I’m not sure how we got here and I have had more computer problems than one should have in a year to keep me from blogging at appropriate milestones…. but daddy lou is working hard on getting that fixed for this cranky “I hate computers” mama!
On top of all my other “space is full”
problems- you then dropped my computer and it broke. Yup-it’s donzo and I’m only hoping your daddy can save the hard drive to get all your pictures off of there- or i may just die.
Anyway baby girl, this is all paled in comparison to the fact that I’m losing my mind at the fact that Im planning your birthday party which is a short 3 weeks away…. Oh dear.
I remember just the other day coming home from the hospital with you, bringing you up to my bed and laying there feeling like it was the first day of my life.
In a way it was, you opened up a part of life that had never been opened before and we get to experience all of life fully from that point on, with you now and with brand new eyes…. It’s the most beautiful life we have ever seen.
You have learned and changed SO much since my last “dear Lola”(thanks to my computer problems- ok rant ending!) so here is the re-cap .
You are 11 months and on the move!!
Your biggest milestone happened at about 10 in a half months when you started taking your first steps and you get so excited when you do it!
I was sitting on the couch and you walked holding on to the couch towards me and let go for a step.. I screamed to your daddy to come look! he grabbed the camera and I stood you against the ottoman and you walked to me instantly!
We were both so glad we had the day off to be home with you and watch this HUGE milestone! Here’s the video below… like i said early morning and on our day off- don’t judge me.. I’m aware i look a hot mess!
Other fun new things your doing include:
You have started repeating things that i say like “bye” when i hang up the phone and you repeated “i love you” the other day when i said it before telling you bye for work!
You also ALWAYS pay attention to daddy and I’s body language… you love seeing us hug and kiss which of course makes us want to do it more and more except it’s always overly kid friendly “OHHH can i have a hug daddy? Oh thats so nice, what a nice hug- oh and a kiss too, oh thank you daddy!”
Even tonight we sat on the floor in each others laps watching you play and you couldn’t stand it, you came crawling over to us to get right in the middle!
At ten months you BLOSSOMED in what seemed like one day! Christmas day you were no longer interested in nursing and weaned yourself almost completely except for our mornings… All of a sudden you were way too busy to sit still and even being interested in your baby food, milk and sippy decreased, you wanted food.
Big girl food!
Your daddy is still a mess watching you eat but mommy is pushing through to make sure your a good eater and try all types of foods!
Your favorite food to snack on is cheetohs! Ok so they aren’t really cheetohs but they are similar… we probably give you more than we should because they are easily dissolved and easy for you to hold with minimal mess! A win for everyone!
Our favorite time with you is probably when you are your “craziest” which is the 20 minutes we spend in your room before putting you to bed…. You get so tired as we walk up to your room and then slowly get all wound up when we start putting your pajamas on. You love getting nakes and usually take off making circles around the ottoman!
Here’s what you love and hate right now:
Big girl food that you can eat with your hands!
Anything that we are doing- you are always in our business!
Being carried on mommys hip!
Waving at people when we go to the grocery and head nodding!
You clap now with one fist and one open hand and this is also how you say “more” when your eatting.
You love walking to us and getting excited with us when you make it to us!
You love laying in bed with us in the morning and you have to get out of bed with me or you pitch a fit- i even have to carry you with me to the bathroom in the morning or you cry instantly when i set you down!
You love other babies and new people at restaurants!
You love sharing your food with Milly and pouncing on Tucker!
You love going outside in your wagon or checking the mail!
You love climbing on furniture and riding around in your car at home
You love mickey mouse, sophia the first, Jake, Peppa and especially the music to all of these!
You hate:
Riding in the car lately, I have to have lots of snacks, books and sit in the back with you whenever possible- even then it’s still pretty stressful!
Being still for a diaper change!
Not getting something you want!
When we eat in front of you and your not eating!
At this point mommy is hoping and praying the hard drive in my old computer isn’t ruined when you helped it take a dive off the end table.. All of your pictures from 9 months old and younger are on there!
If he gets it fixed i will have to come back and insert some pictures from these milestones but the big ones for 9 months and 10 months were obviously you walking (at 10 months) and you lip smaking!
A 9 months you became really talkative! You also started giving hugs which we obviously love and you lean in for kisses!
For some reason the only thing you actually give kisses too is your baby dolls!
You went through a stage of smacking your lips and it was hilarious!
You started to love waiving at everyone when we go to the store or to dinner, even out the window when we’re at home..
You love to clap now with one hand in a fist and one hand open- this is also how you sign more!
Then you started “head banging/ nodding” and your still doing it! Typically once you learn how to do something you get a bit obsessed with it and do it again and again for a month or so until you learn something else new and then you completely move on to that…
I’m not sure if head banging is going anywhere because it has probably been the longest “thing” that you do!
Either way we love watching you learn, change and grow and it’s so HARD to believe you are about to turn ONE!
It breaks my heart but it fills my heart at the same time!
Mommy and daddy love you baby girl!
Happy 11 months!