with about 5 different candy bars and mints to top it off with… i must be rubbing off on her… it was clearly over the top- I loved it!


She was also the birthday girl that night and here i was having her help me on secret missions for Lou’s ping pong table, take care of my child and help set up for the party….   I’m a bad friend.1419022003019

I did take her to Zaxby’s for a birthday lunch, because it was convenient…. and Lola was tired…. and i was in a hurry to get home…. and who doesn’t love french fries?1419017077163

To top it off I'm now remembering i also had her get the high chair for me, get up to get me sauce twice, get napkins and more napkins,  refill my drink and she picked Lola's toys off the floor about  HUNDERED times while eating…. Oh God, I think i just realized I'm one of those friends who comes with a lot of baggage… AKA lola.


Ok, so we’re a mess….. I blame Lola, lets move on!

Back to the party and this amazing hot cocoa bar… 1419034419210Good job Kayla!   

20141219_193826 20141219_200501  20141219_201854 20141219_201903  I think the ping pong table was a hit, except for the girls… everyone was down stairs the entire time! Thank goodness i got it or they just might had to have socialized with us geesh!20141219_210316

I’m not sure if Dana or Liz reminded us but the one time we got the boys up stairs was to blow out a candle for Kayla.. then we continued watching 20/20 since our dad from 7th heaven was being interviewed for child molestation… i know, i know- we get pretty crazy these days!

20141219_210247 Well that’s a wrap for Atlanta , the house is all decorated and it’s time to head home to Statesboro and Hilton Head to show Lola what Christmas is all about… celebrating with Family!DSC04287 DSC04288 DSC04291